
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · 奇幻言情
32 Chs

Chapter 17

"It's Burke, the youngest son of Thomas. This lad appeared out of nowhere, boldly joining the God Clan at the temple. In the presence of priests and elders, he shamelessly proclaimed that during the tumultuous events in the city-state of Lawrence, when Joseph and Ethan arrived, he was also present. He claimed to have witnessed Joseph boarding the Fangtooth Dock and setting sail, only to be secretly poisoned by Thomas, who then instructed Burke to follow Joseph to ensure his demise from poisoning a few days later."

Milia and Heidi listened, mouths agape, as Liam recounted this startling turn of events. Initially rendered speechless by the sheer audacity of it all, it wasn't until they heard the blame shifted onto Thomas for the murder that they found their voices.

"This is sheer absurdity!" Heidi exclaimed, her indignation palpable as she sprang to her feet. "Now that Thomas is deceased and the vial has been confiscated by them, they can concoct any tale they please, can they not?"

Milia's knuckles tightened on the table, her expression growing pale. "Who exactly are these individuals from the God Clan? And why are they aiding Kenny?"

Liam paced the room, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword, his countenance a mosaic of conflicting emotions. "Now that the High Priest has been taken away by them, supposedly to be tried in the God Clan's territory, we find ourselves powerless." He sighed wearily. "Last night, I spoke with Kenny in the temple dungeon. 

He adamantly denies responsibility for Joseph's demise, insisting it was the work of another. Despite the evidence against him, he refuses to confess. The man is truly unhinged."

"And what of Kenny now?" Milia inquired, her concern evident.

"Liberated from captivity, Kenny departed of his own accord. His whereabouts remain unknown to us." Liam shook his head ruefully. "We lack the authority to pursue him any further; he is now a free civilian."

Milia lapsed into contemplation, grappling with the realization that her pursuit of justice might be forever obscured by the prevailing chaos.

The Lawrence Castle descended into unparalleled disorder. Hunters and gatherers abandoned their usual tasks, flocking instead to the tavern square. Clusters of people congregated, their murmurs portending imminent unrest. Bereft of leadership and with the sudden absence of the High Priest, the populace found themselves adrift amidst a sea of uncertainty. Rumors and conspiracy theories swirled through the streets, each more fantastical than the last. 

Some claimed to have witnessed the "deceased" Kenny swaggering out of the temple, while others alleged grave misconduct on the part of the High Priest, resulting in his dismissal. Alec, newly returned to the guard, found himself thrust into the midst of this turmoil. Despite his efforts, chaos threatened to overwhelm him. Yet, amidst the chaos, he managed to find a moment to caution Heidi to exercise caution, as rumors now painted Milia as an accomplice in these unfolding events.

Meanwhile, within the temple, the newly appointed and enigmatic successor, High Priest Osha, presided over a solemn ceremony. Gabriel and the remaining elders convened within, ready to extend their welcome. Osha, with his stern visage and imposing demeanor, exuded an aura of authority befitting his new role. Gabriel, the last bastion of leadership within the clan, briefed Osha on the escalating unrest within the city. 

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Osha concurred with Gabriel and the elders' proposal, selecting Liam as interim leader and scheduling a public appointment ceremony to be held in three days' time at the clan assembly.

Upon learning of Kenny's release, Ethan hurried to the Olive Tree Courtyard, where he found Milia emerging with a horse. Sensing his intent, she gestured for him to follow, leading him into a secluded alley. There, Milia positioned the horse to shield herself before addressing Ethan, "I was just about to look for you. It seems I may need to stay at your place for a while."

Ethan paused briefly, then understood the situation. Indeed, the safety of Milia's residence at the Olive Tree Courtyard was compromised—whether to avoid prying eyes or due to the complexities of her husband's involvement.

"I've heard Kenny's been released, acquitted of all charges," Ethan pressed for details, his indignation evident. "How does he escape justice after committing murder?"

Milia empathized with his outrage. "Rumor has it that a new witness, Burke, provided damning testimony against his own father, earning the trust of the God Clan."

"Burke, colluding with Mrs. An, besmirches his own father without hesitation," Ethan scoffed.

