
The Heir To Oblivion

Earth is gone. Solid planets, gas planets, and even asteroids floating through space. Everything has vanished without a trace. Everything except the fiery star that once stood in the center. The Sun burns alone in the Milky Way, its bright light shining upon nothing but darkness. However, there is another universe, on a different plane than the Milky Way. The Praesi. A light-weaved tree with an incomprehensible size, thousands of planets hanging from its branches. On each of these planets resides different races, their bodies different colors, shapes, and sizes. And on some of them, bloodthirsty beasts lurk, on a constant hunt for their next meal. Through strange and unknown circumstances, a single human has survived the destruction of the earth. A spindly teen on the cusp of adulthood, Cage. Everything has been taken from Cage, his home, his life. His family. For a long, long time, Cage was alone in a realm of darkness, his only company being his tumbling thoughts. He could not move, see, or even scream. And just when the ideas of letting go and drifting away into Oblivion seemed to overpower all the others inside Cage's mind, a voice spoke to him. The voice, the first he had heard in far too long a time, gave Cage hope—a reason to go on. Then without warning, the man is thrust into existence, landing in a universe unknown to him. The Praesi. Cage has a purpose, something to find in the long and curving branches of this new universe, and nothing will stop him. Not the ruthless armies or the savage beasts that stand between him and his family.  Even if they could stop him, Cage will not kneel in fear. No. After all, nothing can be more terrifying than that darkness. --- The first two chapters do not contain the MC, however, they do set up the universe and are very important to the overall story. I recommend everyone read them, as I believe they will increase the enjoyment of the novel. --- I do not own the cover photo. If the owner wishes for it to be changed, then it will be done.

Austin_Harrison · 奇幻
77 Chs


Calf muscles ripple with a dash, and black eyes stare into Ingen's own grey. Cage stays low as he sprints towards his opponent, one sleeve flapping in the wind. Bare feet tap against the grass covered dirt as Cage reaches his opponent, rounding him with swift footwork and throwing a kick to the back of Ingen's knee.

Ingen's leg budges slightly, and the Rajin clicks his tongue, grabbing Cage's wrist and tossing him like a bag of rice. Cage flips through the air, keeping his eyes on Ingen even as he flies. He steadies himself, falling feet first. He hits water, sinking into a river and disappearing from sight.

Ingen falls suddenly, the knee that Cage kicked down against the dirt. He furrows his brows, silent as tall blades of grass caress his legs. He raises his right arm, the confusion only increasing as his hand hangs limp before him.

"Surely that little kick did not hurt you," Kyro chuckles as he steps up, gazing down at the back of Ingen's bald head, "It's only been four days and he is already much faster than before. Stronger too."

"I can't..." Ingen mutters, lifting his limp hand with the other, "I can't feel it."

"What?" Kyro wrinkles his forehead, looking at the river as Cage walks from the water, grey robe and black hair soaked, black eyes focused, unblinking, "Whatever it is, you may want to get up. I can see that he's itching to go again," he says.

"Wait, Kyro," Ingen says, glancing up at the blue-skinned man, "The leg that Cage kicked, I can't feel it. Same with this," he raises his arm for Kyro to see, massive hand hanging limp at the wrist.

Kyro stares at the massive violet hand, brows furrowed. He meets Ingen's confused eyes, "You can't move or feel it at all? Not even a bit?" he asks.

Ingen shakes his head. His hand suddenly twitches, and ever so slowly, the feeling comes back to both hand and leg. It will still be a few minutes before he can stand, but the Rajin sighs in relief all the same, "The feeling is coming back," Ingen says, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips, "I actually felt fear for a moment."

"What happened?" Cage asks as he arrives before the two Rajin. He chuckles, "Don't tell me that attack actually hurt you. It's too early for me to have made that much progress."

Kyro's grey eyes bounce between Ingen and Cage, the cogs in his mind turning. The ex-soldier has a hunch, one that is both interesting and terrifying, "Cage, what were you thinking in that last advance? Did you do anything different?" Kyro asks, the wind gliding across his skin as he speaks.

Cage hums, pushing a wet lock of hair from his face, "I was just thinking of how to bring Ingen down to my level. I figured the only way to do that would be to take one of his legs from him," he says, meeting Ingen's gaze, level with his own now that the Rajin is kneeling, "I didn't actually hurt you, did I?"

Ingen shakes his head in response, "No, I-"

"You paralyzed his leg and hand. He says that the feeling is coming back, but nonetheless, you are the only one that could have done something like this," Kyro interrupts, words firm as he gazes down at Cage.

