
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · 奇幻言情
32 Chs

Chapter 5

The toll of the temple bell marked the approach of midnight, its somber chime echoing through the night.

Under a moonless sky, torches in hand, people gathered in twos and threes, making their way toward the temple. It was time for the funeral rites to begin. Milia stood with the elders on the temple steps, watching as the shrouded body atop the towering pyre was consumed by flames that seemed to lick at the very heavens.

"Let this end quickly," a voice whispered in Milia's mind, urging her to flee the sorrowful crowd. Yet, another voice cried out, warning her not to trust what she saw. Unexplainable events were unfolding, mysterious clues hinting at something hidden beneath the surface.

Milia reached out to touch the bracelet brought with the body, its significance unclear. Did it hold a message, perhaps a scroll revealing secrets locked within the golden archer's cabinet?

Amidst the priest's chants, mournful songs rose, blending with the crackling of flames. A fireball ascended from the temple's altar, casting a crimson glow over the gathering. The werewolf tribe did not mourn their leader's departure with surprise; any conflict or war could claim their warriors, even their chieftain.

After the ceremony, as the crowd dispersed, Milia stood silently before the cooling embers. Tears mingled with ash streaked her face, dimming her beauty. Heidi approached, offering solace with a comforting embrace.

Seated at a table, untouched glasses of wine before them, Milia broke the silence. "Heidi, do you believe Kenny took his own life? I can't bring myself to believe it. Kenny would never..."

Heidi sighed, understanding Milia's disbelief. "I know the truth," she said, shocking Milia. "What do you mean?" Milia asked.

"I know Kenny owed a substantial sum to the Cheno tribe," Heidi explained. "Right after Kenny's body was found, Chief Mas and his men came to see the high priest. Thomas even brought a contract, signed by Kenny, stating that the gold pieces were to be repaid by the entire Lorenz tribe."

"So, everyone now believes Kenny ended his life because of this debt?" Milia struggled to accept it.

"Not only did Kenny owe the Cheno tribe money," Heidi continued, "but Thomas also had a contract stating that Kenny intended to cede control of the river domain to the Cheno tribe to repay the debt."

"So, this contract only proves Kenny owed them money, and it was an irrational and dishonorable attempt to escape debt," Milia mused, still finding it hard to believe Kenny would make such a decision.

Heidi pushed the wine glass closer to Milia, attempting to comfort her unease. "Regardless, debts vanish when a person dies," she said.

Milia shook her head with a bitter smile. "Kenny wouldn't end his life over debt, Heidi. I know my husband, his bravery, and his sense of duty."

Heidi's expression faltered in the flickering candlelight. "I believe everyone was taken aback. Both the high priest, who deeply trusted Chief Kenny, and Elder Gabriel were deeply affected by this news."

"Milia, I know it's hard for you to accept reality," Heidi said gently. "But if you continue to investigate, have you thought about Kenny's reputation?"

Milia silently drank the wine, hugged Heidi, and left the temple alone. She had nothing more to say. She had always known that, regardless, she would have to decide everything herself. Even the best of friends couldn't fully understand the thoughts deep within her heart.

Milia stood at the edge of the cliff, enveloped by dark fog, her chestnut hair damp against her forehead. She felt a suffocating ache in her heart. What lurked in the darkness below? Would Kenny's shadow wander there?

"Please come back, Milia," a familiar voice called from behind.

Milia turned, seeing Kenny. But not the Kenny she knew—a Kenny buried deep in her memories.

At that time, she was alone, a teenager accustomed to wandering. Until she met Kenny, a young werewolf, so young and bright, with the innocence of youth on his face.

"Milia, come back to Lorenz with me," he pleaded. "My father will protect you, let you stay, and not be expelled."

"Milia, I swear I will always protect you," he promised.

Milia reached out, hoping to grasp Kennedy's hand, but found only emptiness. She awoke suddenly in bed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she closed her eyes.

"No, she couldn't believe Kennedy, so brave and loyal, would break his promises." Sitting up abruptly, she resolved to uncover the truth, no matter the dark secrets lurking beneath.

Facing the mirror, Milia tied up her curly hair tightly behind her head. She dressed herself as a warrior, donning leather garments and boots. Adorning herself with accessories, she strode into the olive tree courtyard, where she had arranged to meet Eli at the abandoned guard training grounds on the castle's side.

