
The Great Voyage: The cartoonist of the Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece The strongest king of pirates

God_Of_All_Chaos · 漫画同人
224 Chs

Chapter 209

Chapter 0209: The Last [Captain's Order]!!

Navy headquarters, Marin Fandor ~~~

That figure that fascinated the world, at this time, the beautiful eyes trembled, and the crystal tears swirled in the eye sockets ~~~

"He… He he… Really!!! "

Even after seeing Luo Lan kill the Draco with his own eyes at this time, Hancock still couldn't believe ~~~

I thought I was dreaming!!

The slender fingers pinched his face hard~ hiss!!

The real pain tells Hancock that all this is definitely not fake!! The pain of the knife just now directly stimulated Hancock's heart! It was an unprecedented pleasure!!

She wished she had done the knife herself!!!

But anyway…

There is the entire Nine Snake Island behind her, and she can't achieve Luo Lan's level ~~~ under the public

But what she wanted to do but could never do, Luo Lan did it in front of her~

And the only one who can do this is Luo Lan at present!!! Others didn't even dare to mention it!!!

Hancock looked at the figure standing on the execution table, and her heart seemed to be gently grabbed by an invisible hand!!

It made her heart beat dramatically!! People are like that…

What you desperately wanted to do but couldn't do, someone did it for you… Then you will have a fetter transfer ~~~~

The more arrogant the person, the more obvious this situation will be!

And Han Cook, a 'goddess' who is cold and arrogant to the extreme, this kind of bondage transfer will also be strong to the extreme!!!

At this time, Hancock looked at Luo Lan's gaze, and there was a special emotion that was not the so-called love, but it was similar~

It is more like an autonomous feeling of 'being moved' and 'being conquered'.

This may sound a bit obtrusive…

But don't forget that for someone like Hancock, there is absolutely no 'step-by-step' situation emotionally!!!

Her emotions are cold and proud!!!

If there is a 'peculiarity', it will only be a 'sudden break-in'!! This moment!

There was a man who broke in, conquered… Once~~~

Hancock's deep fear of Draco was also dissolved a lot at this moment~~~

She even fantasized in her mind that she personally bladed the Draco who had enslaved her!

Can this wish be fulfilled? If he would help me…

Thinking of this, Hancock even breathed heavily~~~~the other side~~~

Sengoku looked at the head that rolled down from the execution table, and the whole person was dumbfounded!!!

Above an old face, full of horror!!

Since he became the 243rd floor of the Navy, he has dealt with countless 'bizarre' incidents.

But this kind of thing in front of him, he has never touched it!!! He simply doesn't know what to do~~~

"Lawlessness must have a degree!!!

Lieutenant General Tsuru's old face was condensed, and his face like a dead branch was full of anger!!

Not far behind her, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit opened his mouth wide, and said, "This is really a stab in the sky…!" "

"Wu~~~, really can't make him afraid?"

The yellow ape looked at the figure standing proudly on the execution table, holding a frozen blade, and suddenly realized that this guy who had fought him twice might be the guy who would change the world…

The green pheasant's face was cold and sluggish, and he fell into deep thought.

Nicole Robin's partner…, can do this for her!

No wonder she can swear so surely, saying that she will never betray this time, but…, such a partner is too crazy!

As almost the only existence that can translate the text of history at present, coupled with such a partner, Nicole Robin may turn the world upside down in the future…

"Luo Lan, that guy…"!!!"

On another battlefield, Smog shouted through gritted teeth.

But his hand is tightly holding ~~~

It's not like anger, but like the same reaction as those civilians.

"Hey! Smoker, don't be so obvious. Will get you in trouble! "

Tina appeared beside Smog and whispered a reminder.

But Smog said disdainfully: "Lao Tzu is too lazy to care so much!" I just say well done! Who knows what I'm talking about!!! "

Tina was speechless.

She set her eyes on Luo Lan on the execution table.

This guy…

But since she was so big, the only man who had ever played her drum! Speaking of which, Tina wanted to see that she must grab Luo Lan with her own hands.


Is Tina thinking about loosening Luo Lan into the Great Deep Sea Prison and accepting the execution of the Navy?


Whether Tina would like to admit it or not, she had never had such an idea!! What she wanted was to grab Luo Lan with her own hands!!!

As for how to dispose of Luo Lan after that, Tina hadn't thought about it at all…

Whitebeard immediately crossed his knife and looked at the one that fell from the execution table to the ground

After falling on the head of the Draco, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed: "Goo la!!! Luo Lan boy…, the old man has never seen a bold brat like you in his life!!! Today is really worth the trip! "

"It's really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers~~~"

On the side, Marko was also shocked.

