
The Highschool Life of The King of the Underworld

**ON BREAK** "The Undying King", the man considered to be on top of the criminal Underworld. They say that wherever he goes Death and Destruction follows. His reputation for peerless efficiency and hyper-lethality when it comes to jobs ranging from Presidential Assassinations to Hacking into Russian military bases has earned him considerable respect and fear within the criminal Underworld. This ultimately makes him a Legendary figure, known to the leaders of virtually all criminal organizations and government agencies as someone never to be crossed with at all costs But the truth is "The Undying King" is actually a High school student named Yamamoto Yuuto who is only doing those jobs due to some circumstances and just wants to live a normal life like everyone else. But due to his intimidating appearance, even in normal society he is viewed as a violent deliquent and is ignored and despised by everyone When he finds out he is transferring to 'Tokiwadai Private High School' an elite school, he hopes to have a peaceful life there without any problems and possibily even make a friend or two. But his hopes of a normal school life are shattered when he shames his teacher, publicly humiliates a girl, drives a classmate to the edge of despair and threatens to kill another classmate on the very first day After making an enemy of the whole school he believes that he will never get a normal school life but his whole life is turned upside down when he meets the mysterious girl 'Kisaragi Yuzuha' who just seems to know everything about him Follow Yamamoto Yuuto, as he meets other girls with traumatic experiences of their own and uses his own life experience as The King of the Underworld to save them from their past and current circumstances and watch him crush everyone that comes in his way

Degenerate_Raven · 现实
119 Chs

Chapter 1-Transfer Student

"Wake up! Wake up!"

I woke up from my sleep and slightly opened my eyes to see a ceiling I've never seen before

"An unfamiliar ceiling?"

I've always wanted to say that line

"Get up quickly sleepy head!"

I heard a girl's voice shouting at me to wake up and I looked down my bed to where the voice was coming from. To my surprise there was an actual girl sitting on top of me trying to wake me up by jumping up and down on my belly

She had emerald green eyes; short golden blonde hair with a hair bun braided on the side and was wearing a second year middle school uniform

She was pretty cute.…No I mean really cute.…Actaually she was so cute she'd put all the models in the fashion industry to shame

I would usually be happy about this kind of development. I mean who wouldn't. You wake up and you find a cute girl waking you up, it's straight out of an anime scene. But there lies one fundamental problem

That is, that this girl right in front of me wasn't an alien princess or the devil queen like you see in anime. She wasn't even my childhood friend. She's was actually my little sister, Kaede

I relaxed myself on the bed in disappointment and tried to go back to sleep. Annoyed that I was ignoring her Kaede said

"Onii-chan, what's with that disappointed face!? Your cute little sister is taking some time out of her life to wake you up and this is how you respond? Shouldn't you be more grateful to me?"

I guess I'm not going to get anymore sleep. I pulled down my bed sheets and told

"Yeah whatever you say. Now would you like to explain why that self proclaimed cute sister of mine is straddling her brother while he was sleeping?"

"Well I was really hungry and you weren't coming down to make breakfast, so I came to your room to call you"

"And why couldn't you have called me like a normal person would've?"

"I did at first, but you wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I called you. So I had no other choice but to use this method"

Couldn't she have just slapped me awake or something? She gave a smug look and asked

"Isn't this a common thing that happens to the main characters in the anime you watch? And then you get to experience this out of world experience with your little sister. You're actually happy aren't you? You're just trying to hide your embarrassment with those cold retorts"

What a cheeky little girl trying to tease her brother the first thing in the morning. Well if she wants me to come out of bed , I'll come out

I quickly got up from my sleeping position which made Kaede who was sitting on my abdomen to lose balance and roll over the bed and fall on the floor


I looked at Kaede who was rubbing her butt from the pain of fall and said

"You idiot, there's no way I would be happy about that"

But I kind of did feel happy. In this day where little sisters hate their brothers and completely ignore their existence, I'm happy to have a sister who still cares about her brother. With a big frown on her face she said

"Onii-chan,you meanie!"

"Sure, the person who got is sleep disturbed is the bad guy here. Makes a lot of sense…Now get up and-"

I looked at the clock hanging on my wall and exclaimed

"Hey it's still 6 AM! There's still an hour left to make breakfast! Why do you want breakfast this early in the morning?!"

No wonder the alarm I set didn't wake me up. And adding in the sleep deprivation from moving all those boxes around the house till late in the night yesterday, of course I'm going to sleep like a log

Now that I look at it, except for the furniture everything else in my room were half opened cardboard boxes scattered here and there. I didn't have any time to unpack the boxes so I just left them like that

This is all because that idiot father of ours ditched us the second the moving truck with all our belongings arrived, saying he had work to do. Me and Kaede had to do all the moving procedures on our own after that…No let me rephrase that. I was the only one had to all that stuff since Kaede also immideiataly left the second we arrived saying she was going to explore the new town. Both of them just love to dump all their work on me

Well it's not anything new since my father's job as photographer for a journal needs him to be constantly on the move. That's also the reason we moved to this town as it would be easier for his work

*Sigh* What a selfish father I have. I'm going to give him a earful when he gets back, who knows when

"But I wanted to go early and check out my new school"

Said Kaede while pouting because I pushed her of the bed. She got up from the floor and said in a chipper manner

"It's really exciting to think I'm gonna live in a new place and make new friends and experience the joys of youth with them. I just can't help but feel excited when I think about it"

Well aren't you miss positive

"You know,you're pretty similar to dad when it comes to selfishness"

She narrowed her eyes and gave a look of disapproval and said

"eeehhh….! Come on, don't compare me to that old fart!"

