
The Hall of Idea’s

Where all my idea lay to either waste or consideration

TheMagusGuild · 奇幻
42 Chs

A Rose’s Story

[Subject To Change]

Name: Ruby Rose

Age: 5 months

Race: Human

Rank: None

Strength: Currently inconsequential/Due to Age

Agility: Currently inconsequential/Due to Age

Vitality: Currently inconsequential/Due to Age

Mana: 5.4

Aura: [Locked]


Purity: 101

Technology: 46

Mind: 32

Intelligence: 19

Contract: 17

Order: 14

Domination: 9

Unknown: 1


Combat Techniques:

[Currently inconsequential]

Magic Techniques:

[Mana Control] [Magic Sense] [Affinity Imbuement]


[No Basis for development]