The deserted training ground, situated on a slope outside the western city walls, was where Milia planned to ride her horse. Leading her horse out of the stable, she pulled up her hood to remain unnoticed, rode to the deserted grounds, and hid, awaiting Eli.

Though deserted, people still occasionally passed by on the main road outside. Milia concealed herself behind a wooden pillar, spotting a man in Southern tribe attire riding by. Recognizing him as the peculiar Ethan guard, she wondered why he wandered alone in Lorenz.

Curiosity piqued, Milia decided to follow Ethan, observing him from a distance. She watched as Ethan dismounted and inquired of passersby while leading his horse. Unable to hear from afar, Milia wrapped her hood tightly, moving closer to hear his queries.

Carefully approaching Ethan, her heart raced, fearing detection. When she got within about four or five meters, Ethan glanced back alertly. Startled, Milia quickly hid behind a large tree, relieved he hadn't spotted her.

As Ethan continued his inquiries, Milia observed his tense demeanor, seemingly searching for something important. Filled with curiosity, Milia debated whether to confront him.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps. Turning, she saw Ethan approaching. Startled, she quickly composed herself, meeting him halfway.

Ethan stopped before her, eyes questioning yet complex. "Ms. Milia, why were you following me?"

"Following? This is our fortress; I was just exploring," Milia chuckled. "But why are you sneaking around? What are you inquiring about?"

Ethan gave her a cold glance. Tall and muscular, he emitted an aura of a male werewolf, attracting admiring glances from passing girls.

After a moment's thought, Milia softened her approach. "If you need help in Lorenz, I can assist. Who are you looking for?"

Ethan tightened his lips, scrutinizing Milia. "Seems you don't know what your husband's done," he said.

Milia's heart skipped a beat. "Do you know about Kennedy? Is his death related to you?"

Ethan, provoked, turned away. "I won't kill him; that's too easy."

Milia hurried after him. "Can you tell me what you know? We can cooperate."

Glancing back, Ethan said, "To know the truth, you must understand your husband's true nature."

With that, he swiftly mounted his horse and galloped away, leaving Milia standing alone.

Returning to the training ground, Eli approached anxiously. "Madam Milia, we saw the Cheno tribe carrying out a body for burial. It was Mapol."

Milia widened her eyes. Mapol dead? Was he silenced for knowing too much?

"Now the Cheno tribe is leaving," Eli continued. "Should we follow them?"

"No, they'll return south," Milia said softly. She pondered Ethan's words; he must know something about Kennedy's situation. And why was he alone in Lorenz asking questions?

"Eli, have you seen the Ethan guard? He seems to know Kennedy or has been here before?"

Eli nodded. "He's not from the Cheno tribe; he's a wandering wolf from the river domain. I've seen others like him. This Ethan, why was he at the meeting of tribe leaders? These wandering wolves are often hired as mercenaries, some exceptionally fierce and brutal. Since anyone can buy them, Milia thought, maybe I can use gold to buy some secrets.

After returning to the olive tree-shaded courtyard, Milia once again sorted through the papers and items she had brought from the chief's office. Among them were aged contracts and agreements, bearing unfamiliar signatures, all concerning the management of disputed lands and conflicts in the river area, as well as the resettlement of exiles over the years.

Situated between the dense forests of the north and the desolate wastelands of the south, the river region posed challenges for settlement due to its unpredictable tides and floods. However, it thrived as a vital trade route connecting continents, especially bustling around the docks.

Gradually, some of the banished wanderers found a home there, supporting themselves through odd jobs for traders. Areas with unclear boundaries became hotbeds of corruption and criminal activity, with gangs asserting control, even extending their influence to the docks, disrupting intercontinental trade.

Decades ago, Old Dad, the former leader of the Lorenz tribe and Kennedy's father, led warriors to seize control of the river area. They established new regulations and staked their claim to the land. Since then, the Lorenz tribe has maintained a presence there with soldiers and officials, striving to maintain order. However, recent times have seen trouble brewing. The Cheno tribe from the southern wastelands continues to cause disruptions, while unrest simmers among the local wanderers. Milia meticulously examined the ancient documents and contracts, endeavoring to anticipate the direction of events.