Damn that's gotta hurt…Good thing dad isn't here or else he would have suffered some heavy mental damage from hearing his own daughter call him an old fart

"Oi Oi, no matter how much of an idiot he may be, he's still our father"

She crossed her arms and said

"Hmph…I don't care about him anymore! We see him after a long time and he doesn't even spend time with us. I'm not going to forgive him this time"

She was quite angry. I said

"Well its not like he has a lot of time and-…Oh I forgot! Dad told me you would get angry when he was leaving so he told me he kept something for you in the living room"


Her face brightened up in a second

"I'll go check it out!"

And she ran out with a big smile on her face…

Gotta admit, he knows how to handle his daughter pretty well. Guess I'll have to go make breakfast now

My room was pretty dark since the curtains were closed and walking with all the boxes around was hard, so I made my way through all the boxes to the balcony doors and and pushed aside the curtains

The first thing I expected to see was the blue sky and the rising Sun but what I saw was a 4-storey house blocking the view. It was pretty big and looked like it was built recently

Looks like the neighbours are quite rich. Well that just means I have to buy them some expensive greeting gift to save face

Exactly opposite to my balcony was the neighbour's balcony. It had the same sliding glass doors as mine which were covered by white curtains. The height of both balconies were pretty much the same and the distance between them was only a metre. I could easily jump over if I wanted to

I'll have to keep the curtains closed now to maintain privacy. I wonder what type of person lives next door...

My room was on the first floor so I went downstairs to the ground floor to start making breakfast

"OMG,OMG I can't believe he got this for me! I wanted this dress the moment I saw it in that designer magazine! How did he know I wanted it!?"

What I found downstairs was my sister getting excited over the presents on the dining table which my father bought to bribe his daughter for his absence and it seemed like the bribe was going well

"Dad I love you!"

Said Kaede while holding a red purse she got. I guess even love can be bought huh…I asked

"Weren't you saying you'll never forgive him?"

"Come one, I was just kidding when I said that~. How long do you think I can keep a grudge on our loving father~?"

*Sigh* Women….They're simple creatures. Well that is to please them, other than that they are as complicated as the human brain

I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast

I love cooking and if there's something I take pride in other then my skills in killing others, it's definitely my food. I'm 100% sure my food is as good or even better then the food served in high class restaurants. I've been honing my skills since I was 4 to reach this level of cooking

Well it's natural for a person to be really good at cooking if he wants to start a restaurant which will become the best in the world. And I'm not just stopping there. I want to start a chain of restaurants ranging from normal Ramen shops to High end gourmet restaurants all over the world. Basically I want to dominate the cooking world. That's my dream. It may seem unrealistic but I promise you it will happen since I have a 'promise' to keep. While stirring the pancake batter I asked Kaede who was unwrapping her presents

"Hey Kaede, did dad get anything for me?"

I looked in anticipation. She replied saying

"No, nothing has your name on it. In all of the name tags it says'To my adorable daughter Kaede' "

That shitty father! He's definitely doing this on purpose!

Spoiling his daughter while casting his son aside. So this is what it feels like to be the mistreated child in the family

"But he did leave some admission letters for the school transfer and some other stuff to help us get settled down here"

So he prepared stuff huh..

"Oh he also left us some greeting gifts for the neighbours. It looks like they're some high quality chocolates from Belgium"

They must be from one of his trips. Since he travels all over the word to take photos, he picks up stuff here and there and sends them to us randomly. Usually it's really nice stuff like ingredients exclusive to that country or cool cultural items but sometime he sends us weird stuff like a shrunken head from South America

I can't forget the moment Kaede hurriedly opened the box my father sent through mail in excitement to see what it was, to only find a small shrunken head inside a jar full of some transparent liquid. She threw the jar into the wall due to the sudden shock which shattered it into pieces and ran towards me and jumped onto me like a monkey on a tree in fear

In the end she picked up a fear of glass jars thinking a head might pop up from it. I feel sorry for her, she even hesitates to open Jam or pickle jars now. Kaede came up to me after unwrapping all her presents and said

"Onii-chan, I think we should do a taste test of the chocolates before giving them to the neighbours. We don't want to give them bad chocolates right?"

"Don't you dare, you little glutton"


"Not another word, breakfast's almost ready so go sit at the dining table"

She looked disappointed her plan to eat the chocolates failed and said

"Fine…But the drama is going to start in a minute and can't watch it while sitting on the dining table!"

