
Ch. 29 Weakness

I curiously make my way through the halls of Casterly Rock. I received a summons from Tywin during my sword training. Being summoned by Tywin wasn't anything odd it happened regularly.

What was odd was the fact my own father was the one to deliver the order. My father gave no indication of the nature of the summons. He maintained a neutral expression on his face and bid me to immediately make my way to the Lord's Solar.

As I finally reached Tywin's office, I noticed Master Sergeant Roland standing a few steps from the solar door. Master Sergeant Roland was a ruthless and unbending man, capable of carrying out any assignment with unwavering devotion. His platoon rank among the highest in skill and capability.

My curiosity was only heightened with what this meeting was going to entail.

Stepping into the Lord's Solar, I find Tywin standing with his back to me. He has his hands folded behind his back as he stares out the pane glass window.

"You summoned me, uncle?" I asked the Lord Paramount of the West.

Tywin didn't respond to my presence. He continued to silently stare out towards the sea. As the silence carried on, I begin to feel uneasy. Tywin hadn't played one of these intimidation games with me in nearly a year.

"You have been granted benefits and privileges not even given to my own children," Tywin suddenly spoke. "Every test and challenge presented to you was met and surpassed. Regardless of the amount of authority given, you never failed to impress," Tywin said before turning to face me.

"Until yesterday," Tywin finished as his eyes bored into mine.

"I stand by my dealings with Lys," I state defensively.

"As do I," Tywin quickly interrupted.

I unconsciously blink in confusion. I try to decipher the events of yesterday and what Tywin could be talking about.

"What I find disappointing is your dereliction of duty to our House," Tywin answered my unasked question.

Tywin moved to his desk and took a seat. "I have a great deal of respect for your ability to uncover information about the Martell's treason and the Blackfyre boy," Tywin said in a calm fashion. "Even more so for your order of Jon Connington and the boy's heads."

"What I find troubling is your decision to not order the deaths of the Targaryens," Tywin said with a scowl. "You learn of a plot that is centered around the blood of Targaryens. You then see to the death of one of the claimants. But by doing so, you've allowed the traitors time to protect the true threat." Tywin finished with a sneer.

"Robert could have seen an end to the Targaryens at any time," I began.

"And that time is now running out," Tywin cut in. "Why are they still alive?" Tywin asked.

Knowing Tywin would sense a lie, I spoke the truth. "Daenerys Targaryen is just a small girl," I say in an unsure voice.

Tywin's loud scoff ends my excuse. "A woman can be just as worthy of an opponent as a man," Tywin lectured. "And just as worthy of receiving your blade."

Tywin studied me for a moment before he spoke again. "You have earned love and respect from the nobles and smallfolk alike. It is time you earn their fear," Tywin drawled in a low tone of voice.

I sense of dread washes over me. I know Tywin too well to not know what he's about to say next.

"The Targaryens arrived in Lys nearly five months ago," Tywin began. "You will take a platoon of men to Lys, find the Targaryens, and end their threat," Tywin issued his command in an authoritative voice.

I stood on hallow legs for a long moment. I should have expected this. Tywin would have seen my hesitation to harm a girl as a weakness. And there is no room for weakness in the heir of Casterly Rock. Knowing I can't escape my fate, I nod my head in reluctant acceptance.

"The men have already been mobilized, and a ship awaits you at Lannisport. I want you on the seas with the tide," Tywin finalized his orders.

It takes all my willpower to not show any outward reaction. I loath this order more than anything I've faced on this planet.

I have no love or infatuation for the Mother of Dragons. I would feel the same way no matter who the child was. It just doesn't feel right.

Hell, even the Blackfyre boy was my age and training to led a rebellion. I won't lose a second of sleep over him.

Right now, Daenerys Targaryen is an eleven-year-old girl without a thought of throwing Westeros into a bloody civil war. But, deep down, I know ending her life will hugely increase the safety of my family.

Despite all my efforts to not appear as the ruthless monster Westeros knows Tywin to be, I'm now given a mission to personally slaughter a child. Clamping down on my disgust and anger, I fully face Tywin Lannister.

"As you will, my lord," I state before giving a small bow and turning on my heel.

When I step into the hallway, Master Sergeant Roland is standing as still as a statue. With a jerk of my head, Roland falls in step with me as we move towards the stairs.

"How much longer do the men need, Master Sergeant?" I ask the hardened soldier.

"We will be ready to depart within the hour, Lord General," was Roland's emotionless answer.

"I will meet you and the men at Lion's Mouth in one hour. Use this time wisely," I command the man over twice my age.

"Yes, Lord General," Master Sergeant Roland said as he struck his breastplate with a closed fist in salute.

I'm only partially aware of traversing the halls of Casterly Rock. My mind is a constant flurry of plans and ideas.

The only good point of this entire situation is the fact I may just get to see the world-renowned pillow houses of Lys.

Shortest chapter I've ever released.

If not now, it will be another day or two before a new chapter is released.

Enjoy it!

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