
Chronicles of Brunilda (I)

She stood still as Theo-turned-Mattheus placed the money she requested into the pouch around her neck, ears flickering as the young man straightened up after he was done.

"D'you need anything else?" Mattheus asked. He seemed to unconsciously move to straighten his vest and cuffs, a finicky habit she never saw in him before coming to this world.

Then again, Theo rarely wore dress shirts while all Mattheus seemed to own was formal and business attire. The twenty-two-year-old Theo had very much been in that university phase of life, wearing graphic t-shirts and sweats almost 24/7.

"No. Good luck with Honoria Crown."

Brunilda couldn't lie to herself though. As part of her Title as Guardian of the Scales, she was "The Only One Who Sees." While everyone could be willfully or obliviously blind, one could almost say Brunilda was cursed to see too much.

The kid she knew and offered a spare bedroom to the past year or so had changed when they found themselves in this foreign world, inhabiting new bodies. There had been a momentary worry that there were remnants of the original Mattheus Crown's spirit affecting Theo but she had eventually concluded most of the obvious changes were as a result of his new Occupation of Aristocrat.

It was bizarre to see the usually quiet and reserved young man smiling charmingly and being such a comparatively smooth talker at first, but Brunilda had gotten used to it.

In a way, she just put it to people changing over time. It was still Theo at the heart of it, only he had quickly learned to socialize adeptly with the perk of the System help.

As Brunilda parted with Mattheus and ignored Vincent bidding her a farewell in the hall, she thought it was funny. A bit of time around the Crown servants had Brunilda quickly picking up that the original Mattheus Crown was nowhere as personable or socially adroit as the current Mattheus.

Identity crises aside, she still thought she had the easier of it even if she changed species.

It took her a while to get used to how to move as a cat but it was now as easy as breathing to her. As she dashed and jumped across rooftops, she still couldn't help marveling at the tightly coiled muscles of this feline form underneath all the long fur. It had been so much easier to build up this small body—her passive skill that increases her physical strength and speed had been exponential rather than multiplicative like she had initially concluded.

Cats were born predators.

Brunilda as a human had been a bred predator, so she supposed giving her a body of a cat was both an equalizer and a cheat.

Sure, polydactyl paws meant she had fewer issues gripping things but the size of her paws still gave her issues at first. But thanks to desperate times, Brunilda realized the skill that allowed her to manifest blindfolds meant she could also manipulate the cloth with a bit of practice to do things she couldn't because of her size and reach.

As for communication…

Well, Mattheus seemed to be oblivious over how unnerving she was as a cat.

A perfect example was the fact she didn't need to breathe, which only helped her disappear and stay unnoticed.

"Lula," Brunilda pushed her words to the young girl that reminded the cat of herself in potential if nothing else.

The redhead flinched and spun around, letting out a litany of curses that would make even a sailor hike a brow.

"Impressive." The cat had to praise. She'd hung around plenty of mercenaries in her early twenties, some real rough and tumble types, and they sounded like children compared to the colorful and creative vitriol the fifteen-year-old girl released.

"Will you ever stop doing that?" Lula complained as she unconsciously got into a ready stance.

Good girl.

"If you become perceptive enough to spot me, I'll graduate you," Brunilda said truthfully.

Lula narrowed her eyes at the cat suspiciously before muttering about how she'd do it just to hold it over Brunilda.

The tall girl heaved a breath and straightened up. "So, what's the job now? Or is it just training again?"

Brunilda considered how Lula had spoken with minimum gutter trash accent, ignoring the cussing, and decided it was good enough.

"You're going to have to keep up and follow the regime I gave you by yourself for a while." Green cat eyes stayed on Lula while she heard Liam pop into the room because of the conversation. "You're going to be enrolled into the military academy."

Lula's eyes widened.

Liam, in contrast, didn't look surprised but was bright-eyed in subdued excitement. "Is she ready, Miss Brue?"

Lula looked between the child and cat in disbelief. "Wait a minute! How can I get into the academy! Doesn't matter how talented you say I am when I'm still a street rat from Eddes."

Brunilda looked at Liam. "Come here and take the money out. Place it in that briefcase."

Lula watched this happen, turning a bit shocked at the amount of money being taken out and placed in a bag. Still, she pointed out truthfully, "That is a lot of money… but I'm still an orphan. Is the Boss going to back me personally…?"

"You're not ready. But you are right that you will need backing considering your humble parentage. We're heading to meet your sponsor, so grab the briefcase and follow me."

"Why exactly are we sneaking in?" Lula whispered anxiously as she warily walked through the halls of the townhouse.