Not this again…

My sister is a TV drama fanatic. She watches them every single day and boy does she love them. She always seems so immersed into it and reacts to every moment that happens in the drama. One moment she's laughing out loud to what going on TV and the next she's bawling her eyes out

She's like a housewife

"Fine, you can eat it on the sofa but don't spill anything"


I took the two plates of pancakes with home-made butter scotch cream on top to the sofa and gave one to my sister and sat down. She didn't look at me and was staring at the TV when I handed the plate. She must be really engrossed in what's happening in the show

While still staring at the TV, she took the knife and cut a part of the pancake and used the fork to pick it up. She rubbed the pancake on some syrup and cream and put it her mouth and pulled the spotless fork out

You make think I'm a weird guy for closely observing his sister eat, but that's not what I'm after. The thing I want comes next

As soon as she took one bite, her face brightened up and she looked at me and said

"Delicious! It tastes so good! It's so soft and sweet and there are even blueberries inside!"

Now this is what I wanted.…All my efforts to make the food are paid off the second I see her happy and satisfied face when she takes a bite. One day I want people all over Japan to eat my food and talk about how good the meal was as they go back home with full stomachs. As soon as the TV advertisements rolled in Kaede told

"Onii-chan, you're going to make me into a useless person who can't live without your food if you keep pampering me with food like this. No matter how many times I eat it, it's always tastes so delicious. I'm really envious of the girl who's going to marry you"

I don't even have a girlfriend yet and she's already talking about marriage. She smirked and said

"Hey, if no one takes that position why don't I take it?"

"Stop saying that useless stuff and get to eating"

"But come on! You would be such a good boyfriend"

Wow I'm a bit touched. To think that my sister thinks this highly of me. I never expected it. She continued to say

"You do such a good job at cooking,cleaning,laundry,chores and your massages are the best. You'll be the best boy friend ever"

So your ideal boyfriend is basically a maid *Sigh* I was a fool to get my hopes up

Well if anyone wants to become Kaede's boyfriend he would have to pass through the Iron Gate called "me"

I'm not giving my cute little sister to some useless idiot out there who can't take care of her properly. If she's going to get a boy friend, he has to meet all my standard. But I don't really have to worry about that since my sister is the type of girl to lead the boys around their noses and enjoy watching them fret over nothing. I asked

"Enough of talking about me. What about you?"

"Me? What do you mean?"

"You know, with the transfer and all that stuff. Unlike me you had a lot of friends back there and saying goodbye must have been really hard for you. Are you fine with it?"

She didn't seem too bothered about the transfer but knowing my sister she might be putting a tough act but must be really hurting inside. She thought for a second and said

"Well it was hard leaving my friends but I can still chat with them through my phone and our old town isn't really far away from here so I can visit them whenever I want. And as I said before, I'm excited to make new friends and memories here. So there's no time to be brooding over what happened but to look forward for the future"

She looked really mature when she said that

Thank God she wasn't sad but what can I say she was always strong girl to begin with, so worrying about her seems stupid. She must have gotten her strong character from her mother

Dammit! She's growing up way to fast. Where did that little girl who would always cry for everything go? And to think one day she's going to marry some guy I don't know and leave the house. So this is what it feels like to be a doting parent watching the chicks leave the nest. I think I'm going cry a bit. Kaede leaned towards me while smiling and asked

"Hey wasn't the last line I said really cool?"

I patted her head and said

"Yeah the coolest ever"


Kaede was wearing her school uniform and was at the door about to leave for school

"Onii-chan I'm leaving!"

"Did you take your transfer letter with you?"

"Yeah I have it"

"Did you forget anything else?"

"No, I think I got everything"

"Then have a good day"

She closed the door and left

"Now what should I-"

*Door opens*

Kaede came back and was standing at the door. I asked

"What happened? Did you forget anythi-"


She looked at me with worrying eyes and said

"I know you've been through a lot in the past but I want you to put that behind you and try to make some friends at this school"

"Friends? But I-"

I hesitated to respond but after seeing her worry like that I said

"Well I can't deny a order from my sister, so I'll do my best"

She smiled

"Okay, Bye Onii-chan!"

She waved her hands and left the house

Friends huh, it's been a while since I thought of that stuff. Well it's no use thinking about it now. We'll just have to see what life has in store for me


I got ready and was about to leave. I used my extra time to arrange the stuff in the living room, so it looks a little more decent now but I still have a lot of work to do to make it look like a normal house. I double checked if I forgot anything and left the house. I closed the gate and looked up at the sky

It was a beautiful sunny day and the skies were clear

So I'm going to start my new life in this town, hope it's better than the last one

I passed the neighbours house as I started walking to school. I thought of saying Hi to them but it looked like no one was home. For some reason I felt a really lonely atmosphere coming from that house. Maybe it's haunted or something? I shouldn't say that to Kaede or she'll start freaking out. I hope the neighbours are nice people

I continued walking thinking about the school that I was going to attend which was "Tokiwadai Private High school". It is one of the best schools in Japan and is highly praised for the high acceptance ratio to any university the student desired and the number of achievements the schools cultural and sports clubs have achieved. I heard that it was pretty grand for a school and all the teaching and general facilities were top notch. It's basically an elite school where only students who had really good grades or were good at sports or had really deep wallets could enter

