
The Hidden Noble

In the realm of mundane existence, Alden's life took a dark turn as betrayal led him to an untimely demise. Yet, instead of the expected afterlife, he awoke in the body of a noble bearing his name, Alden Van Farrow. Unwilling to accept this whimsical hand dealt by fate, Alden plunged into the opulent world of nobility. Amidst the grandeur, he discovered the echoes of betrayal etched into the soul he now inhabited. With a thirst for retribution, he became a puppeteer in the intricate dance of courtly politics. His journey unfolded as a tapestry of manipulation and correction, each move a calculated step toward justice for the wrongs suffered by the body he now possessed. But beneath the veneer of nobility, Alden harboured a singular goal – to unravel the mysteries of his new life and find a portal back to the world he once knew. Join Alden Van Farrow on a fantastical odyssey through grand halls and shadowy corridors, where every secret carries the weight of magic. The quest for redemption intertwines with the pursuit of home, setting the stage for a tale where betrayal and nobility collide, and the echoes of a life betrayed resonate through the enchanted realms of destiny. The curtain rises, and Alden's mystical journey begins.

CrownedBishops · 都市
97 Chs

Chapter 7

[I am the System Interface, an integral part of your journey in this realm. My purpose is to assist and guide you, offering you opportunities for growth and empowerment. Your presence here is not arbitrary; it is a convergence of fate and choice. Embrace the possibilities that unfold before you, Alden.]

The mechanical voice responded with an almost ethereal resonance, emphasizing the significance of the unfolding adventure.

Alden's eyes flickered between the holographic display and the words echoed in his mind. He read the statement from the System twice, a range of emotions playing across his face. His body shook, and suddenly, he burst into laughter.

AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA, "Sorry, that sounds like something straight out of an RPG genre," Alden chuckled, finding a moment of amusement amidst the surreal situation.

"What else?" Alden inquired, his laughter subsiding. The System continued to provide details about the new world Alden had apparently been reborn into. It described a medieval realm, a land of swords and magic, with kingdoms and nobility.

[As hard as it may be to believe, you are now part of this new world] the System's mechanical voice explained.

It detailed the intricacies of a society vastly different from the one he knew. Alden, however, still struggled to accept the truth about his death and rebirth into this fantastical realm. The clash between his memories of Earth and the vivid description of this medieval world left him in a state of disbelief.

"Sure, sure, whatever. Just show me the silver box," Alden retorted,

Maintaining his scepticism toward the seemingly mystical interface. Despite the detailed descriptions and explanations, he found it difficult to fully embrace the idea of a system guiding him through a new life in a medieval world.

As Alden's hand pressed the silver-box reward button, a peculiar sensation tingled through his fingertips. a strange warmth enveloping him, a subtle yet invigorating energy that hinted at the untapped potential within the silver-grade box. The anticipation built within him, blending curiosity with excitement as the mysterious contents of the reward box awaited revelation.


[Claim reward: Alden, the Administrator of the System. You are what I exist to support.]

[You are reborn] the System's mechanical voice explained.

"I'm reborn?" Alden murmured, the words escaping his lips in a hushed tone, blending with the ambiance of the luxurious room. The balcony beyond beckoned, a stone structure adorned with intricate carvings depicting ancient tales. It overlooked a bustling courtyard below, where people in medieval attire went about their daily activities.

[But how] Alden, still grappling with the revelation of his rebirth, pondered aloud, His voice held a mix of wonder and confusion, echoing within the stone walls of the medieval tower.


[The system analysed the host's soul and the body allocated to the host, deducing the circumstances of your rebirth.] The mechanical voice responded, its resonance carrying an air of enigma.


[Further analysis has discovered that the host has been stabbed by Mr. Choi when the host was not paying attention.]

"Those hyenas."

Alden, angered by the mere mention of Choi, felt an intense surge of rage coursing through him. The medieval atmosphere of the summer city seemed to intensify the emotions as he stood on the balcony, overlooking the castle courtyard below.

The stone railing, adorned with intricate carvings, became the silent witness to Alden's inner turmoil.

