
The Guardians of the Cosmic

Three individual beings from three different universe was summoned by TOAA, they are gathered because TOAA are giving them missiom to an omniverse similiar to them yet different at the same time. DESCRIPTION : I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 11

Space, The Supremacy

OAA is on the bridge typing on his holographic keyboards, he observe every activity on earth and managing his army to report their task every week.

"EVE, what's the status of thor and peter?" OAA ask.

"Sir, thor is at the hospital working as a doctor and peter is at school." EVE said, he show thor is checking a patient while peter is at class.

"What about my androids on earth, is there world ending threats happening on earth?" OAA ask.

"No, there is no world ending threats." EVE show him holographic screens with the reports and video of every androids doing on earth. "There are crimes on earth as always from raping, stealing, bribing, killing, and more."

OAA see all the androids began to kill all the bad guys while recovering and collecting all the information or intel they can get as evidence. He didn't want to get involve or intervined on earth except If there is a threat that thor and peter can't handle.

He need to lay low although he can do anything by just warp reality snapping his fingers or waving his hand and using his mind to think of anything because If he wants anything he thinks can become true in reality.

For the past few hours he creates 2 big and wide restaurant that can store a hundred people, 5 medical rooms, toilets, 5 research rooms, 10 bedrooms with each have huge bathroom, space, and holographic TV with window you can see space outside, training room, hyperbolic time chamber, armory full of weapons from medieval, modern and futuristic weapons or combine of all weapons from different ages.

The restaurant, medical room, research room, armory, factories, and training room are filled with sentient androids who can think, smell, eat, and behave like human beings. They are hundreds of millions of them and each programmed with specific jobs and roles in their own stations. All of them are given human bodies, the man is 6'6ft tall and women 6'3ft tall, they are muscular, handsome, and beautiful.

They are download with many knowledges and skills from his previous omniverse and present omniverse he is in now, they have learned more than 30 different martial arts, different languages throughout the omniverse and driving. He also have download all the skill and knowledge from all the characters from mangas, animes, cartoons, movies, tv series, manhwas, manhuas, and many other fictions and entertainments from his previous life. He begin to share all of those to the androids.

'I Think I will do what arishem do with the eternals in the mcu.' OAA thought he remember arishem Locking them with golden circle restraints on them and summoned them off the planet to the palm of his gigantic hand.

Instead of the eternals he will lock all humanity, devils, fallen angels, angels, gods, demigods, monsters, and all other races on earth. He can't imagine how sacred and shitless they are see a giant space god bigger than earth and can crush them with just his finger.


OAA snap out of his thoughts and heard eve detected a portal inside his ship. 'What! Impossible, there is no way a portal can appear inside my ship whether using technology, or any mystical.' OAA began to ask eve of where is the location of the portal inside his ship.

"It's behind you!" EVE said.

OAA began to spun around to see a gigantic portal abive the ceiling at the size of a celestial appeared. 'What the hell!' He apporached the portal but suddenly he see a small himan sized pod exit the portal.

The portal closed and dissapeared, now there is only silence in the room. OAA and eve didn't talk or make a move because they are surprise of the sudden portal appareance and emit a pod out of the portal.

OAA begin to change into his human size celestial approaching the pod, he see the pod is round shape, white color, green glass window covered by snow and a handle to open the pod.

"What's in there?" EVE ask, she manifested in her human self.

"I don't know!" He walk to get near the pod and wipe the snow from the window to look what's inside.

OAA leaned towards the window to see what's inside the pod but there's only darkness. "I can't see anything." He backed away from the pod grabing the handle.

"I'm gonna open the pod, get ready!" OAA said, eve begant to conjure many advance deadly weapons combine with strong magic.

He open the pod's door emits white smoke, the smoke disperse slowly revealing a little girl roughly seven years old, golden flowy hair, blue shirt, black pants and sneakers. 'A Kid!' OAA is surprise the contents of the pod is a small child.

"A child!" EVE said, shocked.

OAA didn't know why but he suddenly feel a strong bond and deep connection to the child. "What is a child doing inside the pod?" EVE ask, she still put her guard up in case the child will do something.

"I don't know eve!" OAA said, he still looking at the child.

"Mmh!" OAA and eve began to heard the voice of the child, they knew this is the sign the child going to wake up.