With a setting like that, most of the students will probably be a bunch of stuck up brats or annoying rich kids which is displeasing to think of. I'd rather go to a more normal school but my dad forced me to attend this school saying that other schools would only limit my potential and I can express my abilities in this school with more freedom. We had a big argument about this but he ended up winning in the end which is unfortunate for me. Well atleast it's close to my house


I was at the bottom of the large hill the school was built on when I started noticing other students wearing the same uniforms I was wearing walking up the hill

The boys all had brown shoes and a mix of light and dark green striped pants. Some were wearing white full sleeve shirts with brown or grey vest with a dark brownish-greenish tie, while the others had Olive green coats with a white line around the edges

The girls had the same striped patterned skirts as the boys pants with inward folds around the corners and had the same brown shoes. All the girls wore the same long sleeved white shirts and green tie or ribbons but their over wear were all different. Most of them wore Brown and Grey cardigans, while some wore Brown and grey vests and the others had the same coat as the boys

I guess the students have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to uniforms. As expected of an elite school

I don't really like clothes that constrict my freedom to move, so I just wore my white shirt tucked in and folded the sleeves to my elbows and the standard pants and shoes and I plan on keeping it that way. I might also wear a hoodie on top if it gets cold

I also joined the students and started going up the hill. The path up the hill to the school was surrounded by trees, so walking had a nice refreshing feel to it. The students were walking pretty fast and some were even running. I guess they were going to close the school gates and all of them were making a dash for it, but that had nothing to do with me since I was a new student so I kept my pace.

Even though they were in a hurry I could still see some students staring at me and talking about me *Sigh* I thought something would change since the last school, but it was the usual pattern. I ignored them and kept on walking until I was the last person to reach the gate and saw the school

The school looked like a massive 18th century European manor which was entirely made with stone and dark wood and had multiple huge windows on each windows and grand white pillars near the entrance. It had that old and vintage touch to it. I knew it was going to be different from normal schools but I didn't expect it be this different. This looks like a medieval mansion rather then a school

Near the gate of the school, a man who I supposed was monitoring the entry of the students was standing there with his arms crossed. He wore a red tracksuit with the jacket's zipper opened showing his white shirt. He had a strict looking face and was probably in his mid 40s. His hair was lifted up and was pretty well built. He's most probably a PE teacher. As I walked up to the gate he saw me and asked

"Hey You! It's already time for class. Why are you so late? If you don't hurry up then-...Wait a minute"

He squinted his eyes and looked at me closer and said

"Hmm…I haven't seen a student like you before. Which class are you in? And that appearance of yours…"

Oh come on! Not again! He's going to judge me by my appearance like everyone

This is why I never got along with PE teachers. They just look at me and decide that I'm a trouble maker. In the past, every time something happens in school my name is always called out by them. They think it's their job to discipline me and act all superior and shit when I've done nothing wrong. I've never had any good moment around them

So I have go through the same thing here too...Truly nothing has changed since I came here. He said

"You have a really mean look on your face, like a person that has caused a lot of trouble before…"

Just great. Now he's going to say I won't be able to cause any problems at this school since he's here and that if he sees me do something wrong, he won't leave me off the hook. Just the usual stuff. Hope he finishes fast so I can go to class

"…but I can see that you're actually a good kid"

Yeah just like the usual-

. . . . . . . . . . .

Huh?...Wait! What? He smiled and continued to say

"After working in this school for 19 years and seeing thousands of students passing through this gate, I've developed a sense for judging a student's character based on their face. Although you look quite tough I can say that you've never done anything bad before"

Woah, I did not expect that. All these years teachers ignored me and never believed anything that I said because of my intimidating appearance. But for the first time in forever a teacher believed that I was a normal person and didn't cast me aside the moment he saw me. So this is what I feels like to be accepted by a teacher, it feels like I'm dreaming

"So what class are you in?"

I spaced out for a moment and forgot to reply. I bowed and said

"Oh sorry. My name is Yamamoto Yuuto, Second Year. I'm transferring to this school today. Pleased to meet you sir"

"Hoho~, As expected your quite the courteous one. I'm the main PE teacher of this school, Ishikawa Kondo. I don't see many kids as respectful as you nowadays. It's like a breath of fresh air from the students I see everyday"

"Well my mom always told me to respect my elders"

More like beated it into me

"You got yourself a nice mom there"

I smiled and said

"Yes I do"

He let me in the school premises and we started walking towards the school

"So your a transfer student, then you'll have to meet the principal first. Follow me, I'll bring you to his office"

We passed a fountain where there were some statues of angels pouring water in from a pot and entered the school. Just like how the school looked on the outside, it had that same old fashioned feel to it on the inside as well. The floor and walls were all made from polished brown wood and the stair handles looked like they were carved from wood. The stairs to the upper floors were in front of the shoe keeping place which had a chandelier hanging on top of it. The architecture of the school amazed me, it was like I was in a old building from Europe. Kondo Sensei said

"But I got to say, this school rarely accepts any transfer students and even if they did, the student would have to write a really tough transfer exam that even college students struggle on. So I suppose your pretty good at studying?"

