
Chapter 4:Beer on the Carpet?Really?

Hey Guys, I don't have anything to say but enjoy. I decided to split chapter 3 in half also because it was very long.


Chapter 4: Beer on the Carpet?Really?

Dillion's POV

I look down at her peaceful sleeping face. Her chest rising up and down as she breathes slowly.

I tune out Easton's voice and focus in on her unique features. Her eyes, if open, were a joyful hazel color while her lips wore a tinted pink in a shape of a heart.

I long to hear her beautiful laugh or see her bright smile. I place a kiss on her forehead and place my hand on her long silky hair.

My eyes wander to her lips and stay there for what feel like hours. I feel her restless under my touch.

I turn my head back to the window.

Easton's voice coming back.

"Those are the 10 reasons why I'm so sexy."

I roll my eyes. My friend Rufus the dufus.


Charlie's POV

I wake up keeping my eyes closed. I sit there and start to think.

Evan, Caroline and I have known each other forever but yet I'm in the car with these crazy guys.

My life has always revolved around soccer. When I was three they were cheering me on at games. The last game my mom went to was in Sophomore year I made it onto Varsity and I was so excited because she was actually able to come. The crowd cheering, me running down the field, sprinting, coming upon the goalie and swish right into the net. I turned to the crowd but the only person I saw was my mom her hand on her bracelet and my hand on mine.

I smile at the good memory.

I hear the car start to pull into my driveway.

"Charlie, Charlie, CHARLIE."

I jump and stare Dillion in the eyes. "Really, you couldn't have carried me into the house and laid me softly on the couch."

"Nope." He say as we get out of the car. "But I can do this." He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!"

Easton lifts up the top half of my body so my head is resting on his shoulder. Dillion turned my feet to they were comfortably laying on his shoulder. It look like there was an invisible bed under my body and they were the legs.

We reach the door, Tyler, opens it and steps out of the way. The boys walk in, me, still on their shoulders. They walk into the living room dropping me on the couch.

I get up. "Well Line should be here in about actually 3 2 1."

The door busts open. "Out of my way," she pushes Easton and Dillion out of the way. Her hand grabs my arm dragging me up the stairs.

I hear Easton yell. "We'll pick you Doll faces up at 8:30."

I yell back. "Whatever but Evans riding with us too."

The door closes and the car parked out front drives away.

I look back at Caroline her head stuck back in my closet.

She comes out with the spaghetti strap lace red dress and some black flats.

Laying across the bed is her key black dress and some toeless heels.

Grabbing her makeup bag she brings me into the bathroom.

"Now get in the shower and use this." She hands me a special shampoo and conditioner.

I turn on the shower. "Okay."

She goes into the room with just the sinks and starts to setup the makeup.

My bathroom has two separate areas.

I undress and check if the temperature is right. After I twist the handle more towards cold I get in. The water stinging when it touches my back.

I get my hair wet and squeeze a handful of shampoo. I lather my hair and rinse twice. I then wash my face and body. Finishing it off with conditioner and a brush.

I turn the water off. Grabbing my towel I dry myself off. I hang my towel up and grab my fluffy blue robe.

I open the door and see Caroline still lining up the makeup. I sit in the chair she took from my room.

For the next 30 minutes we talked and laughed as she did my make up and her makeup.

"Done!"She holds up my face towards the mirror.

I reach up to itch my nose when my hand gets slapped down.

"Do not touch my masterpieces."

I put my hands up in defense. "Okay. Okay."

She then starts working on my hair. When she's down my hair is half up half down with a flower in it.

She waves me off to the bed room. I walk into my bedroom and slip on my dress and flats. I tidy up my room grabbing all the snacks and trash. I close my closet door and make my bed. I look over at my school filled desk. I decide to get a head start on my homework. I was finishing up a paper when line walks back in the room with her hair in a beautiful messy bun.

I wait for her to put on her dress. When's she done I walk out the door, line handing me a black clutch in the process. I put my iPhone X in and my wallet.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some Pringle's.

Caroline comes behind me grabbing them out of my hands.

"No food." She says blankly.

Before I can protest the doors bell rings.

"I got it." Tyler yells from the living room.

"That must be the boys." I say walking into the hallway.

Caroline follows but not before putting back the chips.

Evan and two other boys file in.

Evans eyes widen at Liner. "You look beautiful."

She smiles. "You look good yourself."

Easton gives me a wink and Dillion smiles.

My eyes widen in shock. Mr. smirk over hear smiles.

He walks over to me and look me over. " You wear dresses?"

I roll my eyes. "No, this is a once in a lifetime thing so enjoy it."

He smirks looking into my eyes. "Oh I am."

I hear a click of a camera and turn towards it.

