
The Hidden : Secrets of the Past

4 nations, Erlia, Siragon, Kynd and Tyring raged war against the nation of Daimonas. To protect its people, the Ruler of Daimonas, sealed the nation away, never to be found again. 20 years pass and people forget about the events of the war and Daimonas becomes a legend, a myth. Aeras, prince of Erlia meets Athoos and the past begins to come forth. Aeras starts questioning things, what exactly happened 20 years ago?, why did the war take place?, what happened to Daimonas?

V25 · 奇幻
14 Chs

Chapter 5: We meet again

Athoos: You?

???: Oh! Athoos, what a coincidence meeting you here.

Athoos: Coincidence? I remember you saying that you wouldn't follow me, but I guess I heard wrong.

This person was no other than Aeras

Aeras: Athoos, I really did not follow you. I prefer to be true to my words.

Athoos: Then why are you here?

Aeras: I'm here because...

Athoos: Because.....

Athoos looked at Aeras with curiosity. She half-hoped that he would say it because he WAS following her but.....

Aeras: I'm here for Eisen.

Athoos: .....

Aeras: Because he is my future general.

Athoos: Oh, then why create such suspense?

Aeras: Because your curious but annoyed face was fun to see haha.

Athoos: You!

Eisen stood up after finishing his work, handed athoos her stuff and walked towards Aeras, and nodded. Aeras nodded too and they both started making their way out. Athoos too started making a way out to pay for the things she bought. She paid for the things and exited the shop. Eisen got up on the horse and Aeras was about to get up too but stopped for a moment and looked at Athoos.

Aeras: Nice meeting you again Athoos, hope to see you again.

Athoos gave a weird look to Aeras, and Aeras gave an amused smile as if what he saw was interesting. A smiling Aeras and the rising sun looked so beautiful that it made her heart skip a beat. Aeras got on his horse and started riding away. She saw both of them ride away on horses. She just stood there, watching, as they rode away. She had an annoying face, a bit flushed, but it soon came to a neutral expression. She muttered to herself.

Athoos: What a weird person.

*To Aeras and Eisen*

Leaving the shop behind, Aeras and Eisen started making their way to the Training Centre. This Training Centre is located in the middle of all kingdoms. Heirs, and General-Candidates from each kingdom come to this Centre to train to be good warriors. They arrived at the Centre and changed into their training attire. Princes and Princesses from every kingdom were there. As they came to the open grounds they saw Albion, Prince of Tyring, standing, glaring, and judging Aeras and Eisen with his General candidates.

Albion: Oh look, it Aeras and his ONLY General-Candidate Eisen.

Aeras just kept walking, ignoring Albion and Eisen did the same, following Aeras. Albion is always badmouthing Aeras and trying to crush him, he always looks down at him. His jealousy roots from the fact that Aeras is considered the most handsome Prince among princes from all kingdoms and Eisen the most handsome general candidate while Albion comes after Aeras on the list and his general candidates weren't even on any list. This competition with Aeras was one-sided, Albion was the only one competing. He had another reason for hating Aeras. Aeras normally ignored him as he didn't know why Albion was picking on him because if he did he would've confronted him right away.

Albion: Going to ignore me? Hah, probably because you are ashamed that you have only ONE general candidate and I have three. You're the worst Heir here, even the worst, Princess Carine has at least 2... I guess nobody told you that the more general candidate you have the more it shows how much people respect you and are ready to serve and sacrifice their life for you when you become the king. I guess you are not worth sacrificing life for, huh? Hey Eisen...

Eisen upon hearing his name, looked back giving Albion with the coldest gaze.

Albion: Eisen, I know you are with Aeras out of the benefits that come with it, it's ok I understand. You also don't wanna be with him, right? How about you join me, even if you are just an Erlian, I'll give you the pleasure of serving me, a Tyring, what do you say.

Eisen's cold gaze turned into and cold glare, signaling Albion his answer is no.

Albion: Hey !! What is that look you gave me ?! Huh ?! How dare such a scumbag and lowly creature as yourself look at me that way?!

Aeras saw Eisen struggling, he knew that Eisen was reaching his limits and would lose control and do something he shouldn't.