After a brief dumbfounded, the Warring States immediately shouted: "All navies obey orders!!" At all costs, kill the pirate Luo Lan!! "

He knows...

This time, the five old stars will definitely blame him fiercely!

If Luo Lan can be killed now, then the anger of the five old stars will be much less~~~

Saying that, the Warring States immediately rushed towards Luo Lan.

But Luffy punched him through the stomach and pulled him back. The yellow ape and the green pheasant were all restrained, and they couldn't make a move against Luo Lan.

Seven Wuhai came a total of four ~~~

Doflamingo was lying on the ground at this time~

The battle between Hawkeye and Solon is inextricably linked.

Bartholomi Bear had just escaped from Nami's maze and was sniped from a distance by Usopp.

Not only that, Nami also used the Thunder, Wind, and Fire cards to launch a fierce attack on Bassolomi.

As for Hancock…

Now who dares to let her deal with Luo Lan, whose mouth can she tear…

The heavy task of sniping Luo Lan naturally fell on the head of the vice admiral group of the navy headquarters.

"I'll attack the right!"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider leaps to the high platform.

"I'll attack the left!"

Lieutenant General Stoloberg also followed.

"I'll attack the front!"

Lieutenant General Squirrel took on the heavy responsibility in the middle.

The three are all veteran vice admirals of the Navy headquarters, and they all have the strength of Dajianhao.

The three of them shot at the same time, and in a short time, it was enough to rival the general~~~ but they met Luo Lan…

The number of people had no effect on Luo Lan at all.

With one step, Luo Lan's figure disappeared instantly.

"Where's it!?"

Lieutenant General Squirrel in charge of attacking the front suddenly turned pale.

Although his domineering appearance is also very strong, if he wants to capture Luo Lan's trajectory, he is still a little worse ~~~

"Not good, be careful!!! behind you"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider also failed to capture Luo Lan's trajectory, but when he looked at Lieutenant General Squirrel at this time, he saw that Luo Lan had already appeared there.

"Ever tasted being kicked faster than the speed of light?"

I don't know why, Luo Lan couldn't help but say such a line as soon as he lifted his hoof.

As soon as the words fell, his kick had already landed on Lieutenant General Squirrel.

Lieutenant General Squirrel seemed to disappear out of thin air, directly gone! Rumble!!

Almost at the same time, a violent roar erupted on the ground below the execution table.

The gravel flew up, and the smoke and dust dispersed ~~~

When all the dust settled, I saw Lieutenant General Squirrel laying out a big character and lying in a deep pit full of rubble…

"Damn it!! How could he be so fast! "

Lieutenant General Stoloberg's eyes suddenly shrank and said in shock.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his heart suddenly startled!!!

Because Luo Lan's figure has disappeared~~ not good!!!

As soon as he felt so alert in his heart, Luo Lan kicked him one by one.


Vice Admiral Stoloberg also disappeared in place, and then saw a hole exploded in the wall of the naval base building in the distance behind the execution table!

In the cave, Lieutenant General Stoloberg is embedded in ん~~~

Coincidentally, this location is the location of the word "military" in the two large characters of "navy" on the wall of the Navy headquarters building.

"Huh? It's quite a coincidence~~~"

Luo Lan muttered in his mouth, and his figure disappeared again!!

The ghost spider lieutenant general noticed that Luo Lan had disappeared, and his hair suddenly stood up!!!

He desperately searched for Luo Lan's location with his domineering appearance, but he couldn't lock Luo Gang's trajectory anyway.


Luo Lan's kick appeared, and Vice Admiral Ghost Spider also slammed into the wall of the Navy Headquarters Building ~~~

There is no doubt that the position where he inlaid the word "sea" in the word "navy"…

This time is not a coincidence, but from Luo Lan's sudden playfulness~~

"Warring States, it seems that you can't keep me today!"

After solving the three lieutenant generals, Luo Lan did not forget to go to Peach to provoke the Warring States.

Then, he stepped on his feet, jumped off the execution table, looked at Luffy and Ace, and said, "Withdraw!" I'll break you guys! "


Luffy didn't talk nonsense, removed the fifth gear form, fell directly back to the ground, and greeted Ace, "Let's go!" "


Ace was stunned.

Groove ~~

What happened to my brother?

As a captain, he actually left the deputy captain and ran first???

He was immediately furious: "Luffy!! How can you leave Luo Lan and run away alone!!!! "


Hearing this, Luffy looked confused.