"Well, I still don't believe this reborn crap but, mere soul to travel to another world is blasphemy"

Alden sneered at the holographic display, his disbelief etched across his face. 


[Answer to host, when host has bled to death, the host soul lingered on the planet surface for a period. The time was enough for an Aura to manifest on the host soul and gather enough energy to traverse to the nearest black holes.]the mechanical voice echoing in Alden's mind.

"HMPH, even science fiction is more profound than this rubbish explanation. Black hole? traveling to another planet?". Alden mused, his voice laced with scepticism.


[Purely based on scientific fact, black holes were known to be the end of all things.]

The system's attempt to reconcile scientific facts with the fantastical reality left Alden feeling unconvinced. His sceptical nature persisted, and he responded with a hint of arrogance,

"[Well, obviously.]" But before he could arrogantly reply more to the system 


The mechanical voice persisted, providing more details that further blurred the lines between Alden's rational understanding and the mystique of this new reality.

[The host's soul was able to enter the unknown black holes, traverse to other universes in a one-time use, guided by the system.]

The moonlight bathed the medieval castle balcony as Alden scoffed at the system's explanation. The stars above seemed to twinkle in response to his disbelief. Standing there, he mockingly admitted,


"I never knew I was this capable."

[so, system, you said I am in some unknown planet? or Black hole?...]


[Unknown planet, the system detected this is the world of swords and magic]."

{Further analysis detected, you are in the kingdom of Edan, Dukedom of Van Farrow. Summer castle of learning school for the Van Farrow family. Gathered from remnants of memories from the vessel the host is residing.}

Upon receiving the system's prompt, Alden's eyes widened with horror. The realization struck him like a thunderbolt – he was no longer human. A profound sense of dread settled in as he frantically looked around, searching for anything that might scream foreign or alien. However, his surroundings defied his expectations.

Examining the room meticulously, Alden found himself within a setting reminiscent of European medieval nobility. The room exuded an air of sophistication and privilege, befitting a young noble. Intricately carved wooden furniture adorned the space, draped in rich, velvety fabrics. The bed, with its elaborate canopy, hinted at luxurious comfort. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the room.

As he continued to survey his environment, Alden couldn't help but notice the ornate details – tapestries depicting noble emblems, a writing desk adorned with quills and inkwells, and a fireplace adorned with heraldic symbols. Despite his initial shock, the room emanated an Earthly familiarity, resembling a page torn from history rather than an alien landscape.

"Everything looks like a theme from a movie to me" Alden fell silent and lost. grasping his surrounding, 

Alden, fixated on the view from the balcony, discovered the presence of four moons illuminating the night sky. The shining stars cascaded like meteors, casting an otherworldly glow. Despite his initial oversight, the celestial spectacle captivated him. The tower he stood within, seamlessly linked to a well-structured five-story building, hinted at the grandeur of this unfamiliar realm. Alden felt a mix of awe and curiosity, eager to unravel the secrets concealed within this medieval marvel.

"Wow, so beautiful," he whispered,

Captivated by the enchanting sight unfolding under the starlit sky.

"Where is this place system" Alden spoke to the system 


[This is the kingdom of Edan, Dukedom of Van Farrow. You are in the Summer Castle of the Van Farrow family.] The mechanical voice of the system provided Alden with a glimpse into the unfamiliar world he found himself in.


Alden, grappling with the weight of his predicament, posed a crucial question to the system, his voice carrying a mix of anticipation and determination,

"Alright, system, am I able to return to my universe?" The lingering desire for revenge against those who had wronged him on Earth fuelled his curiosity about the possibilities that lay ahead.

The system's response reverberated in Alden's mind, delivering a stark reality.


[The host is unfortunately unable to leave the Unknown planet currently]


As Alden closed his eyes, he allowed the night breeze to gently caress his face, his hair dancing in the wind like a maiden trapped inside a tower—almost a modern Rapunzel, though the irony wasn't lost on him. The cool air brought a fleeting sense of freedom, momentarily distracting him from the tangled web of challenges he found himself in.