With breakfast now completed, my next task for the day is to continue on with my crafting, as I'm still stuck at the most basic of basic's crafting items using nothing but wood, and stone.
I'd love to get the chance to upgrade my equipment to iron, or at the very least bronze, but with my self-imposed curse being what it is, the only chance I'll have of using those kinds of tools are if I find a way to forge them myself, but at present I don't even have a forge, nor a hammer with which to craft with.
Alright well so far I can craft simple stone tools, the next step up would be bronze according to history, but without tools that's not possible, though... perhaps rather than blacksmithing I instead perform casting to create tools?
That's simple enough just heat the ore enough to melt it, then pour it into a clay mold, let it cool, de-bur and sharpen the blade and away you go.
But for that I'd need clay, given that I'm already at the riverside clay should be relatively easy to find if I dig, but first things first would be the creation of a trowel, and shovel.
Creating the handle is simple enough to whittle and carve down a branch the difficult part would be the sculpting of of blades, not that they need to be excessively sharp in the beginning, but the creation of multiple due to the lack of durability since most soil and rock is in fact harder than most woods.
My goals for today are to further enhance my camp, or at the very least to gather logs to create a form of shelter, or better tables with which to work with, and of course the creation of shovels to dig the land, maybe create a small garden see if I can grow some food even in the short time I've got in this world.
And hey if I've got clay perhaps I can even create some earthenware pottery but again I'd need to create a kiln, and from that I could also create Charcoal which would lead to hotter temperatures, with which I could melt metal.
The hours passed, and my collecting continued, branch, and log was collected aplenty filling up both my storage and creating a nice sized pile next to my stove and table.
With supplies collected I sat down on a nice heap of grass that acted as padding and started my crafting, swiftly skinning the logs of their bark, the branches of their skin, before setting up a trunk base log as a splitting stand, then with one axe I set for a cut, before making my way down the log using a rock in place of a hammer to add force, this would allow me to have much more control over the planks I would be cutting, and since I'd be shooting for a shovel, creating a wedge would work but not if it ran perpendicular to the woods grain, with each thrust into the earth the tool would pull itself apart, mostly likely causing it's durability to drop in a flash.
As my work progressed numerous planks were created and stacked four of which I chose to work on further shaving away at their forms to create a thinner bladed edge, and concaved center with which to move the earth.
Lastly using my knife to carve out notches on both sides of the tops of the planks then taking my home spun rope made by weaving reeds to wrap plank to branched handle.
With the steps completed what lay before me was four completed wooden shovels, not the nicest looking tools but crafted by mine own hand.
But with my new tools, taken out to just aft the riverbed, the start of my first mine began.
Shovelful after shovelful as the pit was created and a small mountain of soil opposite it grew.
When the pit reached one of my persons length deep finally I struck gold... err rather clay
Scoop after scoop of moist clay was mined in earnest, until I had a single baskets worth full.
To which I ended my day of digging, and instead started to shape and form the clay creating simple earthenware dishes, a cup, a bowl, and a plate laying them to rest atop my stone table.
Though unfired as they are if i can get them to be sun dried their use will be basic at least until i can progress far enough to kiln fire them to make them last longer than a scant mere few number of uses.
I'll just need to be careful since being what they are they'll be incredibly fragile being made of soil, though that would be for fired pottery as well unless i can come up with some sort of a coating to protect them from any juices, or liquids that come from my food, or drink.
With my latest creations now sitting out on my table, i gathered up what i could from my supplies once again stuffing my storage to the brim before collecting up my baskets, and tools.
Once more setting off for the city, since the sun in the sky has started it's descent over the horizon which means the day's light will soon be gone once again.
And once more will start my nightly routine of whittling down the branches and twigs i'd stocked up on.
Just before turning in for the night i closed my eyes and peered into the endless black until my status once again appeared before in my minds eye.
Name: Alre Race: Shadar-Kai (Shadow Elf) Age: 28
Class: Crafter Level: 5 Title/s: None Fame/Infamy: 6
Health: 35/35 Mana: 20/20
Strength: 11 Dexterity: 7 Vitality: 10 Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 6 Charisma: 3
Skills: <Inventory-1> <Crafting-3(+1)> <Collection-4(+2)> <Innovation> <Stone Age><Cooking-1(New)><One-Handed Axe-1(New)><Dagger Arts-1(New)><Mining-1(New)>
Well after another 2 days worth of crafting, and a single goblin kill my level rose quite a bit, i managed to boost my stats, but more importantly my skills have shown growth as i added more than a few new ones to my list and even leveled up my existing skills.
Heya readers it's your favorite guy James here once again (ok maybe not favorite, i'll settle for the role of drinking buddy [you're buying of course lol])
Sorry the releases have been spaced out quite a bit (not really to overly long but even still sorry...)
I've been focusing more on MMO'ing in another world than this one as i stated before but, i also start a new job next week so the chances for me to be free to write will also diminish more and more.
I'm still going to strive to write at least one chapter per week for this novel series, as the storyboarding i got completed has me really pumped to take this "Beta Test" to the real world.
If anyone has any suggestions or comments please drop me a line in the comments section im what i would call an amatueur writter and would love to see what awesome insights you all can provide to enhance the story as we move along.
(Also yes the Status board is back! I generally hate keeping track of the characters status, and monetary value hence why i've started with the character not being able to have money, and so he's going to be a bit status dence only bothering to check it when something changes or when it fancy's him)