
Chapter 03: Wild Side

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes, Priapus and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Warlord

Chapter 03: Wild Side

"We're coming up to their camp, Whelp. I don't know why the Hokage decided to send a brat on this mission, but I'm in charge here. Leave the missing-nin to me and Cat, you can play with the bandits," Tsume orders quietly as we approach the small camp deep in the forest, stopping before we get close enough to alert them.

They seem awfully relaxed for a group blackmailing a ninja clan, but that's their funeral. This actually works rather well for me, because I need to hunt.

Alpha Beast Quest

Objective 1: Complete a Hunt

Objective 2: Take a Mate

"Whelp, have you taken a life before?" Cat asks quietly, making me nod silently. I spent almost two years with my team and completed plenty of missions in one life, plus I killed in my past life, not intentionally but when you're beating people on a regular basis sometimes some of them don't make it. Humans can be surprisingly fragile.

"Good, we don't want you choking," Tsume says easily as we look over the camp from the tree we've landed on.

I count just over ten bandits, possibly more in the various tents they have set up. The two main targets are obvious, both wearing Konoha headbands with a slash through the leaf emblem.

"One's moving away, Whelp, think you can take him down quietly?" Cat asks as we watch one of the bandits move away from the camp.

Nodding, I mentally run through the seals of my technique before I sink into my shadow. They're testing me but that's fine.

The bandit stops at a bush a good distance away from the camp, undoing his slacks as I reappear out of his shadow, immediately reaching around and covering his mouth with one hand, slitting his throat with the kunai in my other hand.

At the same time, I run through the seals again as I pull him into his own shadow before he can even finish gasping in shock. It's hard to take people with me, especially if they're trying to fight back but he hasn't even had a chance to work out what is happening yet and we reappear from the shadow of the tree Tsume and Cat are standing on, moving my kunai back and slamming it into his back, piercing his heart.

People can live a good minute or so with a slit throat and we don't have time to sit around. I just wanted to make sure he wouldn't be making much noise and it's hard to call for help with a new hole in your airway.

What little fight he managed to put up leaves him quickly as I wipe my blade clean on his clothes and hop back up to the branch they're on.

Neither Hei's are new to taking life, but all I can feel for that poor fool is disdain at how easy taking his life was. This is a world of immense potential, and he utilised none of it.

"Not bad, Whelp," Tsume admits, a look of respect on her face as I give her a nod in thanks. "Now it's my turn. Watch closely, because Kuromaru and I could have handled this ourselves," Tsume says with a feral smile even as I frown under my mask at her pet's name.

Not wasting any time, she and her dog both leap down directly towards the camp, immediately starting to rotate into a spinning tornado of death as Cat sighs quietly.

"Damnit, Tsume. Whelp pick off anyone who tries to run or anyone who seems isolated," Cat orders as she draws her katana and jumps down herself, trying to impale one of the missing-nin as they barely manage to leap out of the way.

Now's my chance and picking one of the bandits near to the main tent I shadow step again, my kunai replaced with my new sword as I jump out of his shadow, leaping into the air and kicking him into the tent, immediately chasing after him as he rolls along the ground.

This seems like overkill because Cat has already killed her opponent and another bandit and while Tsume hasn't been as fast, her opponent obviously the leader, she's still winning fairly easily.

As the bandit I kicked tumbles along the floor, I leap over to him, placing my foot in his chest to stop him before I simply stab him in the chest, immediately looking around the interior of the now partially destroyed tent.

I don't have much time, but the larger tent only has a few things and my eyes are immediately drawn to a small wooden lockbox.

I could pick it, if I had a minute or so to spare. I don't.

Moving as fast as I can, I resort to violence and simply slash at the poor quality lock, the sounds of fighting and shouting from outside covering the noise as I immediately smile.

Three scrolls, each with the Yamanaka clan symbol on them. It seems too easy, but then I'm a Genin and while I'm a talented one it makes sense that they wouldn't send me on anything too dangerous, not when I'm the heir of such a major clan.

I don't open them, because I don't need to know Yamanaka clan secrets. Ninjas need to be a curious mix of inquisitive while also knowing when not to be too nosy. Perhaps they are fake, but I can't spend time double-checking everything while also staying under the radar of two talented ninjas. If they turn out to be fake, I'll come back to the camp alone.

That said, they all have the Yamanaka seal on them and that's not easily duplicated. It marks them as authentic, so I believe I've got the right ones.

I'm almost disappointed that I didn't get to fight any ninjas, I want to see how far my new powers can take me but there'll be other opportunities.

Sealing them away immediately, I watch the battle and bide my time.

Cat easily massacres the remaining bandits, and as Tsume starts spinning towards the surprisingly still alive leader, I slip into my shadow and reappear out of his, immediately moving to the side as I link our shadows and freeze before he can dodge.

