
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · 奇幻言情
32 Chs

Chapter 20

Meanwhile, in Milia's countryside clinic, a gathering of four individuals was convened. "So, you've become an ungrateful turncoat, betraying the benevolence once shown to you by our former leader, Dade," Heidi remarked with a rueful smile, casting a sympathetic glance Milia's way. "The barracks are abuzz with gossip," Alec chimed in, taking a hearty swig of his beer. "Some of Kenny's former comrades-in-arms are now rallying to his cause. A number of them have even petitioned for retirement under Liam's command." Milia wasn't surprised; the erstwhile leader Dade's stature as a hero of yore, along with his decades-long influence and social standing, wasn't easily forgotten. "And how fares Mrs. Ann of late?" Milia inquired of Ethan, who shook his head pensively. "They've been relatively quiet, though there's been a steady stream of activity at their villa." After a moment's reflection, he added gravely, "Yet, I can't shake the feeling that Kenny isn't the type to forsake his social standing and feign his own demise merely due to Thomas's debts. It's almost as though he's been harboring aspirations to assume Joseph's role as the elder brother for quite some time. There's more to the story behind Joseph and Kenny's grand designs than meets the eye."

Heidi then produced an ancient parchment scroll, its surface cloaked in dust and frayed at the edges. "I've unraveled the mystery of that enigmatic old man," Heidi announced excitedly, carefully unfurling the scroll.

"I stumbled upon a forgotten parchment tucked away in the archives, nearly lost to neglect. It chronicled a chapter obscured by time—a temple fire thirty years past had ravaged many scrolls, notably those detailing a clandestine history of the divine. Within its weathered folds lay the saga of ancient gods, Osoka and his sibling Nukas, locked in a fateful struggle. Nukas, vanquished, took flight, his lineage rumored to endure in the icy expanse of the far north. The parchment spoke of Nukas's final sighting, a southward voyage upon a river—a lone god, exiled from his celestial kin.

Millia's eyes sparkled with revelation. While the connection between the befuddled elder she encountered in the forest and the storied gods seemed improbable, the divine bore an unmistakable mark—a golden diamond etched upon their brows. Annina referred to this elder as 'Lord Sanctum,' a title excluding him from her paternal lineage. Millia shared her findings and musings with the group. Alec's incredulity was palpable. "They had mastery over a god? Unthinkable!"

Heidi, with the wisdom of a priestess, exhaled softly. She understood the vast potency of the divine, yet she knew too of their vulnerabilities, each deity possessing unique frailties. "If true, this elucidates the necessity of divine influence in the oath of death upon the vial; this god may well be the elusive Nukas," Heidi deliberated. "Perhaps coerced or ensnared by deceit."

Ethan's revelation struck like lightning. "Ah, it dawns upon me now. For an age, our wanderers found no sanctuary in the temples. A god willing to receive them would find it effortless to sway their allegiance. Undoubtedly, they've clandestinely recruited the wandering wolves, invoking the divine name. Cunning, indeed." He punctuated his words with a resounding thud upon the table. Indeed, the schism of faith contributed to the river domain's unrest among the nomadic lupine folk.

Heidi, with a hint of hesitation, elucidated the pride of the gods. "Nukas, an ancient deity, engaged in the divine strife, driven by his belief in singular supremacy. Such a god, unless bereft of reason, would hardly entertain wanderers as followers. Alas, such are the dictates of the divine."

Ethan's smirk held a steely resolve. "I've long since discerned this game, and I refuse to play by its rules." Millia admired Ethan's defiance, silently concurring within. The gods' rules, fashioned to divide and rule, served only the sovereigns' interests. Beneath the veneer of racial diversity lay the truth—elves could be sly and deceitful, just as wolves, disdainful of violence, yearned for peace.

Alec interjected, "I deem it prudent to swiftly apprise Chief Liam. A sense of foreboding lingers." Millia nodded. "When Annina and Kenny orchestrated their abduction ruse, they embroiled me in gold distribution to OLVE gang members and the bribery of the sheriff's corrupt underlings. Additionally, I discerned an impending upheaval in the river domain. Should these gangsters succumb to a false god's sway, a widespread revolt could ensue."

Heidi pondered with her head tilted, murmuring to herself, "Betrayal or even the establishment of a kingdom requires substantial wealth to back it." Ethan chimed in, "The OLVE New Alliance has been quietly amassing weapons. Though I wasn't deeply involved, rumors suggest they've been seeking arms from distant tribes on other continents."

