
The High Priestess & The Silver Alpha

[Mature Content] Lilith is the daughter of the Fae King and the first Witch. She was powerful and beautiful. From the moment the Moon Goddess proclaimed her to be the mate of an alpha wolf, she has been fighting them throughout the centuries. Miguel is a Silver wolf and the Alpha of the Silver Lakes pack. He has been alive for over 250 years, waiting for his mate to finally surrender to him. After finally pin pointing her location, he finds her in New York City. Will Lilith finally stop running and surrender to her mate or will she finally reject him? This is book one of a series that I am currently writing. I have started book two and three. The book "Their Human Goddess" is book Four of this series. ************************************************************************ “I love you Lilith Santana of the Silver Lakes pack.” He said to me with a smile. Then he took a drink from the absinthe bottle. I could feel his sexual energy get stronger as the liquor hit him hard. “I love you too Miguel Santana.” I said to him. We kissed again as I felt him slide his erection up and down my wetness. He teased me with it before taking another shot of the bottle. “I’m ready papi.” I said to him in my anticipation.

Bronx_Lyran718 · 奇幻言情
30 Chs

Chapter 10

Lilith's P.O.V.

While we were walking around, I was getting a nice bubble bath ready for us to sit in using my telekinesis. It didn't take long for Miguel to catch up to me. I threw myself on the bed and he landed on top of me. We started laughing as he pinned me down.

"Naughty girl. I think you need to be spanked." Miguel said in union with Carlos.

"Carlos don't you dare come out!" I said to them. I could hear Carlos whining and crying.

"We will be good." Miguel said as he gain control again. I couldn't help but smile.

"Go to the bathroom, part of your surprise is in there." I said to him before giving him a tap kiss. He got up and walked over to the bathroom to find vanilla scented candles lit around the bathtub. I got up and walked over to my purse to find the black box with his Rolex in it. When he walked back out, I was standing by the bed holding the box.

He walked up to me and towered over me. I give him the box and watch for his expression. His face lit up when he saw what kind of watch it was.

"Thank you baby! Why though?" He said before leaning down to kiss me. It was one of the most expensive watches in the world. It cost me three million dollars but I knew he was worth it.

"Because you love me." I said as I started walking to the bathroom. I could feel his eyes watch me as I took my shorts off and my shirt. "Are you going to join me big daddy?" I said as I head towards the bath tub.

I sat into the water I prepared with lavender oil to calm us. I wanted him to relax as from the crazy week he had. Today's meeting didn't make it any easier on him. I could read his mind and he questions his ability to be a great leader especially since he has been fixing the mistakes of his grandfather and father.

I watched him walk into the bathroom completely naked. His erection was on full attention and I couldn't help but smile. I was pouring us some champagne as he got into the hot water. I handed him a glass but I kept my distance.

He stared at my exposed breasts as he used his foot to caress my thigh. I grabbed his foot and started massaging it.

"Fuccccckkkk! Mami you are the fucking best!" he said as he let himself relax into the water.

"Thank the Moon Goddess that this tub is big enough for the both of us." I said to him as I continued to massage his foot.

"Come over here and sit on our face." Carlos said. I flashed them both a smile as I put down his left foot and grabbed his right. I did this as he allowed himself to relax more and more.

"Can you be our chaser with this champagne?" Carlos asked me.

"Seriously?" I said to Miguel. He lifted his head to show me his smile. He was so fucking sexy.

"Come here. I promise to be a good wolf." Miguel said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me gently towards him. I sit on his lap and I could feel his thick, long erection as it jerked under me. I moved over and sat next to him as I grabbed the champagne bottle to drink.

"You wanna get drunk?" Miguel asked me.

"No, this whole bottle will just give me a buzz." I said as he grabbed the bottle and took a drink. I brush my hand gently across his chest. I couldn't help but admire the scars.

A year after I met him, the battles began again. I saw the memories of him protecting his mother as he had to shift so young in order to protect her. From that moment on, his grandfather and father trained him without end. They call it training, I call it abuse.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know you would look for me, looking to run away with me. But I couldn't let you. I hope you understand." I said to him as I kiss the first scar he got at the age of eight.

"Honestly, I kind of do but I was so mad for such a long time. I did learn to take that anger to win on the battle field." He said to me. He watched me as I kissed every scar on his chest. Every memory flashing before my eyes. Before I realize it, I had tears going down my face.

