
The God Era

The era of the gods has returned to bring nothing but destruction to mankind. Only the descendant of the god slayer that stopped the god era in the past can stand a chance of ending it now.

Hinoki_03 · 奇幻
5 Chs

The Victor

Fugard instantly destroyed his opponents powers, then proceeded to destroy his opponents soul killing him permanently. Fugard won the first round so Anthony called Athol and James to fight in the second round. "READDYY FOLKS?"- Commentator

the crowd started cheering more than they did before "YEEEEEE!!", the commentator then started with the introductions "on the right side of the arena we have a very quiet fella who is feared by many fighters, HIS NAME IS JAMES!!!" the audience shouted "YEAH!!, A VERY HANDSOME FIGHTER, THAT'S WHY MEN FEAR HIM... HE WOULD FUCK THEIR WIVES!!!" the commentator continued with the introductions "on the left side of the arena we have an odd person that's always smiling, his bloodline once fought in the great war against the gods, HIS NAME IS ATHOL!!!!!" and the crowd shouted "AMAZING, HE'LL DEFINITELY WIN!!!".

The round then started and the first thing Athol said was "James is dead" and James instantly died. Everyone that witnessed the battle was shocked. "WHAT JUST HAPPANED?, CAN THE 5 SHADOWS PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS, THE AUDIENCE NEEDS TO KNOW!" - Commentator

"If you stop shouting I'll explain" - Zaz {one of the 5 shadows}


Zaz then took away the commentators ability to speak and said "I'm only going to say this once so listen, Athol just made James's death a fact that's why he died so Athol wins"

Athol has the ability to change facts and create new facts by simply speaking. He can change reality, history, people, etc with just his voice. Being from a bloodline that fought against the gods Athol is expected to win the tournament. Every single participant except for Fugard and Ishii left the tournament after witnessing James's death.

Anthony got impatient and said "I'm not going to wait for another two rounds, this will be the final round... the three of them will fight each other and the winner will advance". Zaz returned the commentator's ability to speak and said "announce what Anthony just said". "WELL FOLKS LOOKS LIKE THE TOURNAMENT HAS BEEN CUT SHORT... THIS ROUND WILL BE A FREE FOR ALL THE LAST THREE CONTESTANTS WILL FIGHT EACH OTHER AND THE WINNER WILL ADVANCE!!!"- Commentator

The fighters stand in the arena waiting for the match to start. "THERE WILL BE NO INTRODUCTIONS THIS TIME PEOPLE, LET THE MATCH BEGIN!!!!" - Commentator

As soon as the match started Fugard ran towards Athol and tried stabbing him but the sword couldn't pierce Athol's soul, skin and powers so Fugard was unable to damage him. Athol stopped smiling and said "I am god, I am a being above all... It is literally impossible for you to even harm me so just give up or else you'll die". The commentator jumped out of his seat and said "WOWW FOLKS WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON... IS ATHOL INVINCIBLE?"

Athol is a being that is absolutely perfect, he is flawless in every single aspect. His attacks are flawless, his defenses are flawless, his appearance is flawless, his intellect is flawless, his strength is flawless, his speed is flawless, his existence is flawless. He is absolutely free from all boundaries and can achieve anything he desires. There is nothing that is superior to him because he is perfect in everything.

"I still have more abilities... let me show you" - Athol

Athol then used an ability that allowed him to control everything that is beyond physical reality like souls, concepts, miracles, possibilities, etc to induce absolute death on Fugard.


Athol then looked at Ishii and asked " why did my attack not hit you?... it is impossible to block, reverse, erase, absorb or manipulate by any means"

"That's because I didn't do any of that, I only evaded your attack that's all" - Ishii

Ishii has the power to dodge all attacks. The attacks being in control of reality, time, biology, concepts is irrelevant he can absolutely evade all attacks.

Athol started smiling and said "that's a tricky ability you have there but the thing is I can make my attacks omnidirectional my attacks wouldn't be perfect if I couldn't do at least that much"


Athol then destroyed Ishii's origin which resulted in Ishii's death.

"WE HAVE A WINNER FOLKS" - Commentator

"It was an attack that came from all directions it was impossible for him to dodge it" - Anthony

"He was still bounded by possibilities... how sad his family must be" - Zaz

Zaz then stood up and said "Athol I will take you to the sword that was left behind by the god slayer if it choses you then that means you are the next great hero"