He's strong, and I'd barely be able to restrain him for a couple of seconds, but when you have a torpedoing Inuzuka heading your way, a couple of seconds makes all the difference. She strikes him directly, not so much hitting him and more like going straight through him as my eyes widen behind my mask, watching Tsume shred the man's chest, leaving a pair of legs and some hunks of meat that barely resemble a human being.

This world is brutal when it's not on a tv screen.

She lands on the other side of him and turns to him, giving me a slight nod in approval. Honour is for Samurai, so she doesn't mind me butting into her fight as I did.

"Tch, what a pushover. Why did this require both of us and a Genin?" Tsume asks as she wipes some blood from her face, making Cat shrug.

"That one used to be a Jonin, so we weren't taking chances. You'd have to ask the Hokage why we brought a Genin though," Cat says calmly before she turns to me. "Good work, you should consider a future in ANBU."

"Perhaps, but that's in the far future," I reply, making her nod as she turns and immediately jumps back into the trees heading back in the direction of Konoha.

"Come on, brat. It's past your bedtime," Tsume says with a playful grin, somewhat menacing due to the amount of blood on her clothes, hopping into the trees herself as I follow behind.

Mission successful, or it will be when I deliver the scrolls to Inochi Yamanaka.

We reach the village quickly enough because ninjas are almost horrifically fast even at my level and as we arrive Tsume pauses as I pull my mask off.

"You did decently, brat. Your old man trained you well, I'm going to go report our success to the Hokage," Tsume starts as she walks right up to me, getting in my face again as she breathes in again. "I've still got something I want to talk to you about, meet me at the Inuzuka compound in about an hour." Tsume practically orders as I raise an eyebrow.

"As you wish," I say simply, making her laugh and pat me on the back, turning and walking towards the Hokage's tower as I watch her walk away for a moment before I head towards the Yamanaka compound.

I've been there plenty of times, but not usually this late at night and not without my parents.

Landing in front of the gate, I go to speak to the Yamanaka standing guard before he gives me a nod and opens the gate up.

"Lord Inoichi is expecting you, he's in his office," the man says as he pushes the gate open and lets me in.

He doesn't give me directions but I don't need them, so I just nod and thank him. I have no idea who he is but he clearly recognises me.

Heading through the compound, I spot several Yamankas still up and moving around but they let me pass unchallenged as I reach Inoichi's office, knocking and patiently waiting.

He calls me inside moments later, and as I head in he gives me a warm smile even as I pull out the scroll.

"Hei, it's good to see you again," Inoichi says, his usually serious green eyes softening even as I unseal the scrolls.

"Lord Yamanaka, I have your scrolls," I report, keeping my tone serious and professional as he chuckles.

"Hei, I've changed your diapers, you can call me Inoichi," Inoichi says with a smile as I hand them over, watching him open them each for just a moment, his smile growing as he places them away in his desk. "I admit I was doubtful about sending a Genin, but my doubt was misplaced. Did Tsume notice?"

"I don't believe so, or if she did she didn't say anything," I report, making him laugh.

"Then she didn't see anything, Tsume's always been very upfront. She's a friend, but when it comes to clan secrets, old friendships don't mean much. Did you open them?" He asks, eyes narrowing.

"I didn't," I answer immediately, which is another reason I didn't open them. He's the head of Konoha's analysis division. I'd have a better chance lying to the Hokage.

"Surprising, to be honest. Genin don't usually understand the importance of secrets, but then we do train you to be inquisitive," Inoichi says, giving me an approving nod.

"I don't need to know Yamanaka clan secrets," I say simply, making him chuckle.

"If you'd have said it'd be too much effort to keep more secrets, you'd have sounded much more like your father. But you have my thanks regardless, you've done well and the Yamanaka clan owes you for retrieving our… misplaced information," Inoichi says as he rises, walking over to a cupboard and pulling out a sake bottle and two glasses. "Come on, let's celebrate."

"Thank you for the offer, Uncle Inoichi, but Lady Tsume asked me to meet her in around an hour," I say, making him pause before he chuckles. He smiled slightly at me calling him Uncle, reaching forwards and ruffling my hair.

"Then you definitely need a drink. Don't leave me drinking alone, I want to share a drink with my nephew in all but blood. You would have been my godson if Choza hadn't won that damned game of Rock Paper Scissors," Inoichi says, muttering slightly as he pours two glasses and walks over to a pair of chairs in the corner of the room.

Shrugging, I pull my face mask down and go join him, enjoying the slight burn of the clearly expensive sake as he asks me a few questions, mostly about how I've been as he dances around the topic of the botched mission.

I don't realise how good he is at getting answers from me until I've already said more than I wanted to, nothing particularly incriminating but it reminds me that he's a very high ranking member of the intelligence division.

