

The hidden tusk is a tale that depicts challenges faced by any royal member of the throne in an African setting, the story tells a tale of love, betrayal, and greed for power. At the end of the day, the honest and generous heart always conquers all. King has two male sons to succeed him as the next king, Kamdili the elder son, and Obieze the younger son, Kamdili should be king but he doesn't have his father's blessings, but Obieze has his father's blessing but the problem is he is weak, not courageous but kind, he would not stand the test of time. Kamdili is faced with the task of ascending his father's throne but he is unfit to be made king he is cruel and wicked, therefore the throne which is his birthright stands the risk of been taking away from him, the king is deeply worried as the days go by, then again Ziki a son to the king's friend had sudden gain the affection of the king despite all odds he must conquer all challenges and find a way to lead his people to the path of light and avoid destruction the king placed his trust on the young lad. soon the king's son began to see the throne is no longer theirs to keep. Kamdili makes a grievous mistake, the king angrily declares his throne open to any worthy person and he hides the tusk which must be found and presented by an incoming king for all to see, this is a sacred rite that must be done before his coronation. Who finds the tusk? Will Kamdili the right heir to the throne accept his cruel fate? or will he fight for what belongs to him...

Jay_obodeze · 军事
10 Chs


King maduka roams around the room, looking restless, he ponders on his days of glory how he fought and acquired territories, he smiled and soon replaces it with a frown as he heard a knock on the door. 

Who is it he barked he hates to be interrupted and he hoped it's not his sons he had no regard for them, I said who is that? he barked.

It is Tata his second wife who poked her head from the door making her head visible from the luminescent of the glowing lamp, my king won't you come to bed, it's late come with me to my bed it's much warmer.

Woman go alone do not disturb my thoughts, he dismissed her unexpectedly, Tata was taken aback but this sudden mood displayed by her husband.

My king but my waist is on fire, come and quench it for me, my lord.

let that waist burn look woman am not in that mood right now.

My lord I promise you would enjoy it, this one is different I might even give you another son like obieze.

You want to give me another pansy boy, the king growled.No my lord, is Obieze not as brave and more handsome than Kamdilli?.

King eyed her like she was something abominable. Tata is obvious you came here to mock me, go to bed am not in the mood obieze would have been better as a girl so I won't place my hopes high.

My king! I beg you please do not use such words on my son again.

Are you leaving this place or not, the king shouted. Easy my lord your first wife Obiagelli might hear this and may decide to come and take away my only chance to bed you this night.

I heard my name Obiagelli barked as she stormed into the room, who called me?, Obiagelli began to push the door to gain entrance into the king's chambers.

who called who? the King barked, I heard my name so I came to find out who is summoning me.

Summon you as to what? a deity or an oracle?

My king, I don't know all I know is whoever calling my name should stop.

she shoved the second wife Tata and stood at akimbo eyeing Tata.

Do you want to injure me? questioned Tata look at how you just pushed me don't you have a manner of approach? and what about you? don't you have common sense?, Obiagelli retorted when someone is approaching you to give way to your senior?

will the two of you get out! now! the King groaned. but my lord, tata called pleadingly, I said get out! the King roared and both women took off.

Look at them, both giving me the most miserable sons on this earth. he paced around the room talking to himself aloud why can't, my sons, be like Uwago's son Ziki, it is almost as if the gods have decided to laugh at my misfortunes it's my fate.

My sons are rascals, I can't help but think of shifting my throne to other families.

The god of my ancestors is this how you choose to reward me, I married two wives so they can each give me an heir to the throne, you chose to give me two useless sons.

The other day Kamdilli was molesting an elderly woman in the stream if not for intervention from the royal guards he would have inflicted her with pain, then another day he was caught stealing farm products from poor people, while obieze cannot even stand up to defend himself talk more of defending the people.

Oh! the gods of our land why do you mock me, the king groaned in pain, as he sat down, Kamdilli entered the room without knocking


you rascal, can't you knock before entering the chamber? he pauses as if to think over what his dad just said.


Are you deaf or something I said can't you knock?

knock? before I enter my own father's room?

Amadioha strikes you dead you imp ! will you get out of my sight.

Father am sorry but please but listen to me, father two men came in today and wanted to buy the land before our stream Ngene, they are foreigners I decided to stand in for you and tell them to bring 15 bags of cowries.

Have you gone mad? that land is sacred and not for sale! the next time someone visits me on an important mission don't you ever make decisions on my behalf, what insolence if I don't know any better I would have you whipped and thrown in prison this is treason.

Kamdilli knelt and bowed his head low, forgive me, father.

Don't you ever try delegating tasks or acting on my behalf I have a prime minister if am not around send the guards to notify him to come to the palace is that clear? ye,s my king.

what if the men bring the bags of money?, Kamdilli asked. You are a fool! leave my sight before I curse you. kamdili exited fast before his father rained down more curses.