
The Goblin Half-breed

Drake_Wise · 奇幻
1 Chs

The Beginning journey

The Elven city of Diavel.

A group of adventurers are forming up to take care of a horde of monster's, grey scaled lizard-men one of the weakest tribes of lizard-men but one of the more ferocious aswell. Alone a grey scaled lizard-man could be killed without fret, but the swarm nearby the kingdom went by unnoticed for years and had grown far too large. The monsters needed to be taken care of quickly otherwise it would be more difficult for the elven cities to send recourses to their allied kingdoms. The adventurers being sent were to be compensated for what they had to do and how much they accomplish on the quest, it was a large group of adventurers consisting of a few C ranks and one D rank who thought he was up for the task. But there was one particular person that was, off setting, he was a pale green with the pointed ears and a bit shorter than an elf however his eyes were a gold tint and he had fangs hanging out from his bottom lip, he had white hair which was a bit unnatural for people who looked so young even among elves. He had been sitting there the entire time the adventurers were getting ready but no one felt like looking at him too long. "What will you do with your reward Fenral" one of the adventurers said while pulling up his boot.

"Who knows. its crazy tho considering you get payed so much just to show up. What will you do Renfreya" the other adventurer replied placing his staff on his back. "Shut up you two, you shouldn't sound so eager about this you know. the higher the rewards the higher the risk is how the saying goes. Not the higher the rewards the more bulls*** you can do. If you expect to do nothing out there than you can expect to be shoved aside" The biggest looking adventurer said stairing down the other two. "Relax tough guy if i wanted to make easy money lying around I'd be at your house" one of the two replied jokingly.

"How dare you you little..." before the biggest one could finish his sentence one of the others spoke up. "Stop messing around you 3 or you'll be left behind." said the other one tagging along for the task. "Were not messing around we're just trying to lighten the mood for the D rank over there i mean just look at him. should he even be going with, he's shaking." The one called Renfreya replied to the warrior. The clear look of anger was still on the big guys face but he didn't want to cause and incident so he calmed down. As the warrior noticed this he directed them to head out as it was time to go, the strange green elf had started following behind. He said nothing about it however because he had no intention to talk to the others.

They had gotten to the city gate when the group would pass continuos glances back towards the green-skinned man. He was stopped at the gate moments later because the adventurers informed the guard they were being followed. It was so strange though because the moment they turned around to see him stopped he was no longer behind them. "Weird people really do roam these streets." Fenral said to the others. they had continued to the stables and they stopped just outside it, the stables were set on fire and several lizard-men came running from the building. they had been armed with spears and swords, since they had caught the adventurers off guard they were at an advantage, for the adventurers hadn't drawn their weapons yet expecting just outside the city walls to be safe. Soon after they had seen the grey scales they started preparing to fight but two of the adventurers had already been stabbed in the torso and the leg, the stab to the torso nearly pierced Renfreyas heart driving him towards deaths door as the one who got stabbed in the leg knelt down, just than the mage Fenral shot a firebolt at the monster whom stabbed his friend. He had hit directly but the firebolt did little too no damage, all lizard-men were exceptionally resilient to fire so even a head on shot from a firebolt barely affected it. The large adventurer than swung his greatsword at the beasts and as it hit them with great force it cut them in half, but the large warrior was snuck up on and stabbed in the back, they were surrounded and they were being wounded left and right. just than the mage yelled for help and something strange had happened, in the blink of an eye the robed figure who followed them stood before them, they readied their weapons to fight him too but he didn't seem to interested in them at the moment. As the group thought to themselves about what would happen next the robed figure suddenly started going crazy killing lizard-man left and right some he stabbed some he sliced or cut and some he zapped with a lightening and he moved so fast while doing it all that the group couldn't even see him moving throughout the whole thing, the lizard-men started swinging frantically hoping to hit him but only ended up getting crushed by a large rock using earth magic. "lightening and earth magics? it's rare enough to just get one of those or even get dual magics but he has both?" the mage said shocked by this. in the world of Ventrael the magic tiers were rather unique, fire and water and nature were the more common tiers that one would get. uncommon tiers like ice and magma were just one rank higher, but the rare tiers were earth and lightening solely because it was hard to find anyone who had one or the other. while fire can burn down towns and magma and destroy cities earth magic could do much more if used properly, one could use their power to change the world as he seen fit because with earth type magic you dont summon rocks or control pebbles. The amount you can control is not only based on your physical stamina and your magic power but also your level of training with the magic, if you try to lift a mountain while on the pebble faze you would get disturbingly sick and light headed however if you'd lift a pebble on the mountain faze it would be so easy you would barely notice. It's said even few among the earth type users have reached mountain faze though, but with a combination of lightening and earth one could possibly reach what could literally be considered god-like faze. That is why the look of shock on Fenrals face quickly changed to one of terror. tho there was one tier above rare to mention, it was unique or even legendary, these magics allowed one to manipulate light and manipulate shadows. But since no one ever heard of a lightening and earth dual mage they definitely never heard of the shadow light combo. but even tho both the magics weren't top tier the real terror lied in the potentials, on one hand if he had gotten mountain faze he could crush a city with a literal mountain, on the other if he got lightening storm faze he could destroy the city in a storm of electricity. which gave Fenral the question. "What is this monster doing here?"