The child eyes began to open slowly and look at her front, she has beautiful golden eyes, she look beautiful and cute. She rub her eyes and yawning stretching her body and arms upwards.

After stretching her eyes landed at OAA and eve, they begin to stare at each other with silence. "DADDY!" The little girl shout, her eyes began to shine and smile with her mouth open.

She begin to lunged to OAA and hugged him tightly. 'DADDY?!' OAA thought, he is shocked of the child's word and action.

He didn't know what to do because this is the first time he is hugged by a child although he know what he needs to do and what he need to do to a child because he is omniscient.

"O-OAA!" EVE is shocked of the child action and she is stunned just like OAA.

"Daddy, I miss you so much!" The child said, she look up at OAA with her shining star eyes and smile.

'What the hell! Am I a father?' OAA thought, he dismiss the thought of having children because he didn't have any relatuonship at all. 'Why is this girl calling me papa?' He is curious.

"Excuse me but why did you call me daddy?" OAA ask.

"Eh, what do you mean papa? I am your daughter." The child said.

"But I don't have children let alone having a wife or girlfriend." OAA said.

"She is right little girl, your father didn't have any children nor she is married!" EVE said.

The little girl who claimed to be his daughter froze and stunned, she cupped her chin with her hand. "Oh, so that's why you two didn't know me, it seems like I have gone to the past." The little girld said, she now know why her father didn't recognize her.

"What!" OAA and eve said.

30 minutes later

OAA, eve and the little girl are now sitting on the couch at the living room of the spaceship, OAA already tell eve to send androids to take the pod to the laboratory to be inspect.

"So, mind to tell me who you are?" OAA said, he and the child are sitting next to each other while eve seat across them.

"Well for starters I am your child from the future... and the oldest of the family." The little girl said.

OAA begin to listen what the girl said, appareantly she is his child from the future. 'Wait, did she said she is the eldest of the family? Does that mean I have more than ine child?!' OAA thought, he can't imagine having more than one child.

"The oldest?" OAA said.

"Yes papa! I am the oldest of the seven children." The little girl said.

'SEVEN?!' OAA shout in his mind, he didn't thought in his entire life he will have that many kids.

"If I have seven kids in the future, who is my wife?" OAA ask, he is curious who is his wife in the future. 'She must be very strong If she can give birth to seven children.'

"My mother and your wife is Karen Starr AKA Power Girl!" The little girl said, excited.

OAA never thought in his life she would marry power girl, he already read in the comics that many man and women whether they are superhero or not had dated and have sex with power girl but their relationship did not last long.

Karen didn't have a single stable relationship in her entire life because most people are in for her look, body and money. She can't have children because of her strong kryptonian physiology and strong kryptonian bloodline.

It makes sense why he married her because karen and he have something in common, both of us are lonely, We don't have the time to have a relationship, while she manage her company, while I manage the celestials, Both of us are also very strong, I bet when we make love with another race they don't stand a chance, we can only do it who is equal power the same as us or the same as our race.

He didn't have any relationship because mantaining relationship has to be serious, If not, I see and heard what they call cheating, I do not want that because it is like they were not love each other and all of their love thing was a fake. I have read and see karen in other fanfiction, she cheat on her partners or husbands and have kids with other people and she just leave just like that but in the end she regretted because their partners who are cheated with them are not loyal to her and cheat with another girl. She even killed the man and her childrens, she regreted what she did and go to the man she cheated before but the man is already dating or married to another girl so she kill the girl and take the man for herself or she got killed and the man she cheated is happily married with another girl who is loyal to him.

But the fanfiction is not related to any comics or any related stories like the main dc or marvel comics or the creator of it and also the other fictions, it is not true and will not be just like the others it is like they were not created or born.

He didn't like to go to the restaurants, movies, theaters, social events, formal events, don't like playing sports, bars, parties and many other outside activities. He likes to do research, training his body, mind and soul, walking around the city, sleep at home, cooking and have a walk. He didn't like playing games because he will be bored, basically he didn't like to go outside his house and his spaceship.

"Wait, can i ask to have your blood sample to check If you are my daughter?" OAA ask, he didn't convince the fact this little girl is his daughter.

"Of course, you can papa!" She stretch her hand willingly. "Here you go sister eve."

"Big Sister!" EVE said, shocked.

