
The Girl With the Magic Hear

Once upon time an magic flower was come from gods to Earth and was at the top of the mountain, the special thing of that flower was that which ever come closer to that flower gets young. There was old lady who found that flower when he now what this flower can do he hide from the whole world after 100s of years there was kingdom and the queen was giving birth to a baby he was in pain so the king told the kingdom to find that magic flower is every one was founding the flower, when the old lady who as looking so young but his age was 185 he was healing himself by the flower and suddenly the soldier come and in hurry the old lady forgot to cover it and the flower was found by the soldier and they give to the king and they make a medicine out of that and give to the queen and take it as medicine and after 2 days the queen give a birth to pretty girl and that night at the palace the old lady come and see that the little girl have the the power to heal him the pawer was in the his hear and he stole the little girl and went to his house which was a tower and keep the little girl their.

After 15 year the the little girl was become young and his name was Lora and the the old lady was become his mother and the old lady do not allow Lora to get out of the tower and Lora hear very long and was very strong he do all his work by that hear and the old lady was healing himself by them at night on the other side the king and queen was searching for his daughter and every year on his daughter birthday he leave a air flame and all the kingdom release the air flame in the sky. The air flame was come to the tower and Lora was watch it every year and was wondering from where the air flame was coming.

One day on kingdom a thief was stealing a house with his partner and was running towards jungle because the soldier was chasing them they escape from the soldier but the fall in a trap which was a hole the thief whose name was Mark cheat there partner and get escape form that hole and again the soldier was chasing them then Mark accidently get to the tower which was in the middle of the forest where Lora was staying when Lora see Mark he felt in love with him and Mark need help to hide in his house the Lora hide him in carboard and when the old lady went out Lora get Mark out of that carboard and they both was talking with each other because Lora has see a man first time Mark was asking from where do you get this long hear Lora said that I have not cut theme from my birth.

Mark ask Lora to come with me and see the kingdom Lora accept his offer and went with him and when he first time he tach the ground he was very happy and was going every where and then they both went to the kingdom and every one was shook of Lora hears there was three girl who mad a pony tail of his hear and he was looking so beautiful that Mark was continually looking to him after some time the soldier was taking round of the kingdom when the soldier see Mark the was chasing Mark and Mark and Lora was running to scape from them they were escape from the soldier but in the soldier there was a horse who was continually chasing them after sometime the stop and the horse the horse name was Jai and there was a mountain area and in that mountain one hole they hide from the Jai and suddenly the mountain shake and they were stuck at that hole and suddenly from nowhere water come and the as going to die but Lora use is magic hear power and get escape and behind them the saw that Jai was was stuck in the water then they both help him to escape from there .And Jai was very thankful on both of them.

On other side in the tower when the old lady now that Lora has escape from the tower he was very tense and anger on Lora because he has the time till the midnight because he has to heal every night and he went to find Lora.