"Don't cry baby. I brought peace to our pack over 230 years ago. So you don't have to worry about losing me." He said before kissing my cheek. I love it when he is gentle with me.

"I know but your scars carry the memories of your fights. When are you going to shift for me papi?" I said to him.

"I wanted to show you the night of your Luna ceremony." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist. Then I felt him lick my neck. This sent a rush of lust through me.

"I have to mark you. But I don't want to force myself on you." He said as he brushed his nose against my neck.

"Okay. We can do it tonight." I said to him. I could feel his happiness. He leaned in to kiss me passionately. I prepared myself for what was to come as I put my dread locks up in a high bun. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he gently kissed his way to the left side of my neck.

"I'm gonna be as gentle as I can be but it's going to hurt a lot." He whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything. Then I felt his elongated fangs brush up against my kin before he bit down on my neck. The pain was incredible but I didn't scream. I return the favor on his shoulder as I felt him lick my wound and it healed.

"Are you okay?" he asked me as he looked at me while I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Yes, that fucking hurt daddy." I said to him as I started to feel sleepy. For some reason, overcoming the mark's pain took a lot out of me. I relaxed myself in his arms and closed my eyes.

Miguel's P.O.V.

After I marked Lilith, she felt weak and fell asleep. I got us out of the tub and laid her down on our bed. Before I knew it, I fell asleep next to her.

I was awakened by her moving around in the bed. She started spooning me, meaning her big ass was on my cock. I opened my eyes because Carlos wanted to take over and start some trouble.

"Good morning sexy daddy." She said as she did a mini twerk on me.

"Please don't tease me baby. Carlos wants to come out and start with you." I said to her. I rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face.

"Please let her still be naked." Carlos said excitedly. When we walked back out, she was laying on stomach watching tv. Her ass looked so soft and I just wanted to lay my head on her ass.

I couldn't help myself as I laid my head on her soft ass. She didn't move but I could tell she was smiling. I traced my fingers gently up and down her thighs and the lines that divide her ass from her thighs.

I could feel her body relax and react to my fingers. "She wants us." Carlos said.

"No she is just comfortable. Can we just enjoy this moment?" I said to him. Then she raised her ass up in the air and positioned herself in doggy style. She started twerking as I watched, drooling on myself.

"Please, no fingers." She said through our mind link. Before I realized what was happening, Carlos took over. He immediately dove our face into her beautiful pussy. She let out a loud moan as we put her clit in our mouth and sucked it gently. We traced our fingers on her beautiful lips. We pulled our face away to admire the beauty of her pussy. Then we traced our tongue on each lip gently. The sound of her moaning drove us crazy. I could feel pre-cum ooze out of me.

"You taste so good." I said to her via mind link. We started kissing her opening as I felt her juices flow out. We flipped her on her back and went up to show her beautiful breasts some love.

"Didn't I tell you to be a good boy?" she said to us. She knew Carlos was in charge due to my eye color changed.

"I want to please you more than Miguel." Carlos said with a smile.

"I want to enjoy you both." She said as she closed her legs. I knew she wanted me to come back so Carlos let me take control again.

"Can I taste you now baby?" I asked her. She proceeded to open her legs and show me her pussy. I leaned in for a kiss before I worked my way down to her beautiful, plumped breasts.

Her moans made me erupt as I continued to suck on her nipples gently. I wasn't concern with the mess I made. I wanted her to cum on my tongue again.

"Miguel, I know you are up." Gary said through the door.

"Give me twenty more minutes." I screamed as I continue to kiss my way back down to her sweetness.

"You have that meeting with Grand Witch of the West. You know she hates for you to be late." Gary said through the door. I stopped to think about my next move.

"I love you big daddy." Lilith moan softly as I watched her caress her breasts.

"Give me twenty more minutes." I screamed again before diving into her wetness. As soon as she felt my tongue gently enter her, she gushed her juices again.

"Fuck!" Carlos said as we licked her clean. I started jerking my shaft fast as I felt an orgasm shooting out of me and onto the bed. I laid my head on her stomach as we laid there catching our breathe.

"I never thought foreplay could be so awesome." I said to her. She ran her fingers through my hair without saying a word.

