
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · 奇幻
10 Chs

A Long Night

Inside the Legacy lounge Kura was restless. Looking around Kura saw Calot sleeping like a baby next to him. He saw rustling of others. Maybe they were also restless. No they weren't sleeping or attempting to sleep they were moving.

Kura watched his vision distorted by the veil of darkness that night had brought with it. Three people walked towards another group of people. Kura thought they would trade something or talk about something important they didn't feel safe talking about during the day, but then why would the other party still be asleep?

Kura was confused but continued watching. The lead male that was walking Infront of the other two walked till he was right above another Legacy his lips parted into a grin that sent shivers down Kura's back. Kura watched as if the man had warped space around his hand and a shine Kura had learnt well.

The man was holding a steel blade. Kura watched as the man then swiftly plunged it into the person that was asleep while the other two held down their arms. The person who Kura soon figured out was a girl let out a scream of pain and agony. This was understandable seeing as she was being gutted by the man.

Some of the people in the room woke up including Calot. He looked towards the scene and then at Kura. A glint shown in Kura's eyes obviously showing Calot he wanted him to do something. Calot shook his head and pointed towards the door then put up three fingers. Then it went to two then a single finger and as the last finger was going down the door opened. Five guards came in. one touched the floor as a black ooze fell onto the ground that spread making it almost impossible for people to move except the other guards.

The other four guard's swiftly moved two taking out the two men that had been restraining the girl and then another one snapped the neck of the one holding the knife. The fifth guard then walked over to the girl putting their hand on the girls stomach. A white light flowed onto the girl healing her stomach.

The guard who had snapped the mans neck wore a similar golden phoenix mask. The man then stared at Kura sending a cold sweat down his back. The man then walked out of the door taking the dead body with him. The two other men were put in cuffs and taken out the door while the female was taken to the health center.

Calot looked at him and said "don't pay too much attention to it many people try to kill their enemies a couple days before their show".

Kura looked at him and asked "how can you be sure nobody wont kill us then?" Calot looked at him then said "I'm not sure but I do know I will live any assassination attempts."

Calot looked at him then said "you should get some sleep before our show. After all its going to be a big one. I hear we might even fight guards."

Kura's face paled after remembering what just happened. Imagining himself going against a single one of those guards simply seemed like a death sentence. He hadn't seen most of their powers but that only made him more scared of what they could be. Calot chuckled speaking again "Can you believe it they want me dead so badly they are willing to kill their own just to try to kill me."

His chuckle turned into a laugh that carried on for minutes. It seemed less of a laugh of joy but one of pain and agony. A sense of madness in his eyes. Calot stopped laughing sighed and looked at Kura and said "I'm going to escape. They don't believe I can but that will only make the process easier."

Kura curios asked "How do you plan on escaping?"

Calot smiled and said "By striking fear into all the forgotten legacy members. Such fear that if nothing is done a sense of death loomed over their fate."

Kura confused asked how this would help him escape. Calot continued talking "Something more dangerous than the beasts we fight is a man who knows he has nothing to live for desperation is a terrifying thing that will drive people to do anything if they think it will allow them to live"

Calot then spoke again "In simpler terms I will start a riot while everyone is dying I will only fuel this fire by finding the beasts they keep and unleashing them all. Then the regular warriors."

Calot face contorted into a smile inhuman stretching across his face scaring Kura on a level as the masked man did. "After tomorrow's show hell will be unleashed upon the world."

He then looked at him and said "So again I suggest you try to sleep before tomorrow's show it might be your last peaceful rest."

Kura heeded his words and fell asleep. Kura woke up in the colosseum screams echoing through the hallway. as he walked he heard water splashing on the ground. No it wasn't water it was a red so dark it almost looked black. Kura's face twisted recognizing blood to be filling the halls.

"So much blood how many had to die for this. What caused this much blood."

Kura kept walking blindly through the halls in a strait path. until he heard a screech that wasn't possible by human lungs. It continued for minutes sending Kura into a panic as it reverberated through the halls. Making it impossible to tell where it came from.

Kura kept walking though much more cautious than before. Kura wasn't sure where he was headed only knowing he was looking for a way out. Kura's pace wasn't fast making sure not to miss a important detail as he walked.

Kura had been walking for what felt like hours until he heard something. Kura stopped looking around. As it got louder Kura panicked. The noise was something scaling the walls as it was quickly approaching. Kura started sprinting turning corners rapidly and simply trying to shake off whatever was behind him.

No matter how hard Kura tried though the noise kept getting louder and louder until suddenly. Kura woke up. Panicking he looked around. Kura seeing the lights on calmed down just to freak out again. The lights being on meant it was a new day had arrived and with this new day his and Calot's show came as well.

The door opened. Entering came a man with a gold mask covering half of his face and seven other guards. two held two men battered to the point they were barely recognizable as human. Five others walked in with carts of food.

Calot walked towards the carts grabbing a tray with confidence. Kura followed grabbing a tray of his own. Nobody stopped them knowing that their show was today and if they tried to delay them they would be beaten by the guards.

Calot finished his food and then turned back the tray. One of the guards walked over to Kura preparing to take his tray and force him to walk to his show till Calot gabbed his shoulder. One of the guards was about to hit Calot until the guard with the golden mask stopped him.

Kura finished a minute later, and walked with Calot and the golden masked guard. They walked through the halls as if they were going trough a labyrinth turning corners almost every time they got the chance. until they were met with a pair of doors.

The golden masked guard opened his mouth and spoke "Berserker and Invisible strike you better make this show good as the owner expects only the best entertainment for his son."

After saying this the guard opened the door. Calot walked in without hesitation. Kura on the other hand hesitated until he looked back at the guard and getting scared he walked in. Once inside the door shut. This door seemed much sturdier to withstand legacy attacks.

On the walls there were weapons of all types sharpened to perfection except there was one extra detail. Most of the weapons had some form of rune on them. These were often done because blacksmiths would give their work to the colosseum to show off. Then sell to adventures who watched the show and were looking for a weapon.

Kura walked over only seeing one pair of gauntlets and a great sword. Touching them he received a shock. A light blue screen appeared in front of his gaze.

System equipment

Basic Gauntlets

The Basic gauntlets were forged by a mundane black smith then given to a rune smith who enchanted it with a strength buff and a run to make it more durable.

Strength +1

Defense + 1

putting on the gauntlets Kura felt a wave of Mana enter his body and surge through out it as red runes glowed on the gauntlet for a second. checking his stat Kura saw a change.


Strength: 6

agility: 4

defense: 7

Mana: 10

Malice: 10

Stat points: 0

Kura then touched the great sword.

The Warriors Great Sword

A warrior had this blade and fought a army planning to slaughter his town. While defending a soldier killed his family in rage the warrior slain the army. He decided to retire and give it to a new adventurer later for it to end up here.

Strength + 2

Malice +1

Kura put the blade down then looked at the armors. Touching them he saw various choices but only one caught his eyes.

Barbaric Armor

A clan of Barbarian's once lived near a dungeon killing the beast that lived in it for food and clothes. This armor was made of a hide of a great beast.

Strength: +1

Agility +1

Defense + 2

After putting on everything Kura looked at his stats.


Strength: 9

agility: 5

defense: 9

Mana: 10

Malice: 11

Stat points: 0

Strength surged through Kura's body giving him a new sense confidence. He looked at Calot who also had put on his armor looking more like a knight with a spear in his hand and another on his back.

Calot looked back at him and asked "Are you ready?"

Kura nodded. As he did Calot pulled the lever opening the door to a familiar place. The arena.