The transfer exam is supposed to be tough? I finished that thing in 3 minutes. I said

"Well I try my best"

He patted my back and started laughing

"Modest as well. I hope my daughter finds herself a good man like you in the future"

Huh? Just how much does he trust me for him to say stuff like that

"Your daughter?"

"Oh, she's also a student in this school. In fact she's in the same grade as you. You might even be in the same class as her"

Maybe she's also a nice person like Sensei. Suddenly Sensei's face became sullen and he said

"Well she grew up to be a kind girl but what worries me is that, that same kindness and naiveness will also cause her sadness without her knowing about it "

What does he mean by that? And why is he openly speaking like this to a student he met a few minutes ago. He's talking to me as if I'm an old drinking buddy

"Sensei, sorry if I'm being disrespectful but why are you telling me this stuff when we met a few moments ago?"

He stared at me for a moment and said

"It's just that when I look at you, it reminds me of an old friend that I used to hang out with a long time ago. You even have the same surnames. Well that guy was one hell of a womanizer. Well that is until he found his future wife. Haha! She really put him in shackles when they got together"

He smiled to himself as if he was reminiscing his old memories

So he sees me like an old friend. Even though he's a guy as old as my father, it really feels nice to be called a friend by someone else. Well I did have a friend in the past, but he…I don't even want to think about it. He looked at me asked

"What's the matter, you suddenly look glum"

"Oh it's nothing"

Shit I have to get my act together. I can't go on living in the past forever. I came here to start fresh and that's also what I told Kaede. I have to keep my word with her

Hmm?…But for some reason I feel like I've heard that story about his friend somewhere before. Just where did I hear it from…

We stopped at a door at the end of the corridor

"We're here. This is the principal's office"

Well no use thinking about it now. The principal's office was in the far right wing of the school. Judging by the distance we walked the school is considerably big

"Wait here for a second"

Kondo Sensei went inside and closed the door behind him. A few seconds later, from the inside of the room he said

"Yamamoto! Come inside"

I opened the door and went inside. Kondo Sensei was standing with his hands crossed behind his back in front of a man in a grey suit sitting behind a black desk with pens and files and small ornaments neatly arranged on it. He was the principal of the school

He looked like he was in his 60s and had stern look on his face. His grey and white was slicked behind his head and was wearing silver rimmed glasses

His room looked like the standard principal rooms you see, with bookshelves and cupboards on the sides of the room. You could see the sports ground of the school through a window behind him which looked very large

One distinguishing feature was the large number of trophies there were in the cupboards on all sides of the room. I heard the sports clubs in the school were good but to think they had 7 koushien championship trophies. That was really impressive

"So you're Yamamoto Yuuto-kun, pleased to see you. I've seen your performance in the transfer exam and I'm quite impressed. In my 40 years experience of guiding and educating students I've never seen a exceptional student like you before"

Said the principal with a small grin on his face

"Thank you Sir. Um, my father told me to give this letter to you"

I took the letter out and gave it to him. He opened the letter and adjusted his glasses and started reading it silently. He paused and looked at me for a second and started reading it again. I hope my father hasn't written anything unnecessary in the letter.

Once he finished reading, he put the letter on the table and removed his glasses and relaxed himself on his chair and said

"Your father has explained everything about your transfer, so the procedures are over and you can start class today"

Phew it's a relief I got accepted without any complications


He lifted his hand from the chairs armrest and pointed at my head

"That blonde hair, the necklace and those piercings of up yours…"

*Sigh* This was why I was worried about my entrance into the school. It's going to be a pain in the ass to explain my appearance to him and I don't want to explain it to random person, even if he's the principal of the school. I have to get through this somehow. He continued saying

"Usually you would have been reprimanded and would have to remove all of the accessories and bleach your hair back to the original colour as they don't follow school regulations but since your father talked about it in the letter and given your academic performances I'll give you an exception"

Kondo Sensei looked surprised.

Woah,that went easily. I thought it was going to take a while but good thing dad covered for me in the letter. At least he did something useful

"Thank you very much sir"

"Mr.Kondo take Yamamoto-kun to class 2-1 and tell his homeroom teacher about his transfer"

"Yes sir. Come with me Yamamoto"

Kondo Sensei went out of the room and just when I was about to leave, the principal called me. I turned and looked at him, holding the door half closed. While having a confident look on his face he said

"Yamamoto-kun I'm having high expectations for you, so don't disappoint me"

High expectations? Disappointment? What is he taking about? The only people in the world that can say that line to me is my family, no one else. I can do whatever I want to do, who is he to have expectations on me. Why don't you just fuck off dude..…But it's not like I can say this so I replied saying

"Yes sir, I'll do my best "

I left the room and started walking with Kondo Sensei

I thought he would start talking like he did before but was unusually silent. I didn't notice it before as I was talking to sensei when we were heading to the principals room but the left side of the corridor we were walking on was lined with several windows and through the windows I could see a stone pathway probably going around the school. Since the school was on top of a hill it was surrounded by a bunch of trees, so it felt like it was one with nature

And on the right side the classrooms were present. All the classes I passed were first years, so I presumed that the first floor belonged to the first year students