"I have to get ready for this meeting." I said before giving her a kiss. I saw the trail of tears that stained her face.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked her. She looked away.

"No. It was really intense." She said before giving me a kiss. I couldn't help but feel concern. Did I do something wrong?

"Carry her to the shower." Carlos said. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. I sat her down on the sink and walked to the shower to turn on the shower. I picked her up again and carried her in the shower with me. We stood under the water kissing and holding each other.

I wanted to taste her again as I got down on my knees and lifted one of her legs. She didn't object as she leaned on the wall. Soft moans escaped her as my tongue gently penetrated her wetness. I jerked myself as we both came together.

"This is so much different with our mate. It's just too intense." Carlos said happily. I held her close to me as she tried to regain her strength. I grabbed the loofa and poured her body wash on it. I washed her gently. I enjoyed every second with her. She grabbed my loofa and poured my body wash on it. I love watching her gently wash my body.

She looked at my penis before washing it gently. "You think she will put it in her mouth?" Carlos asked as he jumped around excitedly. She looked up at me with a smile. I knew she heard Carlos but she just cleaned it then moved on to my balls.

"You are going to be late for your meeting." She said. I didn't want to leave her. I washed the soap off and walked out the shower. She followed me out as I walked over to the closet. I got dressed fast and walked out to find her asleep under the covers.

I opened my door to see Gary standing by the door. "She's naked under the covers." I said to him as I fixed my new watch.

"Bro! Where did you get that from?" Gary asked as he followed me downstairs. I knew Jason was already at the conference room keeping the Grand Witch company.

"My baby gave it to me last night." I said to him.

"I don't think great head is enough payment for that. That's worth at least 3 million dollars." Gary said smiling.

"Dude! What did I tell you about listening through the door?" I said to him. We started laughing. We were wolves, our hearing was too powerful to ignore especially when we are trying to be nosy.

I walked into the conference room to find Brenda, the wicked witch of the west as we like to call her. She was 5'7, in her 50s, light skin, with long blonde hair that had patches of white hair in it. Her eyes were green and she was always in a fucking bad mood. All of the packs of the Western part of the USA made a treaty with her.

"Congratulations on finding your Luna." She said as I shake her hand.

"Thank you." I said as I pulled out a chair for her to sit.

"The Queen of the Witches is a myth so this woman could be lying to you." She said. Carlos got angry; I am trying my best not to let me take me over.

"I'm real, Corny." Lilith said. We both look towards the door and see her dress in a white button-down shirt and a black pencil skirt with a pair of five-inch heels. "What the fuck?!" Carlos said excitedly. We watched as she walked over to me and stood next to me. Gary followed behind her and pulled out a chair for her.

"My Queen! I didn't think you were here!" Corny said standing up in shock.

"What did I tell you about telling lies?" Lilith said as she smiled. Brenda put her head down. She knew she was wrong.

"I mean it was only to protect you. SO many alphas have lied on your name."

"I know but this time, I'm really here with my love. So what it is that you want? A treaty doesn't mean you can control these people." Lilith said seriously as she threw the treaty across the table to her. Brenda picked it up.

"I'm not trying to control them." She said shaking. Lilith stood up and walked over to her.

"You are going to write a new one. Two days from now, all the alphas will be coming to sign the new treaty. And the next time you try some shit like this, I will plant you and your entire shitty coven in my special garden." Lilith said to her as she caressed Brenda's face.

"Wait, what happened with the treaty?" I asked her. Lilith walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"She hid some details with Witches ink. I smelled it the other day when we were in your office." Lilith said as she winked.

"She fucking tricked us?!" I said getting angry. Lilith pressed her weight on me as she tried to keep me under control.

"She should be fucking lucky that ass is my weakness." Carlos said almost growling.

"You can go Corny." Lilith said. We watched as she walked out with Jason behind her.

"What are you doing this afternoon?" Lilith asked me as she turned to face me.

"I'm trying to spend it with you. Why?"

"I have my dance class at 1 pm with the women from the shelter. It's a sexuality empowerment class. You can watch me dance naughty." She said flashing me a smile.

"Fuck yeah I'm down." Gary said smiling.

"How sexy?" I asked as she got up.

"You will see." Lilith said as she walked out of the conference room.