Aeras: Prince Albion.

Albion: Yes, 'Aeras'?

Aeras: I don't think you have heard of why I only have one general candidate do you?

Albion: Because you'll be just too sorry of a king to sacrifice life for.

Aeras: No, its because Eizen already did risk his life to save me once and proved himself worthy of being a general, so he is not a general candidate, he is already my general, but I guess you are too immature to decide who your general is, that is why you have three general-candidates and not a general already, but it's ok, those who are busy looking down on others often forget to see just how low they are themselves.

Albion: How dare you—

Aeras: I wasn't finished yet, I didn't choose Eizen so that he would sacrifice himself for me, I chose him because he is a worthy general to fight and die alongside in a battle with. I don't want him to follow me, but walk together with me, shoulder to shoulder so that we fight together, but I guess you wouldn't understand these words since you are the kind to have someone sacrifice themselves for you, instead of fighting alongside them and dying with glory, if needed. It's ok, not everyone wants glory, some are just too selfish and hold themselves too high for that. Also, don't look down on Princess Carine just because she is a girl, even being selected and deemed worthy for being a Queen is a high enough honor in the world where people think like you.

Aeras and Eisen left the scene leaving Albion speechless. Albion clenched his teeth and grunted while not knowing what to say. Finally, Mr. Floch Kwik, the Head instructor of the Centre arrived and everyone made lines, according to what kingdom they belong to.

Mr. Kwik: Alright brats, today is the day for a surprise test.

Everyone started whispering and making weeping sounds or sounding disappointed.

Mr. Kwik: Now, now, today will be a test of how well you can control your 'Ruu', as you all know the better you control and cultivate your Ruu, the better you become at using powers associated with it. Now, let's begin.

Everyone formed lines according to the Ruu they possess and started demonstrating their control over it. First came Prince of Kynd and four of his General-Candidates, then Princes of Siragon and his two General-Candidates, and then Albion and his General-Candidates. Albion and his candidates performed better than everyone before them and Albion looked and scoffed at Aeras and Eisen who were next. Aeras and Eisen got ready to demonstrate their Ruu. They both focused the Ruu on their entire body and finally started running and a very high speed and displaying amazing use of the sword. Every dummy was cut precisely in half at a very high speed. They both stopped at the end of the course and were greeted by everyone looking at them with a surprised look on their face. Aeras and Eisen were so fast that no one's eyes moved fast enough to see them run from one side of the course to the other while cutting dummies with the sword. Mr. Kwik was probably the only one who didn't seem surprised or amazed.

Mr. Kwik: Hmm….faster than before but still not there yet….work harder you both and you all in the back need to work way harder than these two, how about you just disperse and start doing that right now? Or do you want me to do everything for you? Go now, get lost you brats, go practice now.

That is typical of Mr. Kwik, everyone was used to it since he is the most respected and skilled warrior and instructor. After losing his ability to use his legs properly he decided to become an instructor and make warriors out of younglings. He is very strict and hard to impress, there was only ever one person who truly impressed him, but it's all in the past. Even though he doesn't show, he is a really warm and caring person. Meanwhile, Aeras and Eisen were both practicing when Eisen said something.

Eisen: …..Thanks.

Aeras: Huh? Why?

Eisen: For standing up for me...I know I should've done it myself.

Aeras: That's it? Is that all you wanted to say?

Eisen: And...about what you said...did you…..mean it?

Aeras: Absolutely!! I know I say a lot of things, but when at the moment, what I say is what I mean. You are not just my General Eisen, but my best friend, and I really am looking forward to fighting alongside you, if needed.

Eisen just looked down as he felt a bit embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Aeras: Embarrassed? Hahahahaha oh my god, you look cute when embarrassed hahaha

Eisen: Hey!