I got a glance of one of the classrooms as the doors opened. It seemed like a normal classroom with most of the students in their little social groups talking whatever comes to their mind while others were sitting alone reading a book or listening to music

Just one look and anyone can see who ranked where in the class hierarchy. The ones that were at the top are always the centre of attention and would always have a group around them while the ones ranked at the bottom would be sitting alone doing things at their own pace. While the ones in the middle would form their own groups based on common hobbies or interests or would be in the group centered around the popular ones. This is basically the same structure every classroom in the country has been following since the start of schools

Well there are also people like me who weren't included in the hierarchy and were excluded by the students and ignored

Your probably asking why a guy like me who's looks jus like a normal high school boy like everyone else, was excluded by the class, ignored by his own classmates, suspected by his teachers and would always have some bad rumours around him. Well even I asked that question many times in my younger days

I used to wonder day and night why I was treated like that by the others. I used many approaches but couldn't find anything I did wrong. I did exactly the same thing other people did but I was always treated differently by others

Well I have killed tens of thousands of people before so you can't really say that I'm normal but that's a entirely different issue. My "work" life and my "private" life are two completely different entities which should never be considered together. No one in my private life knows what I've done so you can't really use that as a reason for why people hate me. But if they did know about the number of corpses I've made then I have no right to ask why they hate me this much

But to tell you the truth I had always known why people saw me as a person who you shouldn't get involved with or you should never trust. I knew about it but didn't want to accept it as it was something I couldn't change and didn't want to change. It was something unique to me and changing it would be like changing my own self with something else that wasn't the true me

Well it all boiled down to one simple fact. Something so important that it decides in a second how others will see you and their relationship towards you. You would have guessed it already but If you haven't, I'm talking about my looks

My eyes to be exact

Ever since a small age the children around me would ignore me and whenever I tried to talk to them they would say I was too scary to talk with. I didn't know how to react after hearing that and was confused. So one day I went to my father who was sitting in the living room watching TV and asked him if I looked scary like the others said

I thought he would say I wasn't scary and would give me some encouragement to try my best like a normal parent would but he looked at me with a smile on his face and told me these exact words

"Yuuto your eyes are so mean looking they might even scare an adult. Honestly it even scares me sometimes. You must have got them from your mother"

And he laughed it off

I was pissed about what he said but I got retribution when a frying pan from the kitchen flew across the living room and hit my father right on the head which caused him to fall over in pain. The frying pan was from my mother who was pissed off about the comment my father made about her

Ever since then I accepted the fact that people were scared of me and making friends with anyone would be impossible. I thought if I didn't get involved with others I would have a friendless but peaceful life but that also didn't happen because of that "incident"

Because of that even when I never got involved with others, people would always talk behind my back and spread rumours about me and if that wasn't enough some wannabe delinquents would always pick fights with me saying that I was a menace to society because of what I did when I was 6 years old

And to top it of I have bleached blonde hair, four piercings with platinum rings on my left ear, a silver bracelet on my right arm and a chain with a ring on it. You might say if I removed the accessories and bleached my hair black I might become more approachable. But that's something I will never do. I have my own reasons for keeping them this way and I'm not changing it just because some random stranger thinks it looks inappropriate.

You might be thinking that my situation with others can't be that bad right?

Well to give an example of how people see me, I'll just observe how the two girls coming down the stairs will react when they see me

I started walking up the stairs and one of the girls noticed me and now she's telling the other girl to look and now she's also looking at me. Now that I have passed them, they started chatting about me thinking that I haven't noticed

That's basically my daily life with others

After experiencing that every day I naturally developed a motto of living for myself and that is "If they judge you based on only your appearance, they're just not worth your time" and that is what I have been following all this time

After being alone for a long time you just get used to it but that doesn't mean I'm happy about my current status. If someone asks me if I want friends. Of course I would say yes, but my chances of making them aren't very likely. That's also why I was elated when Kondo Sensei talked to me like a normal person

Kondo Sensei seemed to have also noticed those girls and started talking

"About those accessories of yours…"

I looked at him with an uneasy look

"Never mind"

He seemed to have noticed that I didn't want to talk about it and stopped. We were now walking up the stairs to the second floor

The higher the floor of my classroom the better, since I could get a better view of the hill. It would be cool if I could get the seat near window at the last row not just because I want to sit in the "god seat" that every anime protagonist sits in but also because I don't want people to be staring at me from all sides which will happen as I have learned from past experiences

As we were going up, Sensei suddenly turned and asked

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

I replied in a puzzled manner

"Usually that principal of ours is really strict when it comes to accessories and uniforms but he didn't say anything to you and even gave you permission. I've never seen that happen before. Is your father some kind of big shot politician or something?"

I guess anyone would be asking that question when they see the principal of the school allowing a student to break the rules

"No sir, my father isn't anyone powerful that can persuade others. He's just a guy who travels around the world taking photos"

"So he's a photographer….I see…"

He dragged that sentence out

"Hmm! A photographer!?"

He looked like he noticed or remembered something. Does he have anything against photographers? With a confused expression on his face he said

"No, It can't be…There's no way…But his surname is also Yamamoto…But that's just...But what if..."

