Lilianna Snape ... the brightest witch of her age, living a life with many unresolved mysteries and a complicated love interest. A good witch driven by pain and revenge … Revenge driven by nothing but the hate for the one monster who took the one person she most loved and cared for. The one person that was always there for her when no one else was … Gone. That's when the real war began for her. As if there wasn't enough going on, The Boy Who Lived wanted to stand against her, and her revenge plans. Great!
Lilianna Snape's POV:
"Lilianna come on! Show me one more time please! This is the last time I'll ask, I promise! It's just so fascinating to me that you can do spells without this." Mattheo said holding my wand in left hand, as he placed the feathers in my hand for the millionth time with his right hand.
"Theo you said that like a million times ago" I laughed at him as I placed my hand over the feathers "Wingardium Leviosa" I spoke softly as I focused on all 10 feathers in my hand.
The feathers all started levitating between both my hands. I moved both my hands away from where they last were, allowing the feathers to levitate freely around the both of us. I smiled at Mattheo who sat right in front of me looking at the feathers in awe. I directed the feathers to circle around him a couple times before letting them fall in his lap one by one. He looked at me with such a huge amount of happiness in his smile. I blushed a little as he handed me my wand back. He was making me feel like I was a normal witch ... like I was everything but a freak like Parkinson, and Malfoy had called me.
"That was amazing Anna! You have to teach me how to do all the amazing things you've learned, I want to be just as talented as you are!" He got up and reached his hand out to help me stand up, I took them and he helped me to my feet. "I'm being serious by the way, I want to be good at magic just like you are!"
"Mattheo Riddle, I already told you that I would help you whenever we have time." I smiled at him and shyly asked him "I know school just started two days ago right, but I was thinking, if over the holidays you would want to come and spend it with my father and I? I mean if you can't I totally understand, it's just I know your aunt and uncle don't want you around them for some reason. At least I don't think they do from what you've told me about them, I just figured... I'm sorry. It was probably a really weird question. Just forget I ev—"
"I would love to!" He cut me off "It's not like my aunt or uncle would even notice I'm not there! They don't even acknowledge my presence anymore, and when my acceptance letter from Hogwarts came in they were happy to get rid of me." He took a deep breath in and asked me "wouldn't your father find all of this odd though? You know, you and I hanging out now, and then me coming to stay at your manor for the holidays. I mean he like the rest of this school knows, I'm the child of Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, come on do you really think he'll be okay with our friendship?"
Before I could answer there was someone running up the astronomy tower stairs. That's when I heard the most familiar voice known.
"Lily, are you up here again?" The voice asked
*Oh no, I forgot I was supposed to meet with my father in the Slytherin common room. Wait how is it already getting dark out! Mattheo and I just got here like an hour ago?! Have we really spent hours up here just talking? What was my dad going to say to us? Wait why am I scared, we weren't doing anything bad. Unless me showing Mattheo my "tricks" is something I shouldn't be doing ...*
"There you are I was worried sick about you dear. You have to stop scaring me like that darling." He paused smiling at both Mattheo and I "Mr.Riddle I heard from a couple students that you stood up for my daughter, and defended her from all of your friends. I wanted to say thank you for that, as you may know Lily hasn't had the best experience these past two days. For you to stand up for her, it means so much to me, so if you ever need anything you know you can surly count on me!" He gave Mattheo a quick side hug.
"Thank you Professor Snape, but honestly I did what I did because I know Lilianna is a brilliant witch, and hearing what Draco and Pansy did to her just got me really angry!" Mattheo replied then added "plus she's shown me the Wingardium Leviosa trick she does without her wand, and it's just absolutely incredible!"
*Oh no Theo, why would you bring up the situation with Draco! Here come the wave of questions for me. Great! AND You brought up the fact that I can preform nonverbal spells. Great. Thanks Theo. Thanks.*
"Lilianna" my father spoke in a slightly angry voice "What happened between Draco Malfoy and you before you came into my office this morning?" I looked at his serious face and felt chills down my entire body.
*Lilianna?? Dad just used my full first name. Oh no. I've never had dad look at me the way he is looking at me now. This was something I should have told Theo not to mention. What do I say to keep the Draco situation off dad's mind right now. What do I tell him, UGH!*
"Can I just explain it to you some other time please father? I don't want to talk about it right now honestly. It'll ruin the good mood that I'm in, thanks to Mattheo and his truly amazing ability to make me feel normal again!" I smiled at him warmly hoping he would drop the subject, which he did ... for now at least.