Aeras: Come on, it was a joke, you don't look cute, you look super cute hahahahaha

Eisen gave Aeras glares which made Aeras laugh, even more, teasing Eisen was Aeras's favorite thing to do. Aeras wasn't lying when he said that he and Eisen are best friends, normally the Heir and General-Candidates are not even allowed to talk unless the Heir decides to do that. Aeras and Eisen were different. Although their friendship was frowned upon by everyone else, they didn't care, they were and always will be like brothers. Princess Evabeth of Tyring, famous for being open about her love for Aeras, liked that about Aeras, that he didn't see Eisen as just his General-Candidate but as a Friend and as equal, and seeing him have fun with Eisen was her favorite pastime while training, as Aeras hardly ever looks at her and even if he does he doesn't really smile or laugh. This has been going on for years, Aeras is a fool to never have noticed her spying.

Elizabeth: Ahhh….. Aeras is shining, even more, brighter than yesterday, I guess my deduction is correct, Aeras is an angel.

Albion: Tsk….what do you even see in that jerk?

Elizabeth: Ughhh…..you are blind if you can see what I'm seeing.

Albion: I'd like to be blind than see him again, I mean...you are my sister…..i'm known for hating him you know…..you cant just go ahead and declare your love for him so openly.

This is the other reason why he hates Aeras, his sister loves him, and he at least wanted his sister to not fall for Aeras's 'fake charms', or so he likes to think.

Albion: Tsk….charming? I'd say lame.

Coming back to Aeras and Eisen, who had just finished their training, walked to the cleansing room to bathe and change their clothes. They came out and arrived at the stable for their horses. Eisen still had something he didn't ask Aeras and it was bugging Aeras a lot. Having enough of it, Aeras finally asked.

Aeras: Hey, is there something you are not telling me or asking me?

Eisen looked at Aeras as if he is caught red-handed or something. Eisen nodded.

Aeras: I told you, you can talk anything out with me, and no secrets, remember?

Eisen: It's just that...how…

Aeras: uh-huh?

Eisen: How do you know that girl?

Aeras: Oh, haha is that all? You should've asked me earlier, although I must say it's a long story and I will have to tell you some other day, just know that….she just happened to me.

Eisen: Aeras…..I wish you could see the way you look at her.

Aeras: Awwwwww...are you jealous?

Eisen: You wish…..no…..I have no interest in that girl but let me ask….are you…..interested in her?

Aeras : uhhhhhhhh....

Eisen : ...

Aeras: Yes and no, I am interested but not in the way you think, I just want to get to know her more.

Eisen: Why? You are not normally interested in anyone.

Aeras: Because....when we met, she was trembling as if she was caught red-handed, but she was still brave and put on a courageous expression as if saying "Even tho I'm scared, I'm not scared", which is interesting and rare of a quality.

Eisen: Hmm…..But Aeras the way you looked at her was way different.

Aeras: Maybe you are right…..maybe I am interested in her in both ways.

Eisen: You know you will only hurt her.

Aeras: Why?

Eisen: You and a lowly girl can never be together.

Aeras: Hm…..you are forgetting that you and I are not allowed to have a 'best friend' relationship either and it's already frowned upon by many, but here we are, are we not?

Eisen couldn't say another word after hearing that. Aeras was right, he and Eisen weren't supposed to be anything more than the King and his general, but still, they were closer than brothers.

Eisen: I understand. I apologize.

Aeras: Hey where did that come from? I appreciate your concern, you were only looking out for me, and in a way, her too, but now is actually too early for me to pursue her, I mean, I hardly know her, I only know her name. That is why I wanna get to know her more, to see if what I felt was right, or what I felt was just in the heat of the moment.

Eisen: Heat of the moment?

Aeras: long story, remember? Ok, let's go.

Eisen: Uh….huh.

Aeras and Eisen both got on their horses and started making their way back to Erlia. They both didn't say anything much on their way because of how awkward the situation got back at the stable. Eisen thought that Aeras was probably reminding him of his place and Aeras was busy thinking whether Eisen liked Athoos and that's why he asked that. Both of them said nothing and went with the flow and before they knew it they were back. Aeras rode back towards Castle and Eisen rode towards the shop.

Aeras and Eisen (in their heads at the same time): I'm sorry...if I hurt you.

To be continued...

(Notes on what General-Candidate and Ruu are will be posted soon, please make sure to read them, to get a better insight into these elements of the story)

****End Chapter 5****