Seems like he's mumbling something to himself


We were at the second floor when he suddenly turned around and put both of his hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eye and asked

"Is your father's full name Yamamoto Isshiki?"


"I knew it!"

He did a small jump in excitement

What the hell!? How did he know who my father was? My father isn't a famous photographer or anything, so him being a fan of my father's work isn't possible. Maybe a friend of my father's? Just how?

He put one of his hand over my neck like old buddies and had a huge smile on his face and said

"I knew you resembled him the moment I saw you and even your surnames were the same and when you told me your father was a photographer I knew you were Isshiki's son!"

"You know my father?"

No wait! That story he told me about his friend and that huge build of his and that hearty smile. Just maybe…I asked

"Are you Muscle head Idiot?"

He looked at me as if I told something strange

No, I did say something strange! I just bad mouthed the only teacher who accepted me and that to right in front of him. I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way or else-…


He started laughing really loud and told

"So he told you about me?"

So it is him. That was a relief. My heart pounding there for a bit

Muscle head Idiot. That's the name of my father's best friend in high school or at least that's what he called him. My parents would sometimes talk about their high school days during dinner and his name would often pop up. He was my dad's childhood friend and the trigger that caused my mom and dad to get together. So basically I was looking at the reason me and my sister were alive

If I remember correctly, he once jumped from a two storey building because of a bet and came out unscathed due to his strong body and hence the name muscle head Idiot. I replied saying

"Yeah, my parents would always talk about you. They always seemed so happy when they did. You even became a superhero to me and my sister after hearing your tales again and again"

The stuff Sensei did when he was young was pretty crazy. Like wrestling a boar with his bare hands to eat its meat or climbing a mountain to eat the berries that were at the top. Now that I think about it the reason he jumped of the building was because he was hungry and wanted money for sushi

I guess he was willing to do anything for food. After hearing stories like that even an adult would think he's sometime type of superhuman

"I guess I did do some crazy stuff with your dad and mom back then. Those were the good days…"

He showed a satisfying smile as he said. They must have been really close friends because there's no way a normal friend would be this happy when talking about the past

His grip on my neck became tighter and he said

"But to think I would meet Isshiki's son here. What a surprise! The last time I saw you, you were this small and now you-.. "


Suddenly, the door of the classroom on my right opened with a loud bang. I looked at the sign board above and it was written "class 2-1". It seems we arrived at my class which was at the end of the left corridor and didn't notice it. Time just flies when I'm talking to Sensei

Out of the room came a lanky looking man around his 30s with thick black rimmed glasses and plain looking, stress ridden face. He wore grey pants that looked a bit big for his size and belt which was holding his pants up. He had a white T shirt which was tucked in and a red tie

His expression showed he hated his job but was forced to do it. He seemed like the time of person to look down on others and be happy at others misfortune. But that's just what he looks like. I'd be a hypocrite if I started to judge people on their looks. Maybe he's a good teacher like Kondo Sensei. He then shouted

"Kondo Sensei! What is with that loud laugh of yours! It's annyong and it's disturbing my whole class!"

Well not the best first impression but it was our fault for being loud, can't judge him based on that. He continued saying

"I could hear it all the way from inside the class and why are you putting your hands around stude-..?

He stopped talking and looked at me from head to toe, narrowing his eyes and gave a repulsive look and pointed at me with his thin fingers and said

"Are you even a student here? What's with those piercings and hair? Are you a delinquent or something? Are you trying to rebel against society? And what's with those eyes, are you trying to intimidate me? Well don't even try you scum! It's because of students like you the economy of the country is going down. Instead of doing something productive, people like just waste their lives and disturb other people who actually play a role in society. If only you-.."

Kondo Sensei interrupted him and said

"Now now Yamaguchi sensei let's calm down…"

He gave me looks of despise and hate when he said all of that. Good thing Sensei interrupted him. If he hadn't I would have slugged a teacher in the face on the first day of school

I take back what I said about him. This guy is exactly what he looks like, a stinking piece of shit!

What the fuck is this guy's problem? He looks at me for a second and comes to the conclusion that I'm the cause of Japan's financial crisis. Well now I know why Japan's birth rate is going down. It's because women refuse to sleep with men that have sick personalities like him

Kondo Sensei put his hands on his shoulder and tried to ease the tension

"Sorry for disturbing your class Sensei. I just got a little excited when I was talking to Yuuto here"

Oh! He started calling me by my first name. Must be because of my father's relationship with him


Four eyes smacked sensei's hand of like an annoying mosquito

"Oh sorry"

Said Kondo Sensei as he backed of a little

The nerve of this guy! I really want to grind this bastard's face on the school's floor till the whole thing is painted red. It's not like it's the first time I've it nor will it be the last. Kondo Sensei introduced me saying

"Oh yes. This is Yamamoto Yuuto-kun. He's a transfer student who's starting class today"

Four eyes looked at Kondo Sensei with a shocked and repulsed expression, as if he had found out that the girl he loved was a man all along and said

"Who? Him? In this school? Don't make me laugh. This is an elite school for students who will one day pave Japan's future. People like him just can't…"

He paused for a second and looked at me once again

"Oh I see it's like that."

