
Mattheus's Greatest Fear

As they walked through the village again, the hunter named Iain told Mattheus about the sickness that plagued the small community from a first-hand perspective. Iain himself had gotten pretty ill himself, but managed to survive, unlike some others. Considering Mattheus eyeballed the man to be in his forties, it tracked.

He didn't know whether it was good or bad that this flu that was especially vicious to people with strong immune systems spread throughout the Norden territory. On the one hand, Nordeners were a hardy people.

On the other hand, Nordeners were a hardy people.

Mattheus supposed, in the end, he could only be grateful for how spread out the population of the north was and how isolated the territory was from other regions once again.

It took ten minutes of walking through the snow once they left the edge of the village before he saw the cabin that the solomonar resided at.