
Chapter Seven

The ground was soft and was only slightly wet with dew when Silvia landed, and amongst the damp grass were the most ravishing flowers Silvia had ever seen.

“Never dies.” Murmured Lady Audrey, landing quietly beside her. She stroked the dragon and without a single hesitation, it took off to the sky again.

“Beautiful dragon, too.” Silvia noted. The headmistress smiled.

“Yes, indeed. Emerald is one of the school dragons.”

“There’s more?” Silvia gasped, excitedly.

“Yes,” Lady Audrey laughed, “but you’ll see them in your riding classes, and speaking of classes, we should be heading in. I’ll be giving your school things to you and you’ll be settling into your dorm with your roommates. Silvia’s excitement expanded as she followed the headmistress into the academy. As soon as she set her foot inside, she paused and gasped. The glass roof was covered with diamond chandeliers that lit up the whole room with its white light. The fireplaces on each corner of the silver walls were lit with blue flames. In front of them were glass tables and comfortable, blue armchairs which few girls and boys occupied. They stared hard at Silvia when she and the headmistress walked past and entered her office which was situated next to one of the two staircases. Once again, Silvia gasped at the sight of the room. The office was huge, bigger than any big office in the normal unmagical world. In the middle was a huge marble desk, covered with paperwork and strange ornaments. The walls were covered, completely covered, with hundreds of large blue cabinets, each labelled with names in blue writing.

“Your office is so beautiful, Lady Audrey.” Sighed Silvia. Lady Audrey beamed proudly.

“Well, I should be giving your things to you.” She announced with a quiet ‘ahem’. She waved her hand at the cabinet on the middle-middle of the left wall. Silvia’s eyes widened, because the cabinet read: Silvia Herring. The cabinet opened as a blast of silver light hit the handle. Then, slowly, a basket neatly filled with books hovered out and landed on Silvia’s outstretched hands. Silvia looked down in the basket. On top was a sheet(a timetable for her classes and meal times), underneath that was a silver dress made of a sheer material with a symbol of a dolphin on the right sleeve folded neatly, and under the dress were a pile of thick, brand new books.

“Your timetable, uniform and your school books,” said Lady Audrey, “and with that, you should be going to your dorm which is, hm, yes, Emerald twenty.”

“Emerald? Isn’t that that green dragon’s name?” Silvia wondered. Clearly pleased that Silvia noticed, Lady Audrey explained.

“The girls’ dormitory names are our dragon names.”

“Amazing,” Silvia whispered, “well, thank you, Lady Audrey.”

“Now, I’ll lead you to your dorm. Follow me.” They were halfway up the right staircase from the office when Silvia remembered.

“Lady Audrey! What about my mother? She doesn’t know about this! She’ll worry because I was just randomly taken with my friend by the headmaster, and speaking of the headmaster, how are you the headmistress?” She took a deep breath.

“A letter has been left in your mailbox, and about the headmaster, the headmaster rules both the schools. He has complete control over the Honor Academy and the Vile Academy. Meanwhile, I rule only the Honor Academy. I can do anything to this school only. Once a month, a meeting is held with the Headmaster, Madam Valencia-the headmistress of the Vile Academy-and I.”

By now, they had reached the top of the staircase and turned to the left where a door magically appeared, grunting:

Reveal your name and room you wish to seek.

If you don’t you’ll be sent to the murdering creek.

Be warned, I’ll know if you are a vile.

Imposters will be thrown away by more than 10 mile.

Who are you and what room do you require?

Silvia stared, her mouth opened wide with shock. She looked at the Headmistress standing next to her. “Your name and your dorm name!” Lady Audrey mouthed at her.

“uh-Silvia Herring; room Emerald Twenty.” Stammered Silvia.

“Ah. Finally a village student. A town student,” the door croaked, “Well, your friends are waiting for you.”

The door opened, revealing a room, four girls inside, patiently and rather excitedly waiting for their last roommate.

“Go in.” Lady Audrey urged and pushed her lightly.

Taking a deep breath nervously, she walked inside. Actually, to be more accurate, she stumbled inside. The door closed behind her and standing at the doorway awkwardly, she looked around the room, which was huge and brilliantly blue and silver(only with a little bit of gold). The ceiling was fully made of diamond and hanging from it was a huge gold chandelier. The walls were silver and each had two big windows. In between those windows were large paintings of tall, beautiful girls(well, to be exact, women) clearly graduating. Against the southern were 5 queen sized blue and gold four poster beds. At the bottom of each bed was a wooden trunk. At last, after glancing at everything, Silvia looked at the four girls who were each debating silently whether to speak to her first or wait for her to.

