
The Graver Robbers' Chronicles

mia1115wu · 灵异恐怖
25 Chs

Chapter 1 Blood Corpse

Chapter 1 Blood Corpse

50 years ago, Biaoziling, Changsha. The four tutors were squatting on a mound, all of them silently staring at the Luoyang shovel on the ground.

The shovel still carried the soil that had just been brought out from the ground. The strange thing was that this cup of soil was constantly leaking bright red blood, as if it had just been dipped in blood.

"It's a lot of trouble now." The old cigarette butt knocked his dry smoke on the ground. "There is a bloody corpse underneath. If we don't do anything like this, we have to put it in the bottom."

"Can't go down and whisper? It's too much, in a word, Mo Qili Bali!" The one-eyed boy said: "You said your old man's legs and feet are inconvenient, so don't go down. My brother and I will go down and take care of him. Something, just bring him a shuttle."

The old cigarette butt smiled instead of anger, and said to a big beard next to him: "You are in a sea-like style in your room. You may turn the lid off at any time. You have to educate and educate yourself. This business is not There is a box cannon and you can do it."

The big beard glared at the young man: "You bastard, why are you talking to the old man like this? When the old man was scouring the land, you were still in your mother's belly."

"What did I say... I was wrong, the ancestors didn't say anything. The blood corpse is a good thing. There must be a lot of babies underneath. If you don't go down, you can go to a pot of soup."

"You fucking dare to talk back!" The bearded man raised his hand and hit, but was blocked by the old cigarette butt.

"You're a real dad, you know how to call, and don't look at where you are now. It was not the same when you were a servant. This is called the upper beam and the lower beam!"

The one-eyed young man saw that his father was being slapped, lowered his head and laughed, the old cigarette butt coughed, and then knocked the one-eyed boy with a stick, "Are you smiling? It can be big or small when you meet a blood corpse," Last time your second father dug this thing in Luoyang, but now you are still crazy, your little girl has no hair on his mouth, and he is so rough when he is doing things, and he thinks his head is too much?"

"Is it necessary or not?" The one-eyed young man scratched his head impatiently.

The old cigarette butts took a few sips, looked at the sky, and seemed determined, and said to the beard: "Then you want the land, wait a moment, I will go down first, you follow me, and the second girl, you take one. Behind the Temple of the Earth Mouse, don't go down to the three yazi. Four of you, if you want to retreat, there is no time to retreat. You will pull the Earth Mouse by its tail, and you will pull things out as soon as we shout inside."

The youngest boy was not convinced: "I don't follow, you are partial, I tell my mother to go!"

The old cigarette laughed: "Look, you see, Sanyako is still timid, don't make trouble, wait for you to get a golden knife."

"I don't want you to touch it, I will touch it myself."

The one-eyed second child was on fire, and grabbed the third child by his ears: "You bastard and I are looking for something to sew, and I'm calling you to mutter."

The youngest boy had been beaten a lot on weekdays. Seeing that his second brother was really angry, he was too scared to say anything. He looked straight at his father for help, but he had already gone to clean up the guy. His second brother was proud: "Why are you not in love with you? The old man won't help you this time. If you want to shout again, I'll screw you up!"

The third child was taken aback, and hurriedly covered his stall and fled.

At this time, I heard the bearded yelling, "What kind of idiot you are? Fuck you!" After talking, a whirlwind shovel was already dancing.

After half an hour, the thief hole could not be seen to the end, except for the second child who came up to breathe from time to time, even the voice in the cave could not be heard clearly. The third child became impatient and shouted into the cave: "Grandpa , Didn't you dig through?"

After a few seconds, a vague voice came from inside: "I don't know... Road, you... Stay on it and pull it up... Good rope!"

It was his second brother's voice, and then heard his old cigarette coughing: "Keep it down... Listen! There is a movement!"

Then there was a deathly silence. The youngest knew there must be something wrong, so he didn't dare to speak. Suddenly, he heard a creepy sound from the cave, "chucking" like a toad in the field. .

Then his second brother yelled from below: "Third son, pull!"

He didn't dare to neglect, he slammed the dirt mouse by its tail and pulled it out. Just after pulling it a few times, the rope suddenly tightened. Something underneath seemed to be bitten, and there was a reaction force that pushed the rope toward the pirate hole. Lira, the youngest didn't think that there would be such a situation at all, and was almost pulled into the hole. He was so anxious that he tied his tail to his waist, and then fell back, his back almost touching the ground. It became a 30-degree angle. This was a trick he used when tug of war with other boys in the village, so that all his weight would be on the rope, and even a mule would be able to top him.