Brunilda was following the signature of Baron Endlewood whom she had marked ages ago, deftly avoiding the rare servant in the residence with her practically preternatural senses as a cat.

"Servants gossip, Lula," she didn't bother pretending to whisper, considering she projected her words to whom she wanted to hear it. "And it's just in case the man runs away."

"'Runs away'?" Lula hissed incredulously.

The cat supposed it was a good thing Baron Endlewood had been mostly avoiding Mattheus because of her—not that Mattheus noticed—even if the doctor was fascinated by Mattheus's healing abilities from his Title. It prolonged the talk and potential guilt that might wrack the kid if he realized what happened to her, ignoring the fact she was fine and found life as a cat pretty enjoyable.

It was a bit inconvenient though since Brunilda had to seek the man out and he always acted weird about it.

"Just say what I instructed you to." The feline did not elaborate and reminded. "He's in that room."

Brunilda did not bother speaking, only projecting words or directions for Lula when required, but the fact she was watching Endlewood the entire time was enough for the baron to agree to sponsor Lula in place of Mattheus.

After the doctor mentioned he would have things arranged by tomorrow and for Lula to meet him at the academy in the afternoon, the girl and cat pair left short a briefcase full of tuition money and hefty donation.

Hey, Brunilda never actually liked the fact she had essentially been from a paternal family that threw around their power through money and threats, but she was not above using what she learned growing up in that world when necessary. Especially when this world seemed to best work with the skills from a life she moved on from years ago.

"What did you do to the Baron?" Lula muttered once they left the property. "He looked terrified."

The cat sniffed. "Oh, I exist."


"It's because of my existence."


Of course, she was aware of how creepy she was and Endlewood had been the doctor that had initially looked at her after she arrived in this world.

The doctor specializing in auras had seen her Color. It had been black and while Sophily Morgaine remained clueless about the implications, Brunilda doubted it would be the same for Endlewood.

In fact, it was because of Endlewood that Brunilda realized something was off before she dug into some research.

While she found out how to hide her aura once she realized she needed to, the doctor had remained rightfully suspicious and wary.

Maybe it was the fact Baron Endlewood was a man of science that he still hadn't spoken of this to anyone nor tried anything against her. There was no proof, as the scan had no recording function. And a black aura had always been associated with death but not much else was known about it—it wasn't an obvious sign Brunilda was violent or a threat.

Dangerous though, yes. Humanity would be scared of death no matter what world.

"Say your good-byes to the others and go to the academy to meet with Baron Endlewood, Lula," Brunilda said when it was time for them to part. "Ignore the rules when reasonable and try to graduate as soon as possible. Ask the baron how because there is a way through skill."

There was also a way through wealth but Brunilda figured Lula would want to prove her capabilities herself. It was a big step from being a petty thief of the slums to whatever she would become upon graduating from the Royal Military Academy of Albion.

"Hey," Lula called.

Brunilda turned to look back at the girl. "Yes?"

"… Why 'Louise Avis'? What does Avis mean?"

Brunilda smiled, though it didn't translate that well through a cat's body. "Hahaha… well, Avis is the surname of my previous form. As for meaning… in another language, avis means bird. Let's see you take flight, Lula."

As the cat headed back to the Crown residence, she purposely left out that Avis also means portent or omen.

It would have ruined the motivational words.

What was in a name, in any case?

"Miss Brue," Vincent quickly caught his reaction of surprise and greeted the cat like a professional.

She walked a circle at the table he had been fixing her food at before sitting down and watching as he diced some raw hare for her. The valet had taken over making her food after the cook got exasperated as Vincent kept getting more specific on how the cat preferred her food to be prepared.

"Did you have an enjoyable walk during your errand?" Vincent asked as he carefully mixed in some rosemary and finely shredded basil to the meat.

She mewed.

"That is good to know. I trust you've worked up an appetite? Should I add a quail egg to your meal?

She flicked her tail.

"No? Two?"

A mew.

"Two quail eggs it is."

As the brunet man moved to cook the eggs, Brunilda considered the valet. Technically, the unassuming man was another that seemed to be aware she was more than just a cat.

Considering Vincent's lack of surprise though, the valet must have noticed something off with Mattheus even before Brunilda came into the picture.

Vincent reached toward a pot before pausing and turning to meet her eyes. A beat passed before he moved to grab a skillet instead.

Good, she preferred the eggs fried today.

"Pardon the wait, Miss Brue, your meal will be ready in a moment. Terribly sorry for the delay."

Brunilda wasn't worried about Vincent though. With her ability to preternaturally read people, she knew the brunet man would keep the secret of his master.

And she was just his master's pet cat, right?