"It's been fun, but I believe you have an appointment to get to," Inoichi says after I finish my second glass, he's on about his seventh but he isn't showing it. I'm a slow drinker, and as I rise I give him a nod and a slight smile.

I've been alone for a long time, but it's nice to have people I can just talk to again. I'm very, very glad that I have Hei Nara's entire life memories, I wouldn't be able to handle this otherwise.

"Thanks for the drinks, Uncle. Send my love to Ino and Aunt Iyona," I say, taking his hand and shaking it as we do a manly half-hug.

"I will, and good luck dealing with Tsume. I don't know what she wants but never back down from an Inuzuka. You don't want them to smell weakness," Inoichi advises as I give him a nod in thanks before I head back to the gate, happy that the tolerance I built up in my past life seems to have carried over.

It doesn't take me long to find the Inuzuka compound, and the gate guard is once again expecting me as she gives me a look as I land in front of her, her two dogs standing on guard.

"You the Nara pup?" she asks, making me nod.

I'm not particularly offended by the terminology they use, they don't mean any insult by it.

"Lady Tsume asked me to meet with her," I say, making her scoff.

"Yeah, I know. She's at the building on the right, I think Kuromaru is hanging around to give you directions," she says as she steps forwards, her nostrils flaring slightly.

Alpha Pheromones seems to work with Inuzuka, I've never had this with them before but then I don't think I've ever spent any serious amount of time around an Inuzuka before.

"Whatever, just go in and head to the right. You'll find it," she says, a slight blush on her cheeks as she opens the gate.

"Thank you," I reply simply, smiling at her as she scoffs and looks away.

With her… in-depth directions I head to the right and spot a fairly large building a fair distance from the others. The Inuzuka compound is one of the bigger ones, but that's to be expected given how many massive dogs they have.

One thing I noticed after selecting my new subclass is that my senses gained a considerable upgrade, it's not superhuman by any means but I can faintly smell Tsume's scent as I head towards it, finding the door open with a note stuck to it with a kunai reading 'it's the second room on the left, whelp, let yourself in and close the door.'

The door also has scratches on it, but most things around here do. The Inuzuka buildings seem to be built to be tough rather than beautiful.

Entering and closing the door, I follow her directions and scent, I pause as my somewhat enhanced hearing picks up the sound of quiet splashing before I head towards the door and open it without knocking as I confirm my suspicions.

Walking in, I move past the scattered clothes on the ground as I walk towards the small pool Tsume is soaking in, leaning against the side with a playful smirk on her face, her rather full breasts just above the water as she watches me.

It makes sense that their baths are so large, some of their dogs are downright gargantuan after all, but there's no dog in sight right now.

"I'm here, as requested. Is there something I can do for you, Lady Tsume?" I ask, making her scoff.

"You can lose the clothes and come fuck me, you did pretty well today and I've decided to give you a little reward, if you're interested," Tsume says in her usual brash tone as I raise an eyebrow. "If you ain't, fuck off and don't mention this to anyone. I'm a big girl, I can take rejection," Tsume laughs, and as I start to remove my robe she grins wildly. "Yeah, I thought that'd be your answer. Not many teenage boys will turn down a sexy milf," Tsume chuckles as she swims across the pool over to the side I'm at, watching me remove my outfit piece by piece.

As I pull my slacks and boxers down, her eyes widen slightly as she hums in appreciation at the size and girth of my cock.

It's not massive, but it definitely seems almost out of place on my younger frame.

"Not bad, brat. I might even get to enjoy this too," Tsume says, reaching forwards and grabbing my arm as I step out of my slacks, pulling me forwards and into the pool with her.

She immediately pushes me down and makes me sit in the water, as naked as her as she climbs into my lap, her body glimmering from the water as she presses her breasts against me, hardened nipples pushing against my muscled chest.

We're both in great shape because ninja life doesn't allow otherwise. Unless you're an Akimichi, but they're an exception.

Pressing her face against my neck, she breathes in deeply as my hands wrap around her and grab her ass, squeezing the surprisingly soft buttocks.

"You smell way too fucking good," Tsume mumbles into my neck before I yelp slightly, feeling a brief sharp pain as she bites down on my shoulder, giving me a smirk. "You ever gotten laid before? I'm guessing a pretty boy like you spent half your time at the academy talking the civilian girls out of their clothes…" Tsume asks as I chuckle, even as I feel her reach down and grab my rapidly hardening cock, lining herself up as she presses her pussy lips against it, not quite sinking onto it yet.

"I haven't, actually. I was too busy training for that," I admit, making her raise an eyebrow before she laughs.

Hei Nara is a virgin, but I fucked my fair share of girls in my past life.

"Oh? Well congratulations, you get to brag to all your friends that you lost your virginity to a sexy older woman," Tsume says as she slams her hips down, letting out a loud moan as she sheathes my manhood inside her, wrapping her arms around me and clawing at my back as she begins to move her hips.

