
The God In Asthy Kingdom

The never ending story of Asthy Kingdom came to an end after the Gods and Devils reunited. Asta However Defeated GOFONME but this was left as a mystery because Asta lost his memory after the Fight. Asta, the superior of the Devils became a God who was made the protector of Asthy Kingdom after the AMAXON War ended. He lost almost all his love ones during the fight including his dearest "Daira"... Asta also didn't remember Daira but he always sees part of her face in his dreams. Daira was already living her next life in another Universe, As they struggled to get along, past enemies arises to retaliate on the Gods. Find out more... Brought to you by Big Maker...

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Chapter 6: Surrounded by your Family...

Surrounded by your Family...

Galeo asked Asta what should be done now, Asta always have a plans for any situation. If Fug and Yonal are taking care of Dogan for the main time, that means that Asta can take care of this one himself.

Asta: Follow me.

Asta and Galeo retuned back to heaven, when they arrived there, they told Aphar about the current situation of Asthy Kingdom.

Aphar was like the manager of heaven, he is in charge of matter that concerns heaven.

Aphar: Lama was spotted by some of our spies at Raga village.

Asta: I think I should go.

Galeo: No, we need you here, they're more than just Lama remember?

Asta: The last time i checked Lama was very powerful, my father was the one who was able to lock him down and cast him into the Destruction prison.

Aphar: Lama was a good Devil, he was very close to Asto, he was like the back bone of Asto. I believe Lucifer did something to him that changed his perspectives.

Kalli: Who is strong enough to capture him again.

Asta: I don't think chasing them around is the best thing to do now.

Kalli: But they're killing the humans.

Asta: I no, but if they're captured again, there will be no destruction prison to trap them.

Aphar: so what do you suggest?

Asta: Someone should make sure they don't kill anymore humans, we should rebuild the destruction prison.

Aphar: The destruction prison isn't necessary at this point, we can use the heavenly Prison.

Asta: Why Devils fears the Destruction prison is because there is no way out, does the heavenly Prison have that?

Aphar: Abandoning Devils or Gods in a prison will only turn them to more dangerous monsters.

Asta: It also makes them learn their lessons.

Aphar: Creating a Destruction prison takes lots of powers if we are the ones to do it. GOFONME was the one who created the first one and I was there when he was channeling power to it, it takes lots of powers more than it looks.

Asta: I know, okay let's do it this way.

Aphar: Am all ears.

Asta: We Should start building the destruction prison, but for the main time let's dump the Devils into the Heavenly prison, when the Destruction prison is completed we can transfer them.

Aphar: That's a good idea. But You're a God now so you should start thinking like one, a God won't abandon his own people into an everlasting prison of no return.

Asta: That's where they have being all this while, there is a reason why they were dumped there. The Underworld had other prisons but it wasn't changing them for the better.

Aphar: Let's fine out what they're up to, why are they killing humans?

Asta: Is there any similar complain from other kingdoms about what is going on?

Aphar: Non that I have heard.

Asta: Okay, then I think most of them has fled out of the universe or perhaps are keeping a low profile.

Aphar: If they're keeping a low profile, that's a sign of changing.

Asta: Already planning their redemption, what if they have a leader?

Aphar: Five years is too small for such stubborn Devils to gather and have a superior for themselves.

Asta: Kalli, Lama is a very strong Devil, but am counting on you to trap him down.

Kalli: Sure I will.

Aphar: who is going to go after the second devil that was spotted.

Asta: That's in the past now.

Aphar: What do you mean?

Asta: I mean I already took care of him, he is at the Heavenly prison taking his nap.

Aphar: So you already tracked him down?

Asta: He was still at the spot committing the act when I tracked him down, there was no time to talk so I just knocked him down and dragged him here.

Aphar: That's one thing I like that about you, only fools talk before a fight. You got it from your mother, she likes shutting me up when she is angry and that means one thing.

Asta: She wants to fight?

Aphar: Exactly, most times I avoids her and sometimes stay to fight off her anger.

Asta: I wished I could see her one last time. (he said with a sad face)

Aphar: I miseed my little sister as well, I would have let her kill me instead of herself.

Asta: Okay, let's get things straight, I haven't recovered my lost memories so some part of me still things you killed my parents, so let's just skip this discussion.

Aphar: Sure, But remember that you still have a family, Yonal is your cousin, am your uncle and so is Fug, you also have two sisters, one on earth and one in the Snakin universe, and a brother as well, including an earthly father who loves you so much.

Asta: I know that, but memo needs get back his Xit of Memories, I need it now than ever. What could've even made me lost my memories in the first place.

Aphar: If anyone have any clue it will be you, you were there alone when we saw you.

Soon an angel arrived and reported that similar incident just happened again in Golan city. Golian city is the biggest and most developed city in Asthy Kingdom.

Asta: How do the demon like like? (he asked the angel we brought the message)

Angel: My Lord, from the narrations of the witnesses, they're two demons and they're just looking weird.

Asta: I will handle it.

Just as they were still discussing about Golian city, two angels also arrived from different villages in Asthy Kingdom.

The two angels also said that devils are killing the humans.

Aphar: What do they want?

Asta: Revenge, I don't think any of the is keeping a low profile.

Aphar: We need backups.

Asta: Were have enough Gods for back.

I think we should be moving now.

Asta headed Straight to Golian city to catch the Devil that was there, Aphar was told to take care of the other devil's at the other cities.

To be continued...