
Chapter 35 Rip City

When Gan Guoyang drove up to the team's warm-up practice on the morning of the 30th in a golden Porsche, everyone was shocked, bombarding him with questions about when he bought the car and how much it cost.

Guoyang answered with a casual, "It was a gift."

It wasn't until Kossie mentioned it that everyone realized a dealer had actually gifted Guoyang the car.

To say they weren't envious would be a lie, but that's how it was on the basketball court: if you had the talent and the fame, all sorts of good things came rushing to you.

Because your fame could be cashed out, turned into much larger benefits.

Gifting you a car meant a loss of tens to hundreds of thousands, but giving Gan Guoyang a car could earn them ten to a hundred times that amount in return.

Everyone understood this business principle; although Guoyang's stats weren't as explosive as Vandeweghe's in the first game, anyone who had played against Guoyang knew he just hadn't pushed himself.