Her fingernails are more dangerous than they look, and I know she's drawn blood without even looking back but as I capture her mouth in a rough kiss, I mentally shrug. The pain isn't bad, and it's certainly not detracting from the pleasure of her tight cunt squeezing down on my shaft.

I'd say she's a fine first conquest, but as she speeds up her hips, slamming down on my cock, I think it's clear which of us is the conquest here. I don't mind, she's stronger than me for now.

Plus, she's a naturally domineering woman and I can't say I mind it.

The sounds of splashing accompanied by my grunts and her moans and occasionally screams fill the room as she rides me hard and fast.

She cums first, a fact that seems to almost offend her as her eyes widen and a scream escapes her, almost like a howl but she rises to the challenge as she clenches down on my cock, her hips speeding up to the point where I'll definitely have bruises on my thighs tomorrow (or I would if I don't have a regenerative ability).

Grabbing my head, she pulls it between her breasts as I'm trapped in a soft prison.

"Last until I cum a second time, and you can fuck my ass next," Tsume teases, obviously expecting me to cum at any moment.

Her confidence isn't misplaced as I bite down on my lip to try and hold out, and as I somehow force down the climax I feel building as she growls at me, freeing my head from her clutches and kissing me, almost violently as her tongue forces its way into my mouth.

Deciding to take a chance, I flip us around so she's against the side of the pool instead, thrusting into her as she immediately wraps her legs around my waist.

"I didn't say you could be on top, brat," Tsume growls, even as her legs pull me in faster, making me grin at her as I lean forwards and bite down on her neck, the same way she did me. "I might have to teach you your place," she almost snarls, her breathing picking up as I rut into her with animalistic fury.

"I know my place, and right now it's between your legs," I say back, smirking at the clear bite mark on her collarbone.

Somehow, I instinctively know that was more than a symbolic gesture, I just marked her as my mate.

Alpha Beast Quest Complete

[Tainted Blood]

You can share your lycanthropic power by biting into the intended recipient while in your Wereform. You have to be intending to turn them for the gift/curse to spread.

[My Strength is the Packs]

Your mates and pack members gain a fraction of your power. After being accepted into your pack, they will gain increased strength, agility, stamina, a weaker regenerative ability and boosted senses. This power can grant your pack members weaker versions of your other Alpha Beast powers if you choose to share them.

[Feral Fury]

You can choose to sink into a rage, during which you are far more resistant to damage and your strength, speed and healing factor are all enhanced. You will not attack allies in this form, but will not be able to leave it until all your enemies have been slain.

As much as I'd love to focus on my new abilities, I'm a little busy at the moment and I dismiss them and continue thrusting into Tsume's wet folds, smirking down at her as she moans in pleasure, the fierce glare she's giving me just turning me on further.

She's a domineering woman, but I think the Alpha Pheromones are making her more subconsciously submissive. She's pissed off about me taking control but not enough to stop me, and if she gives me an inch I'll take a mile.

"You're way too cocky, brat," Tsume growls at me as I fuck her against the side of the pool, making me laugh.

"You don't seem to mind that much," I whisper back, leaning forwards and nipping her ear lightly as she moans, her legs tightening around my waist. "Your mouth might be saying one thing, but your body is telling a different story."

Speeding up as she goes to reply, I chuckle as she moans lewdly, unconcerned by the fierce glare she gives me.

I'm not going to last much longer, but as I reach up and grope her tits, her cunt suddenly writhing and squirming around me as she lets out another howl, her eyes widening in shock even as I bottom out inside her with a primal grunt.

Her eyes widen as she feels my seed flood her pussy, but she's too busy cumming to complain about me not pulling out.

Panting slightly, I slowly pull back as her legs finally release their vice-like clasp, watching as my seed slowly leaks from her and mixes with the water.

"You little shit, I didn't say you could cum inside me," Tsume growls again, looking down at her cum-filled cunt.

"Well, with how tight your legs were wrapped around my waist I couldn't exactly pull out," I reply with a shrug, making her sigh as she stands up and steps out of the bath. "But unless I'm very much mistaken, you came first. What did you say I could do if I held out again?" I ask, following her as she pauses, giving me a look.

It's not an angry one, honestly, she just looks impressed as she smirks slightly.

"Tch, I only said that because I thought you were about to burst… but a deal is a deal, and it looks like you're ready to go again already," Tsume says as she looks down at my still hard cock. "Come on, we're moving to my room. If I'm getting my ass fucked, I'm doing it in the comfort of my bed."

— Tsume Inuzuka —

She'd always told her kids to never bet what you couldn't afford to lose, and now she was paying the price for not following her own advice.