“Well, hi,” said Silvia, finally, “I’m, uh, Silvia Herring.”

None of the girls spoke and continued to stare except for the blonde one who smiled warmly at her.

“We’ve been waiting so long for you to come, Silvia, and we’ve been really excited. I’m Estelle. Such a pleasure to meet you.” She gushed and hugged Silvia tightly.

“I’m Emily.” Grinned the brunette radiantly and hugged Silvia, also.

“Charlotte.” Said the girl with the short candy pink hair. She squeezed Silvia’s hand, sweetly. “And she’s Katie.” She pointed at the black haired girl who was sitting on her bed, frowning and staring at the wall. “I’m sorry, but you mustn't blame her for being like that. The news of her sister’s death came yesterday. Fire in her home. Of course she could’ve used magic to save herself, but there wasn’t enough time. The fire was spreading too fast. By the time she could really think-because it was night and she woke up when the fire was burning so bad-the fire was closing in on her. Only a majority of her room was left unburnt at that time. Mind you, her room was on the second story, so it fell to the ground-fire rather because there was no ground by them after balancing on one plank of wood. After that, well, I guess you know what happened. She died in the fire.” Charlotte whispered, shaking her head sadly. She glanced at Silvia who was looking at Katie with sorrow and pity.

“How was she before the news of the death?” Silvia inquired.

“She’s so kind and sweet and...loud-in a good way-when she’s not sad. I don’t like seeing her like this. It makes me sad.” Estelle answered, joining the conversation.

“We’ll just have to give her time. She’s bound to get over her soon. But, I suppose I can’t say anything. I haven’t experienced anyone’s death.” Sighed Emily, mournfully.

“I did. Last month my father died. He...he was sick for a long time.” Pain jabbed Silvia’s heart as she spoke of her father. Her eyes swam with tears. Estelle, Emily and Charlotte looked at her with feeling.

“I’m so sorry.” Murmured Charlotte and hugged her comfortably.

“He isn’t in pain anymore,” said Silvia, “I’m glad of that.”

“But a death in your family is something you can’t really get over,” chimed Estelle. The girls looked at her strangely.

“My mother died three years ago. She was murdered by this serial killer who goes by, who went by-he was caught and executed- the name, Jason Ford,” explained Estelle, “I was heartbroken for two years and decided this year to get over her because she wouldn’t ever come back. So, I know what you’re feeling right now and I’m really sorry and it’s only been a month.” She sighed.

“Was your father in pain for a very long time?” Asked Emily who was looking at her with great sadness.

“Yes. A year. He’s resting painlessly now. That’s why I’m not as sad as I should be. I’m glad that he’s not in pain anymore. I’m glad he could watch over my mother while I’m not with her.”

All of the girls, including Katie, gazed at her in wonder. The only sounds in the room were Katie’s hiccups.

“Erm, I think I would like to wash up now, if that’s okay. I’m in a terrible state right now.” Silvia looked down at her dirtied dress and grew self conscious of the smudged lipstick on her cheeks.

“Of course. The bathroom’s right there.” Estelle pointed at the next to the entrance door.

“Thanks.” Smiled Silvia and walked into the bathroom. But a minute later, she quickly came back out.

“Oh, I didn’t bring any change of clothes with me. The headmaster took me so suddenly when I was celebrating my birthday with my friend this morning.” She exclaimed.

“What did you think was in your trunk?” Charlotte laughed and pointed at the wooden trunk at the bottom of the last bed next to a window.

“The headmaster or headmistress-I have no idea which of them who did it-provided us with clothes, bags, accessories and material in case we’d like to make our own clothes.” Explained Emily, amused at Silvia’s stunned face.

After grabbing a simple, light pink dress, Silvia headed back into the bathroom.

“Happy Birthday!” An unfamiliar voice sniffed just before she walked inside. She turned around quickly. It was Katie who was smiling at her-though the smile couldn’t quite be seen in her eyes-for the first time and waving politely, and despite her red nose and swollen eyes, Silvia noticed that Katie was quite pretty. She grinned happily and almost skipped into the bathroom, feeling as if she was on top of the world. But there was something, someone she'd forgotten. Christie.