

Once upon a time there was this boy named John and John was 12 years old. One day John asked his mother if he can go to camp his mother said No because she thought he wasn't ready for camp. So one night John came up with a plan to convince his mother that he was ready for camp he took a break and went to sleep. The next morning he woke up and woke his mother up to so "he said mom so I know you think I'm not ready for camp but I am and I can tell you why I am brave, smart, and responsible". Than she finally said "Ok you can go to camp but make sure you write me every day" Ok I will mom. The next day John got ready for camp he pack swim trucks, clothes, sunscreen, and sunglasses than he was all ready for camp tomorrow but what John doesn't know is than that camp had bad history of killings and murders. The next day the bus for camp came to pick up John. John rushed outside and he got on the bus and he got to know everyone on the bus and than they all started to sing song all the way to camp and by the time the last song was over they were there. John got his stuff and ran to the registration center than once he got there he met this girl named Olivea he said "Hi my name is John" Hi my name is Olivia your cabin number is 13 so John went to cabin 13 and he saw two boys and one girl he went in and said Hi my name is John the girl said Hi my name is Heaven Hey my name is Jamir What's up my name is James John Said hey so he grabbed a bunk and started to unpack. The next day John,Heaven,Jamir,and James went for a walk and they walked to far from the camp than they go lost and they found an old house they went in to see if there was anyone in there to help they find there way back to camp so they knock but no one answered the door and it opened so they walked in and all the saw was pictures and spiders and dust than they saw an old lady they asked the old lady for help but she didn't give them help she put a curse on them and they are cursed until this day.