
The Guide Games

Having borrowed for his late mother's treatments and subsequently failing to repay, Isaac is forced to repay his debt by playing a unique game. The catch? Players are unable to exit the game until their demise, all while forgetting they are engaged in a virtual world and instead believing they are dead. Follow Isaac's journey as a World Guide, he will build worlds, create magic systems, design species, and all kinds of things that the Guide Games has to offer. ------ Update: 1 - 2 chapters a day ------ Additional tags: Video Game, World Creation, World Guide, World Wars, Creating Systems, Creating Races, Administrator, Magic, Cultivation, System, System Adminstrator, Fantasy.

UnCultured_Daoist · 奇幻
13 Chs

World Guide

Isaac woke up to find himself in a grey landscape. Not a single feature could be made out, not of himself, or anything... what is happening, where am I? He thought to himself.

[You have died. ]

[You are now a World Guide. ]

[Please begin designing your new world with which you will participate in the Guide Games. ]

[For options, simply think 'Options' ]

What the f*ck.. When did I die He thought .

After an unknown amount of time of him having a mental breakdown... He finally calmed and focused on what's in front of him

Options he thought .

[Options ]

[Additional Options will be available as you progress. ]

[Body Designer ]

[System Companion Designer ]

[World Designer ]

[Current Statistics ]

Since he didn't have hands, he couldn't exactly press buttons, so he simply focused on Body Designer.

[Please imagine the body you wish to create for your personal use. ]

[This body may be changed at any time through the Options menu. ]

Wellthat was straightforward enough he thought.

He closed his eyes, or tried to before realizing he didn't have eyelids.

Instead, he simply did his best to picture his old body.

Okay, so he may have embellished a bit. Wouldn't you want to fix your receding hairline, or give yourself a bit of extra muscle if you had the chance?

Anyways, after imagining the body, he waited for several seconds, with nothing happening. Then, there was a ding, the blue window changing.

[Body data accepted. ]

[Please wait while your new body is constructed. ]

At that point, he could only stare as he was built from the ground up, literally.

The grey light making up this world seemed to gather at his feet, and he actually had feet now! Then it started moving up, revealing legs, hips, his chest, everything.

In a matter of only a few moments, his entire body had been created.

To test it out, he blinked a few times, and he could manage to close his eyes.

Okay… that's cool… but now what?

He looked at the options again, and decided to try out the System Companion thing.

Maybe whatever that was would give me some clues on what I could do here? He thought .

[Please choose an option below. ]

[Custom Companion: For experienced Guides who just want an extra companion to keep them company. Allows a modifiable body and mind, but does not contain system knowledge. ]

[Default Companion: Recommended for new Guides, contains extensive system knowledge, and allows a modifiable body. Mind is randomized, but can be altered through natural growth. ]

Well, that's not really a choice at all, is it?

He asked himself, immediately choosing the Default Companion option.

I mean, I have no idea what I'm doing.

[Input accepted. ]

[Please visualize a body for the companion. ]

This one took him a while to decide. Obviously I want a girl, alright? Wouldn't you want to spend an eternity with a beautiful woman? He thought

What, you think he should be more upset that he died, that he will never see his loved ones again? Sorry, but his parents are already dead.

And if he had a girlfriend or anything like that, why do you think he would be working a minimum wage job instead of aiming for something higher?

If anything, dying means he doesn't have to go to jail for not paying his dept.

Closing his eyes, he began working on his ideal woman.

It never said it had to be a human woman, right? He pictured a five foot ten woman, with cute cat ears. Of course, he included the tail to go with it.

Her hair was red, matching the color of her ears and tail, and her eyes were green. Hopefully, she didn't have a bad personality.

[Body data accepted. ]

[Mind profile determined. ]

[Please wait while the companion is constructed. ]

Again, he watched the grey light come together, and it gradually formed into the shape he had imagined.

Just like with him, it worked from the ground up.

And… just like him, clothes were not part of the deal. He was not complaining, nor was his lower half.

A moment later, her green eyes opened, and she smiled at him.

"Hello, Master!" She spoke while bowing, which only served to give him an even better view.

"Do you have a name for me?"

Okay… He is a man enough to admit that he was stunned for a long moment before he responded.

"Uhmm… Sara? Does that work?" Her smile grew wider, and she nodded her head energetically.

"Thank you, it works perfectly!" She stood up and gave a small jump in excitement.

Oh yes… I definitely hit the jackpot with this game.

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