
the grim reper system

Asher_Thomas_6387 · 奇幻
4 Chs

Chapter 1 a god of death


Luke:please d-

This is my daily life *punch* I am a bullied student I try to call out for help but my teachers my family they all turn a blind eye to it but I took matters into my own hands that day it was a normal day me being beaten I took my seat and thought to myself god I have had enough I would do anything for power but I guess things like powers from demons and gods only happen in novels but suddenly I felt drowsy and went unconscious

Luke: where am I I was just in my classroom

#v4x446: I guess your good enough


#v4x446: hello human I have chosen you to become the god of death

Luke:what who are you

#v4x446:iam infinity or what you humans call god or the one above all I will give you a system and an assistant to help you you will also get tasks to gain more power ok iam sending you back

Luke:wait what

I jumped out of my seat shouting this I was met by mocking looks and people laughing at me I went back into my seat

Luke:was that a dream I swear that god or whatever he was said I had a god of death

System: turning on

Suddenly there was a large black screen infront of me I looked around to see if anyone could see it but no one looked at it so I whispered system show me my status

System: ok


Level :3






soul steal

Soul :absorb

Race skill: soul scythe


Fear of death

I can't believe I have a system iam a god now so I can't take shit from no one yeah I won't be bullied anymore I herd the bell ring and knew what time it was my bully's got up and said to me go to the roof I nodded as I walked up the stairs and opened the door my bully's all were sitting on the floor waiting for me come one of them said I smiled as said

Luke: shut the fuck up

They all were dumb founded and one of them began to walk up to my I activated my soul steal skill and a blue orb went out of his mouth and into my hand I put it up to my mouth and swallowed it suddenly a notification rang in my head all you stats have been risen by one I activated my soul steal on all of them except 1 and said who is behind you guys bullying me he coughs and said there are three behind it but all of them have family in the mafia after those words I killed him as well suddenly I got a notification saying you have completed the first quest kill humans you have gained the ability gate way to hell and deaths door

Luke: ok cool

As I walked of the roof the bully's bodies turned into dust and blew in the wind ... Next time a god of death part2