
Chapter 96: Seating Arrangement

"The explanation can wait later, Kiba-kun."

Angelie glared at Kiba.

"Oh, the special glare that is usually reserved for Akuma. I'm not worthy. I'll let you two eat in peace, then."

Kiba smiled at Angelie and Minatsu then walked toward the others.

Since it was a little hot outside, Tadashii offered Angelie and Minatsu to sit inside the van while he turned on the air conditioner. Angelie looked at the perspiring Minatsu and decided to accept the kind offer. Tadashii started the van and put the air conditioner on high settings. Angelie and Minatsu went inside and sat down on the back most row. It was so that Minatsu could lie down for a bit. Tadashii went back outside to wait with Sanaka and the others.