The student's eyebrows raise on instinct, and he falters. He lowers his eyes to the waving grass below.

"Do not get down about this, it is not permanent," Ingen says, lifting himself on a shaky leg. He stands straight with some effort, smiling, "See?"

"I know," Cage responds, rubbing a non-existent beard, "I think I understand what's going on. I'll have to test it tonight though."

"Ah, so you have been testing your powers?" Kyro asks, "Good. Your fighting skills are increasing rapidly, but you will need those powers if you plan to travel from here. Neither hand nor weapon will match up to the magic users you will most likely have to fight."

"Of course," Cage responds, suddenly furrowing his brows, "But, what reason would anyone have to attack me? I only want to find my brother," he says, gazing up at Kyro.

Kyro returns his student's gaze, sighing, "How much has Yoru told you about the other planets?" he asks.

"Not much, really," Cage responds, "Just that most welcome foreigners, as Tiren and the others were foreigners that saved every planet."

Kyro nods, pausing. He turns toward the huts, which are a little over a mile away, "Come. Walk with me," he waves a hand forward.

Cage and Ingen exchange looks, and the ladder shrugs. They follow Kyro, and Cage walks beside his teacher with Ingen close behind. The tall blades of grass surround them, waving aggressively with the wind. Dark clouds shield Raj from the burning rays of the sun, yet no rain falls from them.

"I suppose my sister began your lessons with Gira Mersa's work," Kyro says, grey eyes staring forward, "While those books will be good for you to learn about the other planets, I will tell you now, things have changed in the three hundred years since the savior's disappearance."

"How so?" Cage asks, dragging his hand over the tips of the grass. The blades easily reach his waist.

Kyro hums, glancing down at the black-eyed man, "Remember the armored bodies on the battlefield?" The Rajin asks, "They are Utherians, a strong race that worships Betor the same as us. However, us Rajin are nothing like those crude barbarians. They have conquered many other planets, forcing the conquered to become slaves. For the last three hundred years, they have tried to do the same with us. Rajin have always been military oriented, but the Utherians have forced us to double down."

"They are not the only race that is like this either. Paleos, Hazelians, and a few others have indulged in a race of conquering as many planets as possible. And with the disappearance of the saviors, there is no one strong enough to stop them," Kyro says, "All of these races view others as objects, tools to be used for their own gain. If you plan to travel the Praesi in search of your brother, then you will come into contact with these races sooner or later. And they will try to make you into another tool, especially with those powers of yours."

Cage nods, eyes drifting to the Collector huts ahead, "I understand," he says. A smile curls his lips, and he looks at Kyro, "Why don't we up the intensity on the training? I'll need to be a lot stronger than I thought."

"Oh? Are you already becoming accustomed to being tossed through the air?" Kyro asks, returning his own smirk, "Very well then. Go with Ingen tomorrow to Nemar Forest in the south. I was planning to hold it off, but I suppose you are ready now."

"What will I be doing there?" Cage asks, "Finding animals to absorb, I'm guessing?"

Kyro nods, "Yes. However, that is not the only reason," he says, "On your journey, you will need to visit other planets to gather recourses. And if you happen to land on an outland planet like Kalar, there will be no merchants or shops to trade with. You will need to forage for food and water and have the knowledge to survive extreme conditions if you find yourself stranded in the wilderness."

"Of course," Cage responds, "Thank you, Kyro."

Kyro raises a brow, grey eyes lingering on his student, "Do not thank me yet. Your training is far from over. We will continue your regular training in a few days. I will be in the city for work tomorrow and the day after. And then..."

"I know. Yoru told me about the meeting," Cage says, "Will Ingen be going with you?"

"Of course I'm going. I was there when the Massor attacked," Ingen sneers from behind, "And I'd like to see the faces that have condemned me to this damn pitiful excuse for an existence."

"There's your answer," Kyro says, "Anyway, I want to warn you about the forest. There are monsters there, ones that even some Rajin have trouble dealing with. You should know that means you have little chance of surviving on your own. Ingen will be there to help these next two days, but while we are meeting with the Epochs, I do not want you even thinking about going to the forest alone."

"Understood," Cage responds.

"Good," Kyro says as they near the Collector village, walking past one side and across the dirt road. They arrive before their hut, and Kyro turns toward Cage, "Your training has been going well. From what I've seen, you learn best from first-hand experience, so we will continue to spar as we have been doing. If I return, tell me what new things you've learned about your powers, and more importantly, show me you are ready to wield a weapon."