
Chapter 1 The beginning

In the eastern lands of the Kingdom of Seven Swords, also called the Bladed Kingdom, live a powerful witch. She was trusted by the royals and common folk alike. She had earned many honors and now stood at the Crown's side ready for battle. The King was old and frail with no heirs. The witch told him of a vision. Among the nobles, a king is hidden. The witch, Tia, told the king this. The King then send for all the younger nobles in the Land..Each noble would face a test devise by the King. Only four now stood in front of the throne, the last test yet to be administered.

"This last test is a riddle. The correct answer given will secure your spot as my heir." King Erk said. He spoke then his words calm.

"I am brilliant like a fire but have no warmth yet many seek me out." The King said. The first noble, a cold man with icy eyes, spoke.

"The moon, your majesty." The man said.

"No, wrong answer. You lose." The King said. The man's face was astonished but he said no more.

"The stars, your majesty." Another man said. Once again the king told him he was wrong. The man sighed.

"The sky, your majesty." A vain man said boldly.

"Another wrong answer. You lose." The King said. This stormed to the throne.

"What else could it be????? You old man..." The man began but then the last man spoke.

"Jewels. In the light they shine like fire but give no real warmth. Anden.are always seeking to better their fortunes." This man said.

"Correct, young man. Those who seek fortune are often consumed by it. Tell me what is your name?" The King said. The man walked forward. He had light brown hair and piercing green eyes. He was tall and slender.

"I am the fourth son of the Duke of Marsdale..My name is Aras." Aras said.

"Aras Marsdale, fourth son of the Duke of Marsdale, I hereby decree here and now that your are my heir. Upon my death, the crown and throne are yours." Erk said, signed and marked the paper to make it official. Aras knekt down as the Crown Prince crown and robe were placed upon him. The witch smiled. Aras was a good soul and he would need gentle guidance. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew the doors open and a man in armor walked in.

"King Erk, you cannot crown an heir yet!" The man roared.

"I already have, Berm. Crown Prince Aras will inherit the throne." Erk said. Berm swore.

"My father told me his mother was kin to your grandfather! I should inherit the throne!" Berm said. An older nobleman walked out of the crowd.

"Berm, your grandmother was no true kin. She was the daughter of the House Silget that was gifted to King Solos. Solos decided that she would be better off married away from the court as she often caused problems with the Royal harem. She married your grandfather." The old man said, presenting a book that showed all the information. Berm's face was furious.

"It means NOTHING!!!! I WILL BE KING!"