She hadn't done anal in well over a decade, and as she placed a couple of pillows down on the bed and laid on top of it, the pillows lifting her ass into the air, she looked over her shoulder at the calmly smirking Nara brat who was about to be balls deep in her tight ass.

There was something about Hei that just made her want to jump him the moment she met him, and it wasn't just his incredibly powerful scent.

That turned her on, but there was something about the way he moved, the way he acted, that spoke to her in her primal way. She spent half the mission with soaked panties, her mind drifting.

So when she'd seen his own eyes occasionally wandering over her body, she'd decided to make her move. She wasn't some prudish Hyuuga girl who needed to be courted for three years before she'd hold hands. She saw him, she wanted him, so she put her cards on the table and saw he wanted her too.

Though maybe Hyuuga wasn't a good example, she still was 90% sure the Hyuuga were a bunch of voyeurs.

She'd figured she'd be in control the entire time, especially after hearing he was a virgin, but he was a very confident little bastard (though not too little where it counted) and when he took over she'd been so secretly impressed she decided to let him have his way with her.

Mostly because she was sure he was about to burst, surely he couldn't last too long, right? Turns out he could.

As he moved onto the bed behind her, she gritted her teeth in preparation, feeling him gently caress her ass for a moment before he spread her cheeks, spitting on her asshole and rubbing it in slightly as she rolled her eyes, feeling him rub his cock against her admittedly still wet slit to lube himself up a bit.

"I'm not made out of glass, just fuck me already," Tsume ordered, making Hei laugh as he moved forwards, pressing the tip of his surprisingly large cock against her tight little rosebud.

"As you wish, Lady Inuzuka," Hei replied, his tone teasing as she went to respond, before her words were cut off by a loud moan as he slammed his hips forwards, sheathing his full length inside her incredibly tight back passage.

"F-fuck," Tsume moaned, pulling a pillow in front of her and burying her face in it, biting down as a mixture of pain and pleasure washed over her.

Okay, so she was a little out of practice. It'd been a few years since she'd had this particular itch scratched and she definitely didn't let any of her one night stands fuck her ass.

She was always the one in control, not whatever man she'd decided to let between her legs, so as she clutched the quilt and moaned into the pillow, feeling Hei's fat cock pumping into her ass, she admitted to herself that she definitely underestimated him.

— Hana Inuzuka —

"H-harder! Fuck me harder!" her mother screamed as Hana pulled her pillow over her head tighter and blushed.

Sometimes her hearing was more of a curse than a gift, but she didn't even need the better hearing that all Inuzuka's had to hear her mother's moans and screams of pleasure.

She definitely needed to think about moving out of the compound if this was going to be a regular thing, or at least think about getting her own building.

"T-that's it… fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"

Still, feeling her thighs grow damp, she wondered who it was that was rocking her mother's world.

Her dreams were going to be weird tonight, hopefully, Kiba was already asleep and somehow sleeping through the noise.

— Kiba Inuzuka —

"Make me your bitch!"

Holy shit, how were they still going?

It had to have been at least a couple of hours at this point, but the sounds coming from his mom's room weren't going away.

If anything they were getting louder and more passionate, at first it had just been howls, moans and screams of pleasure but as time went by his mom clearly got more into it, talking dirty to encourage her partner.

Looking down at the large tent in his pants, he blushed slightly.

"Go on, breed me you big-dicked bastard, pump my slutty pussy full of your hot, sticky seed!"

Fuck it, he'd have a hard time looking his mom in the face tomorrow anyway, and it wasn't like he was going to be able to get back to sleep.

Pulling his pyjama bottoms down, he grasped his cock and started to stroke himself, closing his eyes as he tried to imagine the sounds were coming from someone other than his mom.

Maybe Hinata, Ino, Sakura, Kurenai or Naruko. Maybe all of them at once, but not Sasuki, she scared him.

"Oh fuck, that's it, don't you dare pull out!"

Nah, that just sounded too much like his mom.

Still, it was a side of his mom he'd never heard before and as he jerked himself off, he could work with it.

Maybe next time she was chewing him out for something small and pointless like not keeping his room tidy, he'd think back to this.

If he found out who was fucking his mom's brains out, he didn't know whether he should punch him or high five him.

Who knows, maybe she'd even chill out a bit now.

— Hei — Next Morning —

I've been kicked out, so sad.

Admittedly not until after a morning quickie, followed by a shower and a blowjob, then another quickie, but Tsume decided it was time for me to go after the first time I creampied her with no signs of growing tired.

I've realised it's my regenerative factor that's responsible for my unending stamina, I have too much energy and I regenerate it faster than I can use it up.

Tsume certainly seemed impressed and while she didn't outright say she was willing for a repeat, she certainly didn't say she wasn't either.

Besides, whether she knows it or not she's my mate now. I wonder how much trouble my new ability is going to cause, I highly doubt she won't notice her new buff or regeneration factor.