True, but it's puzzling. Mrs. An seemed confident she could overturn the initial death sentence of that vial, hence entrusting it to me. I was deceived by her," Milia sighed ruefully. "Liam's characterization of Mrs. An as a lunatic seems accurate."

"Liam's now the interim leader. I heard discussions on my way here," Ethan updated her on the latest developments.

"That's reassuring. Liam finally gets the recognition he deserves and assumes greater authority," Milia remarked, finding solace in the news as they headed towards the artisan residential area's hiding cabin.

Together, they arranged the modest cabin, rearranging crude wooden furnishings and drawing curtains to create a makeshift bedroom for Milia. Her past as a wandering youth made her unfazed by ordinary living, yet Ethan, evidently accustomed to solitude, appeared uneasy. He coughed, his cheeks flushing slightly, "I'll go out to gather intelligence. If possible, I'll try to meet with Liam."

Milia nodded, "I plan to visit Mrs. An tonight. Today, I'll keep a vigilant watch over them."

Ethan's expression turned grave, "That may be risky; they have considerable numbers."

Milia offered a confident smile, "As a former warrior, I assure you, I'll proceed with caution. Direct confrontation isn't my aim; I'll merely observe from afar."

As night fell, the crows' mournful cries echoed through the trees, casting an eerie atmosphere. Milia, leading the horse, concealed herself within the woods, feeling the dampness of the night dew on her feet. Her gaze fell upon Mrs. An's distant villa, where a procession emerged, carrying Mrs. An's infirm father on a stretcher. They lifted him onto a grand carriage, the crowd trailing behind as they made their way across the grasslands towards the outskirts of the estate.

Mrs. An's absence from the scene struck Milia as odd. If her father were truly ill, she should have accompanied him. Milia contemplated following the carriage to investigate, but then she spotted a familiar figure lurking along the villa's perimeter wall. Concealed within the darkness of the trees, the figure emerged as the carriage departed, revealing itself to be Kenny.

A surge of fear gripped Milia. Could Kenny truly be seeking revenge against Mrs. An? If so, his transgression would compound further. Watching Kenny stride across the villa's lawn and enter through the door, Milia cautiously trailed behind. If possible, she aimed to thwart Kenny's vengeful intentions.

The candlelight within the villa's ground-floor windows brightened. Milia approached a large wooden window near the garden, its curtains fluttering in the summer night breeze. Peering inside, she beheld an elegant living room, where Mrs. An, her once meek demeanor replaced by newfound confidence, stood beside a couch. Before her, Kenny stood tall, extending his hand to grasp Mrs. An's shoulder. Milia was on the verge of exclaiming in horror, poised to intervene and halt Kenny's violence.

Yet, in a sudden twist, Mrs. An emitted a crimson glow, her figure radiating soft light. With a coquettish laugh, she turned, the glow enveloping her completely before fading away. In its wake stood a woman entirely different from Mrs. An—a slender figure with mesmerizing crimson locks cascading to her waist, clad in a sheer scarlet garment that accentuated her enticing curves. With sensual lips and shimmering emerald eyes, she was a sight to stir anyone's desires.

"Oh, Annina," Kenny murmured, his hands embracing her tenderly, pulling her close as he sought her lips in a fervent kiss. Annina, or rather Mrs. An, responded ardently, her arms encircling Kenny's neck as she lifted a shapely, bare leg to wrap around his waist. Lost in their passionate embrace, they disregarded their surroundings, including the chilling figure outside the window.

Milia strained against the weight of her disbelief, forcing herself to watch as tears cascaded down her cheeks. Her heart shattered into pieces, each fragment a reminder of past deceptions, scattered in the air like yesterday's memories. In this silent abyss, she trembled uncontrollably, consumed by overwhelming loneliness. From that moment on, she was alone once more, Kenny's myriad lies flashing through her mind like lightning, revealing the entire deception.

As the two inside continued their passionate exchange, Milia could bear it no longer. Drawing her weapon from her waist, she swung it with all her might at the wooden window frame, producing a resounding crash. Startled, the pair inside hastily disengaged, their eyes darting toward the window. Without hesitation, Milia burst through the window, brandishing her sword, aimed squarely at Kenny's heart.