
Chapter 70. Jiyuan

Xue Fang nodded, "It's very late, Prime minister Hong, are you going back to the palace on foot?" Xue Fang asked again, his brow furrowed slightly when he realized that the man before him was carrying nothing but himself.

"I have no other choice but…"

"You can use my horse, Prime minister Hong," Xue Fang interrupted the man next to him. Then he gave the horse rope in his hand to the middle-aged man.

"I'll ask my bodyguard to pick it up tomorrow," he added.

"Does not matter? After all, the royal palace isn't that far from here, Mr. Xue."

Xue Fang nodded, "Take it, prime minister Hong. I don't mind, shouldn't we help each other?" he replied.

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, the next second a smile appeared on his lips, "Then I have no reason to refuse your help, Mr. Xue. Thank you, I will ask someone to return your horse tomorrow morning," said Prime Minister Hong.

Xue Fang just nodded, he then excused himself into the house.