"Okay. Love birds lets get a picture to capture this rare moment." Tyler holds up his phone.

Easton and Dillon intertwine their arms with mine on ether side of me.


"Okay let's go."

Easton grabs my hand dragging me out the door.

In front of my house is Evans Jeep. I hop in the back between Dillon and Easton. While Evan and Line get the front.

I groan. " Which one of you put on too much cologne."

Easton opens his mouth. "It was me."


We pull up to a familiar house.

"Line you didn't tell me this was Andrews party."

She shrugs her shoulders.

Dillon opens the door. He grabs my hand and leads me to the door.

On the front lawn there is at least 70 teenagers. All with alcohol in their hands.

We get inside. The house reeking of alcohol and sweat.

We see people dancing on the tables and people passed out on the couches.

Dillion's fingers still intertwined with mine leading me through.

We reach the kitchen. He gives me a drink.

I give him a weary look.

"Don't worry it's non-alcoholic."

I nod and take a sip.

We head out back. There are people swimming in the pool and jumping off the swimming board.

I look across the pool. Caroline and Evan are very very close together. Oh My Gosh.

I slap Dillion in the chest, making him choke on his drink.

He looks at me and I point to Caroline and Evan.

He laughs. "We haven't even been here 10 minutes."

"I have to pee." I say out of the blue.

"Do you know where to go." He asked.

I nod. "Yeah I've been to this house a million times."

I head back inside. I go towards the stairs. And turn right. In the hallway I see the bathroom door open. I walk over and close the door and locking it.

I wash my hands and unlock the door.

Standing outside is a guy I've never seen before.

He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him.

I try to push him away. But he just holds me tighter.

He try's to kiss me and I slap him across the face.

He then shoves his lips on mine and I can't pull away.

All of a sudden I am let go and someone else grabs me.

I go to slap them but they grab my arm.

"Woah it's me." Dillion smiles down at me.

I sigh and lay my head in his chest. His arms wrap around me protectively.

Our moment is ruined by me. I yell and point behind us.

Dillon turns around but not before getting punched in the face.

I scream.

Dillion stands back up and the two start throwing punches at each other.

I stand there in horror and try to stop them but Easton holds onto me.

Other guys start up to butt in and finally they get the big guy out of the house.

I rush over to Dillon a bruise starting to form on his cheek and blood dripping from his cut lip. I hear someone yell in the background."Beer on the carpet?REALLY?"

I mentally laugh. That must have been Andrew. I look back over to a hurt Dillion.

I touch his lip and he winces.

I walk over to Evan and grab his keys.

I turn towards Dillion. "Let's get out of here."

He nods in agreement.

We walk out to the car.

We get in and I start the car.

"Red, you don't have your license yet."

"I have my permit and besides we aren't going anywhere far I think. Where's your house?"

He smiles and turns on the GPS typing in his address.

We are silent for the rest of the ride hearing the occasional turn right.

About 30 minutes later we are parked on front of a at least a 800,000 dollar house.

My dads a realtor remember.

We walk to the front door. Dillion unlocking it with his keys.

We walk into a foyer with wide open steps to the right and straight ahead a hallway. To the left are two French doors that are closed and the shades are drawn. He leads me up the stairs.

We walk down the giant hallway to a door with a soccer player on it.

"This is my room."

We walk inside. There is a giant king sized bed in the middle with two nightstands next to it and there are clothes all over the floor and billions of posters on the wall.

"Lay on the bed." I say walking into the bathroom.

"Very demanding." I hear him say.

I answer back. "Shut up and lay down."

I walk back with a hot washcloth. I sit next to him and start dabbing at his cuts.

I reach his lips and he winces again.

After I cleared the blood away I throw the washcloth into the bathroom.

"I better get going."

"No, you should stay it's late."

"Fine but no funny business."

He nods and walks over to his draw grabbing two sets of clothes and through a set to me.

"You can go into the bathroom."

I nod and go change.

I walk out. He's laying on the bed his phone over his face and Instagram pulled up. He turns his face towards me. I am wearing a plain white tee and gray joggers.

"You should wear my clothes more often."

I blush and my stomach growls.

"You hungry?


"Me too. I'll go grab some food."

He gets up and runs down the stairs.

I walk around his room coming across a board full of pictures. I stare at one in particular. Dillion's hair is in his face and he is standing with a girl with a birthday cake in front of them and 4 other people some of them I recognized. I notice a little boy with a big smile on his face. He is wearing a birthday hat and holding Dillion's hand. 

Dillion comes back with some Pringle's and a glass of water.

We finished the whole can.

I texted Line where I was and ignored her texts.

I lay on top of his bed and start to drift off into a deep sleep.

Hey so that was chapter 4 decided to split all my chapters so they are shorter.

But please share please.