A sigh came from my father as he shook his head turning his attention to Theo again. "Mr.Riddle, why don't you and my daughter head to your dorms, I would love if both of you could accompany me to Hogsmeade tomorrow mor—" He stoped and thought for a split second before continuing "Morning! But, if you have plans already Mr.Riddle, it's totally understandable! You don't have to."
"I would love to come, but I don't have enough money leftover to buy anything professor. My aunt and uncle didn't give me any Galleons, Sickles or Knuts before leaving. I feel it would be best if I stayed behind ..." Theo trailed off before finishing his statement.
"Nonsense child, you're coming with us tomorrow, be ready before noon is all I ask of you both! Now off to bed, both of you!" My dad sent us off after hugging the both of us tightly. Before I walked away he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Snape! Where have you been this whole time?" Malfoy asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He got off of his bed and walked towards me "You didn't attend dinner, actually now thinking about it ... neither did your boyfriend Riddle!"
"Piss off Malfoy!" I snapped before pushing past him making my way to my trunk to get my pyjamas.
"I know you're not still mad about earlier! Let it go already Snape, I didn't mean it!" He started as he rolled his eyes walking towards me trying to get my attention.
I pushed past him again, pyjamas and wand in my hands. As I walked into the bathroom I grabbed my school shirt slipped it on, I then grabbed my pair of black shorts and pulled them up. The second I was done getting dressed the door the opened quickly. The blonde haired boy stood there just eyeing me up and down in disgust.
"Knocking is a thing you know, Malfoy!" I rolled my eyes and for the last time pushed him, this time it was hard enough that he fell on his ass.
"You filthy half blood idiot. Wait until my father hears about this, you're going to regret it!" He barked getting up from the floor and walking to his bed angrily. "You should learn to respect your superiors!" He grinned at me evilly "douleurious"*.
Before I could grab my wand from my back pocket, and deflect the spell it hit me in the chest sending a wave of heat and pain up my whole body. I let out a short sharp scream. Which was instantly silenced by another spell Malfoy casted at me "Silencio"
He sent the pain spell two more times, before finally stopping. He walked over to me and whispered "Next time you think about threatening me again, do yourself a favour and don't. It'll only be worse and worse if you do!"
The boy made his way to his bed. He later down, grabbing a book and acting as if he hadn't just done what he did.
I got up from the the floor as quick as the pain would allow me to. I made my way to my bed slowly still feeling the burning sensation on my chest area. I rested my head on my pillow, my back was to the boy so he couldn't see the tears streaming down my cheeks, nor hear the soft quiet groans coming from me. I didn't even realizes that I was letting myself drift slowly into my sleep.
Draco Malfoy's POV:
I put my book down besides me on the nightstand, my thoughts weren't letting me focus on what I was reading.
*Did I just ... why did I just do that to her? Was Riddle right about what he has said earlier?*
*"Anna saved you from embarrassing yourself even more after Potter rejected your friendship. She did more than anyone else in this pathetic excuse for a friend group did for you that day, and deep down you know it. The funny part is, she didn't have to, but she did. You had Crabbe and Goyle there, and what did they do? Absolutely nothing."*
I shook my head trying to forget his words but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about them so hard.
*"There will be a day that all of you will regret making Anna feel the way she does, hopefully when that day comes, it's not already too late for you all."*
What does he mean by this? What would this Half blood witch be able to do, that'll make me regret anything. What makes her so bloody special? Then something clicked I just used the spell father would use on me when I disappointed him on Lilianna.
"S-Snape?" I whispered quietly sitting on the edge of my bed facing her "A-are you awake?"
There was no response coming from her at all from her.
*Obviously Lilianna isn't going to respond, what else could I expect from someone that I just hurt. I'll be lucky if she even bothers looking in my direction after this.*
I continued knowing damn well I was saying this to take the guilt off of my chest. For now.
"Snape I know you don't want to talk me, but if by the odd chance you are up and can hear me. Please, please, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you! I never wanted to hurt you, but I don't know what possessed me to do it. You're honestly the last person who deserved that, I'm truly sorry."
She turned around on her other side letting out out a whine as she did. She was facing me, still sleeping though. Then something caught me eye ... her cheeks and eyelashes were glistening.
*She cried herself to sleep, and it's all my fault. I hurt her, I hurt the one person who has been nothing but kind to me.* Tears started falling my eyes.