Chances are she'll link it to me, and I'll need to work on my explanation ahead of time.

Walking through the village towards my home, I freeze as everything loses its colour, every colour fading to various shades of grey as the buildings break apart, floating off into the dark void I've suddenly found myself in.

The path remains intact, but it twists up towards a stone altar on a small floating island, a twisted effigy of a man made of some bone-like material sitting atop it.

Well, I can take a hint and since the path behind me has just sunk into the void I don't have much of a choice.

Walking up the fracturing path, I approach the stone altar and wince as I look at the strange figure resting on it in closer detail. It hurts my brain to try and focus on it, and my eyes slide off it when I try to examine it.

"Hei Nara, are you enjoying your second chance at life?" A soft voice says, making me jump as I turn quickly, a young man standing right next to me.

I didn't see or hear him before he spoke, and as I look at him, I immediately realise something isn't right about him.

His eyes are completely black, except for two small white lights in each eye. He's well dressed, albeit in the style of earth, rather than the Elemental Nations, wearing a grey coat and trousers, but there's a sort of black mist coming off him.

"I have been, quite a bit more than I expected. Why did you bring me here?" I ask, making him smile slightly as he walks past me and stands in front of me.

"Curiosity. I have seen countless souls taken in by the guild, but never before have they accepted someone who sought the death of their founder," the man replies, making me pause.

"So you're from the Guild?" I ask, making him tilt his head.

I've already realised that I don't have a chance against Kuro, but it's not easy to give up an ambition I've held for so long.

"No, I have no affiliation with the Guild. I've watched them for a great many years, from before its foundation, but I am not a part of it," he answers after a moment.

"May I ask who you are?" I ask, making him tilt his head.

"I don't have a name… not one that you'd understand, at any rate," he answers after a moment. Well isn't that encouraging?

"Then may I ask what you want with me?" I ask, making him smile again.

"I want to give you a gift, and see what you do with it. You intrigue me, Hei Nara," he says, tilting his head again. "I like to give people power and watch what they do with it. I suppose I'm not unlike the Guild in that regard."

"Won't the Guild take offence with you interfering with their games?" I ask, making him smile.

"No. Some of the other Founders would, but Kuro is rather easy-going, and much like me, he would rather watch than interfere. He's grown inquisitive in his old age, and very little moves him to action," the man says calmly.

"What do you get out of this? People don't give away power for nothing," I ask, making him chuckle, the sound reverberating through the void.

The Guild claims they are getting entertainment from our chosen Gamers, but I don't believe that's all it is. Of course, I'm also an ant before the Gods, so what can I do about it?

I'd rather be an ant with a fraction of the power of those Gods than I accept my death and fade to nothing.

"Nothing. I will observe you, whether you accept my gift or not. I learn something either way," the man says, holding his hand out.

I'm being played with by beings far beyond my power, but much like with Kuro I'd rather take the power and speed up my ascent, in the hopes that one day I'll be on their level.

Holding my own hand out towards his, he smiles as he holds his open palm under my hand, a glowing tendril of black energy slipping from him into me.

"I look forward to seeing what you do with it, Hei Nara," he says calmly, moving back.

"What is it?" I ask, making him chuckle.

"I imagine your system is currently integrating it, Kuro has always made his systems to be far more adaptable. Give it time," he says, before smiling. "But it is a seed of my power, one that will grow until it matches my own."

Unknown power detected.

Power scanned, registering into the system.

"Then you have my thanks, even if I think you have ulterior motives," I say, making him chuckle.

"Everyone has their own motives, even you. Mine are simply larger scale than rescuing my mother, or resurrecting my father," he says, making me freeze, tilting his head in amusement. "Or did you not consider that as a possibility?"

"I- No, I didn't," I admit, of course the Guild can resurrect people.

"It would be difficult, because as with all those he has slain, Kuro holds your father's soul, and even slaying Kuro would not free his soul. I look forward to seeing how you attempt to reclaim it," the man says idly, even as my mind races.

How the hell am I supposed to get his soul back? Ask nicely?

As stupid as it sounds, that might be the best chance I have, play along with Kuro's games to get him to reward me.

It severely pisses me off, but if I can return my family to how it was before Kuro showed up, I can deal with it.

"Do you just know everything?" I ask, somewhat sarcastically as he tilts his head again.

"No, not yet," he answers, entirely seriously. "But I know a lot, and I can see even more, through the barriers between worlds, even through time. You'll be able to do the same, eventually."

"Can you see my mother?" I ask, making him nod.

"I can, would you like to?" he asks before his lips twitch. "You may not like what you see."

"Show me," I say, watching as he waves his hand at the void and it reforms, opening up to reveal the same office I spoke to Kuro in.

His warning makes sense immediately as I watch my mother bounce on Kuro's shaft, entirely naked as moans fill the void.

