
The Highschool Life of The King of the Underworld

**ON BREAK** "The Undying King", the man considered to be on top of the criminal Underworld. They say that wherever he goes Death and Destruction follows. His reputation for peerless efficiency and hyper-lethality when it comes to jobs ranging from Presidential Assassinations to Hacking into Russian military bases has earned him considerable respect and fear within the criminal Underworld. This ultimately makes him a Legendary figure, known to the leaders of virtually all criminal organizations and government agencies as someone never to be crossed with at all costs But the truth is "The Undying King" is actually a High school student named Yamamoto Yuuto who is only doing those jobs due to some circumstances and just wants to live a normal life like everyone else. But due to his intimidating appearance, even in normal society he is viewed as a violent deliquent and is ignored and despised by everyone When he finds out he is transferring to 'Tokiwadai Private High School' an elite school, he hopes to have a peaceful life there without any problems and possibily even make a friend or two. But his hopes of a normal school life are shattered when he shames his teacher, publicly humiliates a girl, drives a classmate to the edge of despair and threatens to kill another classmate on the very first day After making an enemy of the whole school he believes that he will never get a normal school life but his whole life is turned upside down when he meets the mysterious girl 'Kisaragi Yuzuha' who just seems to know everything about him Follow Yamamoto Yuuto, as he meets other girls with traumatic experiences of their own and uses his own life experience as The King of the Underworld to save them from their past and current circumstances and watch him crush everyone that comes in his way

Degenerate_Raven · 现实
119 Chs


"Huh? What do you mean?" I said as I got up and patted my pants

"You!!!...What's with that casual look on your face as if nothing happened! D-Don't you dare try to act innocent after what you just did! "

"Act innocent? Why should I act innocent when I actually am"

"Innocent!?" Shrieked Rena unable to believe how calm I was after what I just did and continued to say "Which innocent guy would randomly put his hands up a girl's skirt and act so casual about it!? And that to right in public where everyone can see us?"

A lot of students were staring at us and had witnessed what I did but I didn't give a rat's ass about them and said

"Hey don't blame me. Even I was hesitant to do it here but you were the one who forced me to do it"

"Huh!?!? When did I tell you to put your hands up my skirt!?!" Shouted Rena as she glared at me in fury

"Come on. Don't you remember the thing you just told me a minute ago"

"S-Something I told a minute ago?..."

"Yeah. You were the one who said it yourself. I only followed your orders"

"When did I say something like-...You! You're just trying to distract me with the topic on hand by making up stuff! That stuff won't work on me! "

"Making up stuff? *Sigh* Since you seem to have a case of short term memory let me clearly rephrase it for you. If I remember correctly you said something along the lines of 'Pull it down! Please help me pull it down! Just help me pull it down quicky!' "

Not only did I repeat what she said I also repeated the same expressions and actions she made when she said it just to mock her

"Ah!..." Said Rena as if a light bulb popped on top of her head

"Judging by your reaction it seems like you finally realised what you've said. Now can you tell me how you feel about falsely accusing a innocent person like me and throwing blame on a person who has done nothing wrong? Although I don't want any compensation for the false allegation, I still feel that you owe me in some way for the damage you've caused in my upright reputation. Not once have I been treated in such a low manner before. So as a way to show that you're sorry, you can just take me out for a treat somewhere. It doesn't have to me too pricey, anything would do. But if you want my preferences, I was craving a croquette early in the morning I wouldn't mind having one later today. So...what do you say?"

Although I was smiling and making light out of the situation, Rena was staring at me with a furious look on her face as if she was going to blow a fuse while clenching her fists in anger. She then muttered to herself while giving me a forced smile

"What do I say?....You really want to know what I have to say about this?....Hehe....WELL THEN THIS IS WHAT I HAVE TO SAY YOU STINKY BASTARD!"

Once she let out that battle cry, she quickly ran towards me and started throwing a barrage of punches in my way with a expression on her face as if she was going to cry but was trying her best to hold it back in while shouting

"Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! You're asking me to pay you back when you were the one who tried to pull down panties!? How could you!? Even though I didn't do anything wrong wrong, you're asking me to pay compensation! You're the one who has to give me compensation you big idiot!"

Because she wasn't exactly stable at the moment, she just mindlessly threw punches all over the place which allowed be to dodge them easily by taking a step back every time she tried to punch me

Rather then her trying to punch me, it looked like a baby taking her first steps and following her parents as they cheered her on to follow them

As I dodged all her punches I said "Now what's this Rena? First you say it's my fault when you were the one who asked me to take off your underwear and now you're trying to silence me with your punches after I tell the truth. I think you owe me two croquettes now"

Rena stopped punching me when she heard what I said and grabbed me by my collar and pulled me down to her level and shouted right at my face


"Ohhh right~ That makes way more sense then what I had originally thought" I said while trying to keep myself from laughing as if I just thought of that

She tightened the grip on my collar and pulled me closer to her face and shouted "Then what did you originally think that made you think that I wanted my panty's to be stripped!"

"Oh that! Well I thought for sure that you were a pervert who wanted my help to remove your underwear"


"Well I did see you wearing lingerie under your track suit yesterday so-"

Before I could say any more Rena let go of my dress but this time covered my mouth with her palms, not letting me utter a word and whispered

"Shhhh!...Don't shout that to everyone! I'm already being labelled as a exhibitionist as it is and I don't want it to get any worse"


I tried to reply back but because she was covering my mouth only a few inaudible mumbles came out

"What's that?....Oh sorry" Said Rena as she removed her hands after I pointed at my covered mouth. I wiped my mouth with my hand but the smell of lavendar of her hand wouldn't leave my mouth

"Rena aren't you forgetting why this situation even started?"

"How this situation started? It's because-.....Ah! My skirt!"

After Rena understood what I was taking about she quicky backed herself to the wall behind her to cover her back side and looked around to see who and all were watching her afraid that they saw her underwear once again

She then looked at me with a helpless expression on her face as if she was begging for help and cried

"Yuutooo!...Help meee!...I don't know what to doooo!..."

*Sigh* I guess it's finally time to end this joke

Check out the Auxiliary chapter for the character pics

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