Sure enough, in this way, he was holding against the things in the hole. Both parties struggled, but they couldn't pull the slightest. After a stalemate for 10 seconds, he heard a box cannon in the hole and then heard him. Father yelled: "Sanyazi, run away!!!" He felt that the rope was loose, and the soil mouse bounced out of the hole with a swish, as if something was hanging on it! At that time, the youngest didn't care about that much, so he caught the rat and turned his head and ran away!

He ran for more than two miles in one breath before he dared to stop, took a look at the dirt rat in his arms, and yelled in shock. It turned out that the dirt rat had no hook on anything, only a bloody severed hand. And he knew that hand, it was clearly his second brother's. It seems that his second brother is disabled even if he is not dead.

Although the youngest was bullied by his second brother, the relationship between the brothers was very deep. When he thought that something big might really happen this time, his brain became hot, and he wanted to save his second brother and father. When I turned my head, I suddenly saw a blood-red blood-red thing squatting in the reed bushes behind him, seeming to look straight at him.

This youngest is not a second-rate guy. He followed his dad to go to the sand and saw a lot of bizarre things. Knowing that everything can happen under the ground, the most important thing is not to make a fuss, but to act accordingly. The black and fierce are all fierce, a shuttle bullet hits it, and if it breaks, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He restrained his mind and didn't retreat. Instead, he leaned towards the thing step by step, with a box gun in his hand. As long as there is any movement in the blood-red thing, give him a rainstorm first.

The blood-red thing squatted in the grass without any movement. The third child walked within three steps and took a closer look. Suddenly, he felt that his scalp was numb and his stomach was churning. It was clear that he was a person who had been skinned! He was bloody, as if he was squeezed out of human skin. Is this the true face of the blood corpse?

He bit his lower lip and pulled out the long saber around his waist. He wanted to stab the thing to see what it was. Before leaning down, the monster suddenly leaned forward and saw the red light in front of him. For a flash, it was too late to try to avoid it. Between the sparks and flints, his feet slipped and fell backward. At the same time, all the bullets of the box gun hit the chest of the thing at close range, and the thing suddenly The beaten blood splattered all over, stepped back several steps and fell into the grass.

The third child on this side also took advantage of the situation and jumped up immediately, turning his hand at the thing's head and pulling the trigger. Hearing a click, it got stuck!

This old oil box gun was dug out from a warlord's tomb by his second grandfather back then. It didn't take many years to think about it. Unfortunately, he has been running around with his dad in the past few years, and there is no time to maintain it. There is also a chance to shoot. Rarely, the barrel gets stuck as soon as it gets hot. This is really unlucky. Drinking cold water makes your teeth clogged.

Seeing the blood-red thing twisting and turning over, the third child cursed inwardly. The strength to fight it out just disappeared, so he smashed the gun with his round arm, regardless of whether it hit or not, and turned his head. Just run. This time he didn't even dare to look back. He saw the big tree in front of him and ran over, thinking about how to recruit it and he wouldn't be able to climb it, so he went up and hid first.

Thinking about it, suddenly he stumbled, and a dog rushed out eating shit, his entire face knocked on a tree stump, and his nose and mouth were suddenly full of blood.

This was a real fall. The third child suddenly felt dizzy. He gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, but found that the whole hand could not use any strength. At this time, the wind sounded behind him, and he looked back. The monster is already within a few steps, and Lord Yan is calling!

The third child is also a transparent person. He was not afraid to see that his death date was approaching. He just gave a wry smile and simply lay on the ground waiting to die. In an instant, the monster pounced on his back and stepped on his foot fiercely. The third child felt his voice sweet, and his bile was spit out. At the same time, a strange itch came from his back, and his eyes immediately became hazy.

He realized that he might be poisoned, and the toxicity was very violent. He saw a place not far away, and his second brother's severed hand fell out of his arms, as if he was still holding something in his hand. .

He blinked his eyes vigorously and took a closer look. It turned out to be a piece of silk papyrus. The third child thought to himself that the things his second child tried desperately to steal are definitely not ordinary things. I don't know how they are now. Put things away, if I really die, they can find my corpse, and they can find it from me. That old hand is not for nothing, and I won't die in vain. Thinking about it, he struggled to dig out the silk paw from his severed hand and stuff it into his sleeve.

At this time, his ears began to beep, his eyes were like a layer of gauze, and his hands and feet began to cool. According to his previous experience, there must be a lot of urine in his crotch.

"The corpse poisoned people are dead and ugly, I hope they don't show it to the second girl in the next village." He was confused, his mind began to not listen to his control. At this time, he began to vaguely hear him in the thief cave. I heard a strange gurgling sound.

The third child vaguely felt that something was wrong. How could this sound be different from what he had just heard in the thief... It's a pity that he couldn't think at all at this time. He reflexively wanted to look up, only to see a huge monster. The face is attached to look at him. There is no life in the two eyes without pupils.