"Why did you suddenly call big sister?" OAA ask.

"Because in the future eve is like an older sister to me, she has help me many times in the future." She looked at eve with her cute and beautiful smile. "She is my first friend and the person I can rely and trust."

EVE who heard what the little girl stunned, she recover from her shocked begin to smile and emotionally warm. "Myself from the future must be happy and proud of you." EVE said.

"Of course, you will always play with me when I have time even when you have other works to finish." The little girl said.

EVE began to materialize an injection, she accept his permission to give her blood to check if she is her daughter. OAA tell eve to take an injection and draw the little girl's blood.

While eve takes a blood sample from her, he begin to ask again. "I forgot, what is your name?" OAA ask.

"My name is Alura." The little girl said. "Alura Zor universe or my disguise human name is Alura Starr Universe ."

"Alura!" OAA heard her name sound familiar.

Alura nod her head. "Yes, that is the name of my mother's name!" Alura name is karen's or kara's mother.

"Wait, disguise human name?" OAA is confused when alura said human disguise name, her middle name of Zor change into Starr, he wants to know why.

"Well, you and mother told me to hide my zor name just like mother and other kryptonian on earth because on earth name last surname like Zor-L is not common or never existed and people out there who are familiar with kryptonian name will hunt me." Alura explain why disguise her kryptonian surname.

OAA understand and agree with decision of hiding her kryptonian surname because people out there might search or detain her like batman, superman, supergirl or other people who are familiar with kryptonian.

OAA look at her with for a minute, then he begin to have a warm and happy feeling inside of him but he see the look of her face and smile. He assume must happen in future that she look at me with longing face and warm smile.

"OAA, i have done run the test to check if her blood is matched with you." EVE said.

"And?" OAA look at eve waiting for her answer and the result of the dna test.

"The result is... 100 persen matched." EVE said. "In other words..."

"She is indded my daughter from the future." OaA said, he began to look at her daughter from the future and alura also look back at him after hearing the test result.

He and alura have stare each other, OAA still can't believe she is his daughter from the future never thought in his life he will be a father. He feels nervous, sad, and happy.

He is happy he had a daughter in the future with other six children and married karen starr aka power girl, sad because something bad might happen to him in the future making her daughter sad but he will preapre what the future against him, scared If he is going to become a good husband and father, and nervous of what should he should do with esteall because he never handle a child before although he is omniscient and know what to do with a baby and child and what to provide them and teach them.

He spread his hand to make a gestire hug to estella, she is confused of the hug gesture and look at her father. "Come on, my daughter give your father a hug!" OAA said.

Alura face began to became turn into joy, smile with happiness, and her eyes shining like a star. She quickly lunged to her father and hugged him tightly. "DADDY!" Alura shout, she really miss her father so much.

OAA also hugged her tightly like If he let her go he will miss something so precious than anything he created and obtained, eve look at the scene began to feel happy, warm and smile.

OAA and estella hig for five minutes and look at each other. "So what do you want to do now, Alura?" OAA ask, before she said anything her stomach began to growl.


The three of them heard estella's stomach growl, she begin to blush embarrased and OAA just chuckle. "It seems like all that time travel make you hungry."

"Y-Yes!" She shyly said and nod her head.

"How about we go to the kitchen and cook you some food." OAA ask.

"Really?!" Alura shout. "Then come on dad, let's go eat." She begin to get up and pull her father's hand to hurry up to go to the kitchen.

"Whoa, slow down there princess." OAA said. "Why are you suddenly happy and hurry want to eat?"

"Because daddy, you're food is so delicious make me and the others drool. All those five star foods restaurants and hotel foods can't compare to your cooking, that's why me, my siblings, and mommy didn't want to eat or go eat outside because of your delicious food, daddy!" Alura said, happy and smile.

OAA is shocked about her statement. 'Well that is not a surprise because I am omniscient, I have the cooking skill and knowledge of all the chefs across the omniverse. All the cooking skills and knowledge from all the characters from food wars, I am a very skill and good cook!'

The celestial race from marvel omniverse can learn everything in hours, whether absorbing knowledge and doing many things like cooking, engineering, hacking, driving, martial arts and many other things.

OAA, eve and Alura began to walk their way to the kitchen and eat their food, meanwhile thor and peter are having complicated situations on earth.