He gave a chuckle and said…

"I wonder how much his parents paid for him to study here"

…while grinning at me

That's it! I've had enough of this four eyed bastard! I don't care what happens. I'm giving this cunt a piece of my mind so I said

"Sensei! I've been silent up until now but-"


Shouted Kondo Sensei in slightly angry tone which surprised me. Even four eyes was startled

He was clenching his fists tightly and looked angry but was holding it in. As soon I saw that, I understood that Sensei was also angry but was holding it in for the sake of respect

As much I wanted to kick this bastard in his balls, I didn't want to cause problems for Kondo Sensei so I calmed down. Four eyes asked

"What? You have something to say?"

I looked at him and remembered the motto that I almost forgot. I took a deep breath and remembered that guys like him are just not worth my time

"Nothing Sir"

"Hmph and it better stay that way"

Dude, the only thing that's going to stay that way is your virginity

"Back to what I was saying, he'll be transferring to your class today"

Just great. He's my homeroom teacher. Now I'm going to have to resist my temptation to sock him in the face every time I see him. It's like keeping a plate of hot food in front of a starving man and telling him not to touch it. Four eyes exclaimed

"My class! Of all the classes, why must he join my class?! This is too much! I don't want him to join my class!"

He acted like a child having a fit over a toy. Well the feelings mutual buddy. Sensei replied saying

"Principal's decision"

He sighed and put his hand on his forehead like he was dealing with some huge stress. Seconds later he came closer to me, took his bony finger and pressed it right against my chest while his face was a few centimetres from mine and said

"Now you listen…"

Oh god! His fucking breath stinks! It smells like a dead animal was rotting inside his mouth for a couple of years. I've smelled a bunch of rotting human corpses in my life time but this smell tops it all

I tried to step back because of the smell but he moved forward with me and continued

"This is my class and what I say are the rules. I don't want you causing any troubles in or out of the classroom. If anything happens while I'm the homeroom teacher, my promotion to vice principal will be revoked"

His true intentions came out and so did his saliva all over my face. When was the last time this guy brushed? You can make him gargle his mouth with cologne for one hour straight and I bet that stench of his would remain the same

"If I find you causing any shenanigans it will be the end of you…"

Yes whatever you say. Just take that portable sewage away from me

"Now do you understand?"

Yes I do. If I get cause trouble you will torture me with that breath of yours like your doing now

"Yes sir"

I replied in a weak voice

"Good. Now wait till I call you inside"

He went inside the classroom and closed the door. Thank god. One more second of that and I would've been leaving the school in an ambulance or a body bag.

Kondo Sensei looked at me with a exhausted expression and said

"Sorry about that. That's just how he is. Even I have a hard time dealing with him"

He said it as if it was unavoidable with one hand on the back of his head

"No it's fine. I'm not really bothered by it"

It's not the first or last time I'll see a guy like him so getting worked up is just useless. And it's not like he's the worst I've seen

"I see then its fine"

"We're having a transfer student joining our class today"

Said four eyes in a lifeless voice from inside the class. Seriously, just how unmotivated can that guy be? Sensei sighed and told

"Ok then I'll be going now, we'll talk later. If you have any problem regarding school or the transfer just call me, I'll do my best to help you. Don't think that it will be a hassle for me. After all your my best friend's son, so your basically my son as well"

Damn those words hit deep. I don't know about my father's choices in life but he definitely chose right when it came to friends. He turned and started walking back. I bowed in respect

"Thank you very much"

I said it with my most utmost gratitude

Without turning around he lifted his hand and waved it like a badass character in anime. Damn this guy is cool. No wonder he's the man I called a superhero when I was young

I lifted my head and turned towards the class. I could hear the students chatting with each other. I guess they are all excited over the new transfer student

I bet each one of them as their own ideal picture of a transfer student. Some boys will want the cute delicate type of girl while others will want the busty older sister type. The girls are probably dreaming about a rich mysterious hot guy from overseas who's good at sports and better with the ladies

Well sucks to be them since the one entering "Will be I Dio!". Sorry I had to say that. It's actually me "Yamamoto Yuuto" the man despised by boys and girls alike since the tender age of 4. Well that's the age I developed these eyes of mine. I was told I looked quite cute before that

"Sensei! Is the transfer student a girl?"

Said some boy from inside the class. Sorry to disappoint you but I still have something dangling between my legs and I'm rather proud of it

"Sensei! Is he a hot guy?"

And now a girl. If you consider yakuza hot, then I'm steaming baby

And everyone started asking questions


The class became quiet again

"Yamamoto come inside"

I guess it's my time to shine. I already know how they are going to react when they see me and I'll probably be left alone again. Not that I really care but after being alone for a long time it would be nice if I had someone I could call a friend once again

And with that thought I opened the door of the class I'll be spending the rest of my school life in

If you want to know how the characters look like, check out the pics in the comments. Although they aren't the same, all of them look similar to the character design I have in my head. And this is mostly a slice of life rom-com with a little action here and there so don't expect a full blown action story. And I'm only writing this because I got bored during covid so don't critic it too harshly

Degenerate_Ravencreators' thoughts