I got up slowly walking over to her and placed a small kiss on her forehead. She was breathing slowly, but I know her mind was racing before falling asleep. I walked back to my bed and noticed she has just curled herself into a little ball, her hands wrapped around her chest where my spells hit her.
*I'm the biggest idiot alive. She'll never forgive me for this, and the sad part is that I wouldn't blame her.*
I let out out a loud sigh as I laid down facing Lilianna. She looked so peaceful, despite the horrible thing I just did to her. I fell asleep after what felt like hours.
I woke up to hear the shower going, and the faintest sounds of sobbing. I looked at the clock on the wall, it's was only 08:00.
*What is she doing up this early on a Sunday? Was she going out with Riddle? Her father?* I felt a hint of jealousy again. *What was so special about Mattheo Riddle if she was hanging out with him and why is she so lucky to have a father that loves her more than his own life? But wait is she crying? Did I hurt her more than I had originally intended yesterday?*
The shower turned off, followed by the sound of shuffling which i assumed was her getting dressed. I looked at the book in my hands trying to figure out what to say to her.
A couple minutes passed then she walked out heading towards her bed. Her normal attire (I'm guessing) on. Black skinny jeans, a black short sleeved shirt with a thin forest green stripe across her chest and arms. Her long black hair wasn't up in a ponytail this time, it was loose and part of it was hanging over her shoulders. While the other part was flowing down her back, it reached all the way down to her lower back. It was different seeing her like this but it certainly made her bright green eyes pop out even more. The last thing I noticed was that she had on a pair of all black high top converse on.
She grabbed her wand from her back pocket and flicked it at her trunk casting the Wingardium Leviosa spell. She moved her wand towards her bed, letting her trunk fall on the bed. She put her wand in her back pocket, then opened her trunk quickly, looking for something. She finally found what she was looking for, her black robe, the one that looked like the one her father had. She put it on over her clothes, closed her trunk leaving it on the bed. She turned to grab her necklace from the nightstand between our beds. The all too familiar emerald necklace with a silver snake wrapped around the gem glistened in the sunlight as she put it on.
I realized I was staring at her so I quickly turned my focus to my book before she could notice too, but was interrupted shortly after by a knock on our dorm room.
"One second" Lilianna's soft sweet voice rang through the room as she finished fixing her hair before running to the door and opening it. Instantly getting annoyed at the person who was invited into our dorm room.
Lilianna Snape's POV:
"Theo!" I smiled as I hugged him tightly trying to not pay mind to the pain I felt on my lower chest/upper stomach area "Come in please! I'm almost ready, I just need to get my money then we can go meet up with my father!"
"Don't worry Anna, we're still early! It's only 10:00, we still have time!" His dark brown eyes met mine as he walked towards my bed and sat down on it. "Why don't you try to teach me how to do that magic trick from yesterday? Please?" He practically begged me.
I shook my head and felt myself getting angry "Not right now Theo, don't want people going around calling you a freak too. You know how people can be, despite you being the nicest person to them. They sit there and talk bad about you to their friends, not knowing how much it truly hurts." I paused and angrily added "Then to top it off, they torture you with a spell over and over that makes your whole body feel like it's on fire, and all your bones breaking over and over again. All while not being able to ask for help because of a damn Silencio spell." I laughed annoyingly as I shook my head trying not to cry.
"Anna ..." Theo looked at me then glared at Malfoy who looked like he was on the verge of crying.
The dark brown haired boy got up to try and do something to Malfoy but I stopped him before anything could happen.
"Just leave it. Please. It's not worth your time Theo, it'll all going to come back and hit him where it hurts the most." I sighed and quickly added "Promise me that you won't mention this to my father, I don't need him to worry about me?"
Theo was looking at Draco ready to swing at him.
"Theo, Promise me!" I repeated
"I promise! But Anna just so you know, I'm only doing this for you! Not for Malfoy, you" he paused "let's go find your dad, being here in the same room as him ... isn't such a good idea anymore."
Theo got up, took my hand leading me out of the room, through the full common room. We walked out of the common room, hearing whispers behind us as the door closed. Neither of us knew what to say, so we both remained silent.
*A minor pain causing spell that increases the pain due to the casters anger level I made up that was Created by Lucius Malfoy (Draco's father) in the story. This spell would be used as a way to discipline Draco and help him become stronger. However it was also used as a way of punishing Draco whenever he had said and/or done something Lucius didn't agree with. This spell leaves a silver particle cloud floating around the impacted area for a week that only the creator of the spell can see, in this case Lucius Malfoy.