Then, he scratched his head: "Ace, what are you thinking?" We just need to cooperate with Luo Lan's decision. You can absolutely trust Luo Lan! "

With that, Luffy pulled Ace and ran.

Ace was stunned again, and he immediately looked in Luo Lan's direction.

But seeing Luo Lan smile at him slightly, he cast a reassuring expression Ace and looked at Yamaji, Robin, Nami, Choiba and others ~~~

But these guys did not have any doubts about Luo Lan's break.

And they are all retreating.

Damn it.

What trust is that!!! Thinking of this, Ace no longer hesitated.

Since the people of the Straw Hat Pirates trusted Luo Lan so much, he couldn't pull everyone back.

"Fire Fist!! ——"

The arm turned into billowing flames and blasted away a group of naval soldiers, and Ace and Luffy quickly retreated!

Since the situation on the battlefield at this time had completely tilted to the side of the pirates, the morale of the navy was reduced.

Since the pirates wanted to retreat, most of the naval soldiers simply pushed the boat along the water and pretended to block, thus also speeding up the retreat of the pirates.

After some time, a large number of pirates boarded the pirate ship.

Ace and Luffy also withdrew.

Luo Lan's side fought and retreated, and all kinds of abilities were thrown out like money, forming various barriers to the navy.

On the other side, Whitebeard is also covering the pirates' retreat.

Because of the contraction of the battlefield, Qu Huzi and Luo Lan retreated from a Y-shaped route on both sides.

When halfway through the retreat, the two converged in the middle.

"Goo la ~~~, boy, finally see you!"

Whitebeard slashed through a piece of naval soldiers and grinned.

"Are you waiting for me? Something? "

Hearing this, Luo Lan frowned~~ wipe!

You didn't want to say that to me, did you?

I don't want to have multiple cheap dads for no reason…

"Goo la!!! It's okay, just wanted to get to know a celebrity like you before ending the tour. "

Although Whitebeard really wanted to say that to Luo Lan, he still held back, on the one hand, because he was ready to end his trip.

On the other hand, he felt that someone like Luo Lan who could do the live broadcast execution of the Draco…

Such a bold person…

If he wants to be someone's dad, he doesn't seem to be qualified enough ~~~ "Celebrity? But pull it down, I'm just a personal name ~~~"

Luo Lan spread out his hands, and a high-level Lan foot swept out, and blasted away several chasing naval soldiers.

"Goo la!!!"

Whitebeard was amused, he carefully looked at Luo Lan's side face ~~~ I really want to talk more with this guy…

However, there is no time ~~~

He can clearly feel his life force passing ~~~ Of course, this is not the main reason why he wants to end his trip.

The main reason is…

In today's war, if there is no super strong man left to stop the enemy and give an 'explanation' to the Navy by the way, the Navy will definitely not let the pirates evacuate easily.

In that case…, I'm afraid that in the process of evacuating, I don't know how many pirates will die.

Whitebeard is now covered in bruises, and the wish to save Ace is also fulfilled, he is no longer demanding~~~

"Boy!! Do you retreat!!! I'll break it for you~~~"

Although he really wanted to chat with Luo Lan more, Whitebeard saw the navy that was constantly pressing behind and understood that the time for small talk was over.


At this moment, a huge roar came from behind.

Everyone looked over, and they got stuck a pirate ship with the same shape as the Moby Dick and drove directly from the ground ~~~

This is a paddle steamer that can travel on land.

On that deck, the big vortex spider was leading his men with weapons.

"Daddy!! Let's escape, everyone! We are responsible for breaking off and covering this battlefield! Skuyard raised his saber high and yelled below. "

"Those are the Big Vortex Spider Pirates!"

"Skuyard, don't do something stupid!"

"Do you want to die?"

The pirates suddenly shouted.

"That's right! Who told me to do that to my daddy!! "

Skuyard's face was like a piece of iron, and he looked like he was at home, "Even if I can't atone for my sins with death, I can only be at ease in this way!" Everyone, give me a chance to run away!! "

However... Thundered!!!

The huge paddle steamer stopped abruptly.

At the bow of the boat, Whitebeard held the bow with one hand, and the power was terrifying!!! Obviously, the boat was stopped by him ~~~


Whitebeard exhaled deeply, and then said abruptly: "The son died in front of Lao Tzu, it's a great filial piety…, don't you understand?" Skuyard!! "

"Don't be presumptuous! Your knife can't stab me to death… My death has nothing to do with your ten swords…"

"The purpose of our coming here has been achieved…, you don't need to stay here anymore…"

"Listen…, Whitebeard Pirates!!"

"I now order… The last [Captain's Order]! "