I can't see much, seeing this from behind, but I can certainly see enough as I watch her sink down on the cock of her husband's killer, her long black hair going down her pale back and ending just above her perfect buttocks, Kuro's hands digging into the soft flesh.

The vision fades as Kuro looks over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at us, but I can feel my anger growing as I force it down.

He said I wouldn't like it, and he was right.

"The ability to see everything is not always a gift, but I imagine you'll learn that in time," he says as everything starts to shake. "I look forward to watching how you proceed, Hei Nara."

Before I can respond, everything suddenly retracts as the void vanishes, leaving me standing in the village once more, nobody noticing my disappearance or reappearance.

New Power absorbed into the Warlord System.

The Outsider

[Outsider Physiology (Seed)]

You have gained a seed of potential from an Outsider, an impossible being born between universes.

[Unknowable Mind - Rank 1]

Your mind cannot be read, and attempting to forcibly enter your mind can drive the intruder to insanity. Mind-affecting abilities simply slide off your alien consciousness, finding no purchase.

[Fluctuating Form - Rank 1]

Your physical form is far more malleable than that of a regular mortal, shifting as you desire. You must remain within the limits of your race, but the appearance, age and gender of your outward form can be shifted at will. Additionally, your form cannot be changed against your will.

[Into Dreams - Rank 1]

You now have complete control over your dreamscape, and can choose to venture into the dreams of others and extend your dominion over their dream, shaping it to your whims. You can only move into the dreams of people who are within your territory.

[The Beyond - Rank 1]

You have the ability to slip into the gap between this world and the next, traversing the world as an unseen observer, unable to interact with the world or have the world interact with you. You remain visible in certain reflections, such as mirrors and on the surface of water. You have to be in your territory to slip in or out of the beyond, but you can leave your territory while using it.

[See Beyond - Rank 1]

You have the ability to see beyond that which mortal sight allows. By focusing, you can see through many objects as if they weren't there, and you can sense the auras of living beings around you, even through solid objects or invisibility.

He almost certainly has some ulterior motive or plan for me, but I've come to accept that all these all-powerful beings have plans I can't escape from and I'd rather get a power boost out of it if I'm going to be playing their games either way.

I already had a mental protection ability, but when it comes to my mind I'll take as many layers of protection as possible.

Shapeshifting is going to be extremely useful for a ninja, as is the ability to see through solid objects and turn into some sort of voyeuristic ghost.

People give too much renown to the incredibly powerful ninjas who can solo armies, and while I want to get to that level, information is a type of power on its own.

I didn't look at the Yamanaka scrolls because the Yamanaka clan are allied to my family and Inoichi is a close family friend, but there are a lot of secrets in this world. I won't hesitate to use them to increase my power.

Speaking of the Yamanaka, as I walk through the village I spot a girl with long platinum blonde hair walking the opposite way, dressed in a short purple top that leaves her midriff on display and a matching skirt that doesn't reach her knees.

She also looks pissed off.

Damnit Shikamaru, what have you done this time?

Deciding to play the mature one, I wave over to her, making her perk up slightly as she sees me.

"Hello, Ino. Are you doing okay? You look a bit annoyed," I ask as she walks over to me.

"Hei! I'm fine, just fed up with dealing with Shikamaru and Choji, as usual," Ino complains as she moves up and hugs me tightly.

We've known each other for years, especially since our parents have been setting up the next generation of Ino-Shika-Cho for ages.

"Oh, let me guess. Shika doesn't want to train and Choji is following his example," I ask, making her nod in annoyance.

"Yup, any time Asuma-sensei stops paying attention they immediately stop training. How am I supposed to get better when Asuma wants me to work with them, and they don't want to work at all?" Ino whines slightly as we move to a bench.

"I'd offer to talk to Shika, but he'd agree to get me to shut up and make no effort when I'm not around to make him work," I admit, making her giggle. I love my little brother, but he's the laziest person I've ever met. "Maybe I'll have to come train with your team sometimes, if Asuma doesn't mind.

"I'll ask Asuma-sensei later, but he shouldn't mind… and if he does, maybe we can just train together?" Ino asks hopefully, making me nod with a smile, a smile appearing on her face as she cuddles against my side.

I am almost certain she has a crush on me, but Hei Nara always just saw her as a little sister, and while she's younger than me, the breasts pressing against my arm tell me that little Ino has all grown up.

"Ahh, why couldn't you be on my team instead of Shikamaru?" Ino asks, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"Because I graduated three years before you? Plus I had a team when you graduated," I point out, making her wince slightly and give me a slightly worried look.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I say with a small smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"Ino, I'm fine, really," I say, waving off her apology. "It was just a harmless question. But we haven't had a chance to speak much since you graduated. How are you enjoying being a Genin?"