"Following the money trail will inevitably lead us to its source," Millia asserted confidently. She entrusted this task to Heidi, knowing her ability to access transaction records managed by the priests and communicate effectively with the elders.

Suddenly, a detail struck Millia. Turning to Alec, she inquired, "Did you mention Kenny recruiting guards in the camp?"

"Yes, quite a few have departed from the camp due to it," Alec confirmed. Once one of Kenny's most loyal followers, he now held nothing but disdain for the deceitful man.

Rising from her seat, Millia approached the window, gazing up at the sky. The summer evening air carried the scent of recent rain and damp grass. An epiphany dawned on her. "Kenny intends to flee!"

"What's happening?" All eyes turned to Millia, prompting her to explain urgently, "We must seek Liam's counsel without delay. Details can follow." With a coat in hand, she moved to leave, Ethan following closely. Amidst the volatile situation, he felt compelled to safeguard her wherever she went.

Meanwhile, Liam sat in the chief's chamber of the council hall, his brow furrowing upon hearing news of Kenny's planned escape. Retrieving a small wooden box, he handed Millia a stack of letters. "Take a look. Anonymous missives addressed to the elders and chiefs have been flooding in. They report escalating gang conflicts in the river domain. We were on the cusp of heading there to quell the rebellion, leaving us no resources to handle Kenny's matters." If Kenny wished to flee, so be it. Liam's interest in him had waned.

"Not only does he plan to flee, but he and Madame An also intend to abscond with a vast amount of stolen gold. Not merely eight thousand bars. Potentially tens of thousands," Millia disclosed.

Liam was taken aback. "Where did they acquire such wealth? Our combined treasuries don't hold that much gold."

"That's their cunning," Millia remarked icily. "Heidi and I have meticulously reviewed all records, including those generously provided by the Cheno priests. We discovered not only embezzlement from Lawrence and Cheno's treasuries, but also evidence of covert accumulation of goods from several continental tribes. These goods were ferried along the river to Fang's Wharf. On paper, they appeared as agricultural produce, textiles, and minerals unique to each continent, with no overt suspicion. Yet, these goods never entered the market. They were stored in various warehouses for a time before being swiftly acquired by the OLVE New Alliance under the guise of aiding wanderers."

Millia retrieved a parchment from her pocket and unfurled it, revealing a meticulously crafted inventory. Amid her activities at Fang's Wharf, ostensibly coerced by Annina's organization into performing illicit deeds, Millia also traversed the labyrinthine streets and alleys, surreptitiously documenting every trade transaction between Fang's Wharf and the OLVE New Alliance.

"Take a look at this," she began, gesturing to the parchment. "These goods, though not voluminous, hail from distant continents and should naturally find eager buyers. However, instead of promptly selling upon arrival, the owners intentionally withhold them. They wait until a considerable time has passed, then claim damages and conveniently sell the goods exclusively to the OLVE Alliance, citing them as 'damaged.' It's all rather curious, don't you think? What's even more intriguing is that upon Heidi's investigation, these elusive owners seldom make personal appearances. They typically delegate the management of warehouses and transportation to subordinates," Millia remarked with a hint of amusement. "And as for these subordinates, several warehouse overseers have confirmed that it's none other than Joseph himself. With his habitual drunkenness and frequent haunt of the taverns along the docks, he's become quite recognizable."

Liam listened intently, his mind whirring with thoughts. "So, if I understand correctly, gold bars from various corners of the world are making their way to Fang's Wharf, to be amassed by the OLVE New Alliance. Behind this organization stand figures like Thomas, Kenny, and Annina, and perhaps others of significant influence. And now Kenny and Annina seek to appropriate this wealth for themselves?"

Millia nodded in agreement. "Regardless of the origin of these gold bars, it's clear they represent ill-gotten gains. Apprehending them would undoubtedly benefit all the tribes."

Liam, emboldened by this revelation, straightened his posture, his eyes gleaming with resolve. "Madam, do we have any insight into their operational routes?" Millia turned to Ethan, her silent companion, and offered a knowing smile. "Ethan has unearthed their clandestine mines, where they forge large carriages and iron crates for transporting goods. These mines hold several captive blacksmiths and craftsmen."