
Detlev Atrahasis-Gutermuth

"This Detlev Atrahasis-Gutermuth seems to have spent more time with books and artifacts than people face-to-face," Brunilda politely observed. "Considering small-town mindsets and the fact he's probably overly educated even compared to the average citizen in the capital, I wouldn't be surprised if he was an outcast. It probably was safer for him to hole up than head into the mines and get abandoned at first opportunity."

Oh, that made much more sense—

"Of course, he was telling the truth for the reason he stayed. He genuinely did not want to leave his research behind."


Mattheus couldn't help but think that all the intellectuals he met were eccentrics. His father, Albert IV, seemed the most normal of the lot, and Earl Crown was not exactly known to blend in either. 

Maybe it was true that geniuses tended to stand out of the crowd—especially if they didn't take pains to fake normalcy.