"We've done nothing but chores and team training for the last month," Ino says, making me burst out laughing. "I thought you were joking when you said ninjas had to do people's chores… just teasing Shikamaru, but I had to do some old lady's groceries yesterday."

"Yup, welcome to the joy of d-rank 'missions'. They suck, I know," I say, giving her a one-armed side hug. "It gets better, eventually," I promise, making her smile up at me.

She tries to look mature and sexy, but in times like this, all I can think is that she's adorable.

"I know, it still sucks. It just feels like a complete waste of time. How does walking some rich civilian's dogs help me become a better ninja?" Ino scoffs, making me chuckle as I let her go.

Looking down at her as she rants about the worst d-rank missions she's had, I decide to try out my newest power as I focus my gaze and watch as her purple top fades away, allowing me to stare at the perky pale breasts beneath, two tiny pink nipples on display.

With the way she's clinging to my side, I can't look down at her face without also looking down at her cleavage, so she doesn't notice my gaze wandering as she chatters away. Ino talks a lot.

Or so I thought as she suddenly giggles to herself.

"Am I boring you, or is the view keeping you entertained?" Ino asks as I pause, going to answer before closing my mouth. I got caught, my mind still on last night, wondering how Ino would be in bed. "I don't mind, Hei… not if it's you anyway," Ino whispers as she pushes the side of her breast against my arm with a sly smirk.

"Sorry, Ino… you've grown into a very alluring young woman," I admit, making her smirk widen triumphantly.

"And it's about time you noticed," Ino says smugly. With that said, she goes back to gossiping about her team, her missions and her old classmates as I listen along and occasionally give some input or advice, proving I'm listening, but as we talk she makes sure to position herself in a way that if I get an eyeful of her cleavage or I would if couldn't see right through her clothes.

After what must have been an hour or two, her eyes widen as she stands up rapidly, paling slightly.

"Sorry, Hei! I was supposed to meet with my team like… five minutes ago." Ino says quickly, making me chuckle as I stand up and give her another hug.

"Get going, you. And remember I'm always willing to help you out if you need it, whether it's with training, bullyi— motivating Shikamaru or if you just need someone to talk to," I say, cuddling her slightly before I let go and watch her smile up at me.

"Same to you, Hei… I'd be happy to help you with anything you need," Ino says with a good attempt at a seductive tone, slightly ruined by her blush. "And I'll definitely talk to Asuma-sensei! Later!"

Giving her a wave as she runs towards the training grounds, I can't resist the temptation to look through her skirt at her firm, toned backside as she moves.

…pseudo little sister or not, I'm going to make her mine.

Heading back to my clan compound, I quickly head to my bedroom and take a deep breath.

Taking a step forward, I leave the material realm and enter the space in between, it's time to try out my new powers.

— Bonus Scene — Tsume Inuzuka —

Staring down at her arm, she and Kuromaru watched as the gash slowly closed.

It wasn't that unusual for Inuzuka to get roughed up during a fight, and she'd had to put one of the dumber males in the pack back in his place.

He'd not been a challenge, but he had landed a single good hit on her, a hit that was healing itself without any medical jutsu involved.

She'd noticed that she felt damn good today, but she put it off to her just being more relaxed after getting well and truly fucked last night (and this morning), but looking back she did feel like she was hitting harder, moving faster.

She'd written it off as her just being in top form today, but no amount of good mood could cause this.

Grabbing her kunai, she slashed at her leg and cut a fairly deep slash along her thigh, not hitting anything vital as she watched it immediately start to close up.

…as much as she hated it, she needed to go to the Hokage about this. Sudden unexpected power boosts weren't usually a good sign, and if she'd been unknowingly exposed to something then they needed to find out what it was and if there were any unfortunate side effects.

She had a small cut on her after the mission yesterday, and she was sure it didn't heal automatically so it couldn't have been on the mission, but the only other thing that had happened after then was her getting laid.

But if getting fucked granted people power boosts, someone would have noticed by now.

Though, Hei was a virgin… Nah, that was just too ridiculous. She'd go show the medics and they'd probably have some perfectly normal examination for this.

Author’s Note: Just a reminder, Hei hasn’t watched Naruto so he doesn’t know a single thing about the overarching plot beyond recognising a few main characters. He has no reason not to trust Danzo because he has no former bias to go on.

Ino is a bit out of character because she never got a crush on Sasuke or competed with Sakura, she instead developed a crush on Hei much earlier and tried to be like him to impress him, so she trains a lot more than canon Ino.

Also, Hei ain’t dumb. He’s no Jin but he’s also not an idiot. He can’t really do anything about the Guild holding him by the balls since his only other choice would be dying. He is well aware of how impossible his goal is.

If Hei’s life seems too good, blame Kuro. It’s hard to be an edgy loner obsessed with vengeance when you’re dropped into a happy life with lots of friends and loved ones.


I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts