
Interlude lll

(Jenetia Krole POV)

I am Jenetia Krole, Knight Commander of the Silent Sisterhood.

I serve my master, the Emperor of Humanity, who has given me a purpose in life.

Since Constantine first took me to kneel before the Throne and brought me into this life. It was the emperor who found purpose to fill the otherwise hollow girl. My life was unpleasant, but it would have been even more unpleasant if I had not been taken away from Albia.

My kind has not learned to express feelings. Neither of my sisters is used to showing closeness to normal people. We are all used to being completely alone.

I must admit that most of my happy memories stem from my position as Knight-Commander of the Silent Sisterhood.

It's really nice to be surrounded by understanding and warmth.

My master has always been an enigma, a living mystery.

A being that suddenly appears and conquers humanity's home world and has ambitions for further expansion.

Something that makes him unique compared to most people is that he doesn't react badly in my presence or any of my sisters.

I could dismiss it as the simple fact that my master is simply a powerful Psyker but something is wrong with him.

Some would say that he is the reincarnated master of mankind who descended from heaven at the time of mankind's greatest need.

Another that he is a golden giant of incomparable power who is the source of all his knowledge in the universe.

But I know it's all a lie, I don't see the shining golden titan that everyone else saw. I didn't see either the mysterious shadow-shrouded traveler or even the impossibly ancient, withered old sage that some others claimed to have seen.

I saw an ordinary man. An ordinary average man, with simple features, dark hair and soft brown eyes.

Even his Angels were not what ordinary people saw.

A normal person saw a humanoid composed of shining gold and pure white light. The beings could assume human form at will and take whatever face they wanted.

I saw only a mass of golden light without any cohesion. I didn't see faces, their voices are cold and mechanical and every angel ran away from my presence because I sucked the life out of them.

Despite the absurdity of Pariah and Psyker getting along, I am loyal to the Emperor.

And the man saved me, he gave me purpose in life.

Above all, he was one of the few who saw me. He heard me.

Whatever my master does, I will follow him. If he wants to conquer the galaxy and rule it like a god or destroy it, then I will follow him and fulfill all his orders.

This is my duty, my mission and my true purpose at the same time.

I snap out of my thoughts and stare at my master to see that he has stopped.

I look at Valdor standing by my master and stare at his armor which is magnificent. Gold finer than gold, beautifully carved and beautifully crafted.

I stare at the Emperor's armor and it is even better and more beautiful than Valdor's.

Both armors are new and more powerful than their earlier versions and this tells me that the Emperor probably built both armors by hand.

"What do you see?" my master asked me with a smile and pointed his finger at some capsules, showing me what he meant.

I look at the scene and see hundreds of capsules and in each one there is an obvious female being.

I come closer and observe better figures . They are obviously female and adult. From their appearance, I can see that they are not clones, so they were probably created from scratch.

And then a possible answer to the question 'What are they' dawned on me.

"What are they?" my master asked and I can tell by his expression that he thinks I know the answer.

"They're all like me. They're all Blank." I answer.

I would use the sign language for communication that we Sisters of Silence have devised. During the Old Night there were numerous organizations that used Null Maidens, either lab bred or natural born. Not speaking is one of many traditions shared by many orders. My master ordered me to make the vow of silence completely optional.

"They are," my master replied, adding, "When the Great Crusade begins, in addition to the natural blanks you'll recruit on new worlds, you can use lab-created blanks to fill your ranks and replenish your losses if the losses are too great. "

"So, they will be new members of my order," I asked.

"Yes and No. They will become members only if you want and you can control their age if you want to raise them from childhood. Currently no sister of silence has died from any cause but unfortunately that will happen soon and I have a solution in preparation that should ensure life after death for the Blanks," my master answered confidently.

My kind have no soul, but I will take my master's word for it. He never lied about anything.

"I will take currently created copies, but only in case of mass losses I will resort to mass production," I answer.

My order does not need mass production of new members to fill the number.Concurrent life is difficult for those of my kind, and I had better not create so many beings that would face difficulties due to their nature.

"I see, I forgot to give you something," my master replies and takes out a box and hands it to me.

I open it and find a box of chocolates in the shape of a heart and see a card that says 'Happy Birthday'.

Wait, today is my birthday...I forgot again.

Before I can say anything, my master overtakes me and says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" at the top of his voice.

Someone remembered.

My first gift that doesn't come from someone in my sisterhood.

I feel my eyes fill with tears, my lips stretch into a smile.

I start to cry from happiness and as I close my eyes I feel a hand on my shoulder and the reassuring voice of my master "Everything is fine, you are not alone".


(The life of an ordinary family in the Imperium)

Gerhart Nabez and his family get up at 8 in the morning. Today is Sunday, so they are looking forward to the day off.

His wife, Molly, puts the ingredients for breakfast in the new stove. While doing this, Gerhart gets up and helps his wife prepare breakfast.

Molly places the trays of steaks and eggs on the table. His children, Faustus, Agnis and Gisbern come down in their pyjamas. After a short prayer to God-Char, they start eating and talking.

The days of eating food in the form of nutritional paste are long gone due to the terraforming of Terra which allowed for the re-breeding and mass breeding of animals, the numerous biomass farms created by the God-Emperor allowed for the mass production of rare food and its equal redistribution among the masses.

They turn on the latest TV and listen to news about new technologies that have been released for mass consumption.

The news shows statistics on the number of new spaceships produced this month.

Some other reports show statistics such as population growth and rising living standards.

At 9 o'clock, after breakfast, they decide to go to a nearby park.

When they arrive at the park, they meet several angels who keep peace and order.

They greet the greatest servants of the God-Emperor and continue on.

At 9:30 they come to the park where they use the time to admire the beauty of the park.

The park is well built and beautifully maintained with many colorful flowers.

The sky is no longer a sickly brown but a natural blue.

They stay in the park until 1 p.m., and then return home.

While the children go to play with their friends, the husband and wife decide to devote their free time to making love.

Children return home at 5 p.m. and then lunch starts. For lunch they eat potatoes and pork.

During lunch, they discuss plans to go to the newly opened amusement park on Tuesday after the children return from school and the parents from work.

At 18:00 with a final lunch, the family gathers to watch adventure movies on TV.

At 21:00 they start praying before dinner and start eating dinner. While dinner is going on, they discuss plans to buy a Groundcar.

At 11 p.m. it's time to sleep and everyone wishes each other a good night and sweet dreams with mutual love.

While lying down to sleep, the spouses tell each other that they love each other and sleep together, hugging each other.

We have another chapter of the Interlude before us, and then we move on to the beginning of the Great Crusade. As always, all comments and reviews are welcome.

LordDrogon123creators' thoughts