
Chapter 13: The last collection run

With the mornings work completed, all that's left is the final collection run around the forest with minimal crafting of what I can do so that I can go into the city and sell my wares, earn more copper and iron with which I can further my craft.

Tomorrow also marks the final logged in day so I'll need to secure a safe place to bed down so that the accelerated time spent when not logged in wont impact me when I sign back in.

Worst case would be logging out in my underground home, only to login and find it's been taken over by monsters resulting in my untimely digital death.

I was a bit worried about leaving my latest craft behind to cool in the earth, but at least I know I don't need to fear the thief being my stalker... perhaps I should at the very least interact with this psycho to learn her name so I don't always call her a stalker.

"hah hah such a nice scent"

Yeah... on the other thought lets not bother this girl creeps me the hell out

Making track to run around my known collection grounds, slightly expanding my search radius since my speed and stamina have increased which likewise allows me a greater range of territory i can go to before needing to return.

With my requirement today being to collect wood to create handles and stone i can carve down into blades, and axe heads

Lastly would be small sticks and twigs i can create wicker baskets and the like, since the rest of my crafting is slightly automated with how the Kilns churn out charcoal and the pottery i made beforehand.


The collection went rather well, i scored a good bit of herbs thanks to my new skill which can tell me the different names of the herbs i can see, i think I've figured out how to gain skills in this game now, you have your core class skills which are earned through proficiency and level milestones, and then you have additional skills which are earned for completing achievements or through repetitive action but they grow at a slower rate from your class skills.

Appraise is more a skill of a merchant than a crafter so if i study on what im looking at long and hard enough the system skill assist will give me the appropriate skill, maybe once I've acquired them all they would merge to become just a generic appraisal like you see in other games all the time.

As it stand now, i've only got appraisal for herbs, and rock.

My skill in identifying wood i probably pretty close to granting me the skill as well.

But thanks to these skills ive been able to only collect named herbs rather just everything including weeds that look like herbs, stones on the other hand don't give me any information other than their names at present but im no geologist so i don't know the differences, perhaps when the skill levels up.

Last harvesting spot for the day is to head over to the river, i need to collect up some smaller smooth stones that i can use for future projects and water eroded ones will do just right.


But a funny thing happened when i was collecting the rocks and pebbles in the river.

I came across a couple of rocks that almost looked like rubies the size of grains of rice.

The thing that floored me though was the result of my appraisal.

These stones are apparently two different kinds, Fire stones, and Blood stones.

If i use my game lore then these would be a type of magic stone, similar to the monster cores i've been collecting from monster drops, though these have a magic type whereas the once i have been getting are neutral or havent been dyed with anyone mana yet to be granted a type.

But for these to be found in a riverbed, did they wash here from upstream?

Or is it possible that they absorbed the magic within the riverbed?

Kind of a scary thought to think their would be blood and fire routinely flowing down a river.

But hmmm a stone even one as small as grains of rice just what can i do with them?

I mean in most cases a gem with magic powers would be set into a staff, wand or blade to grant the weapon the attribute of the stone.

Though the power is usually derivative of the stones grade and size being as tiny as they are these are going to be level 0 or 1 stones so you might be able to perform life magic or elementary grade equivalent to tier 0 and 1 spells.

Just enough to catch a fire but not enough to use offensive magic.

Then theirs the blood stones just what sort of magic would they yield?


With another combing of the river bed performed i wrapped up my collecting for the day and set off back to my camp to begin sorting the spoils of my trip, perform the collecting of the goods in my kilns and lastly do a massive amount of crafting so that i can have the largest haul of good possible to sell in the city on my final day, so that i can barter for any raw materials and gain a mass of metal that can advance my own crafting and combat potential.

Though there still was one thing i almost forgot about at least until i cleaned out the first kiln, collecting all the charcoal along with the ash lining the walls.

"Mmmmmm Master is soooo cool"


This person is still here, lets get absorbed into cleanup and crafting so the time will pass much faster.


Name: Alre Race: Shadow Elf Age: 28

Class: Crafter Level: 19 Title/s: None Fame/Infamy: 6

Health: 141/141 Mana: 80/80

Strength: 26 Dexterity: 17 Vitality: 21 Intelligence: 15 Wisdom: 15 Charisma: 11

Skills: <Inventory-2> <Crafting-5(+1)> <Collection-6(+1)> <Innovation> <Stone Age><Bronze Age><Cooking-3(+1)><One-Handed Axe-4><Dagger Arts-3><Mining-3><Logging-3>

Abilities: <Auto-Collection><Crafting Manual><Appraisal [Mineral]><Appraisal [Herbology]>