
The Stranger

"Don't be fooled. You are the holder of the key." The middle-aged woman added. Jayna stood stunned with a puzzled face interpreting what the middle-aged woman said.

The woman stepped out of the toilet leaving Jayna who was still confused.

Jayna ran to follow out, when she got near the exit of the toilet she didn't find the person who had spoken to her. She looked to the right and left, but she couldn't find the figure anywhere.

"Maybe already gone." Jayna muttered to herself. She decided to catch up with the others.

Jayna's steps stopped, she turned her body to look behind her and then continued her steps to follow his family.

Her intuition told her that someone was watching her from afar.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Jay, try to stand there. Nice scenery." Edward pushed Jayna when they arrived at a bridge with a view of a mountain in the background.

"You haven't told me yet?" Jayna furrowed his brow.

"Well, stand here." Edward ignored Jayna's words and stood Jayna at the spot he wanted.

"Ed, please don't make the same mistake again." Jayna put her hands on waist with a pleading face. Edward put down his cell phone.

"What's the matter, Jay?" asked Edward.

Jayna was silent. She understood what Edward meant was her sudden change in attitude. Edward had always been sensitive to Jayna's changes in attitude.

"Nothing. I'm just exhausted. Let's go down to the food court over there!" Jayna to Edward.

Jayna walked ahead of Edward to an outdoor food court. It turned out that Jade and the others had been there first. Jeno called out for Jayna.

"Aunt Jay…!!!" Jeno shouted excitedly when he saw Jayna and Edward walking towards them.

Jayna waves to Jeno and nods.

"What would you like to order, Jay? Let me order it." Edward offered.

"Just chicken mipop, Ed." said Jayna.

"Okay. You just wait there first." Edward answered again. Jayna nodded and left Edward who was walking towards the cafe in the food court.

Edward came over with a tray full in his hand. Jayna pulled a chair for Edward who was placing a tray of his food and Jayna's order.

"Here's your order, Jay." Edward handed Jayna her order.

"Thanks." Jayna took the order that Edward was proffering with a smile.

"Aunt Jayna, what did you order?" Ryan approached Jayna who was slurping his noodles.

"Mh? This is mipop? You want it?" Jayna handed Ryan his noodles.

"Yes. May I?" Ryan asked.

"It's okay. Bribes?" replied Jayna who was greeted by a nod of Ryan.

Jeno ran to where Jayna sat because he saw Ryan being fed by Jayna.

"Jeno, you wants it too?" Ask Jayna. Jeno nodded and opened his mouth. Jayna laughed as she feed Jeno.

Jade and Jake were seen chit-chat near two giraffe statues not far from where Jayna and Edward sat enjoying their meal with Jeno and Ryan. As for the wives, they are busy taking selfies with the plants that are across from the food court.

"Jake, earlier in the parking lot you were talking to someone. Who?" Jade asked Jake, who was lighting the cigarette butt beside him.

"Oh, it's.. I'm not sure. The man accidentally hit the car door that I opened. Coincidentally that person was also walking beside the car." Jake explained.

"Is that all?" Jade asked again.

"Yes. Why is it bro?" Jake tapped the cigarette butt with his forefinger.

"That person seems to be the same person as the person who I met at the restaurant earlier." Jade said as he looked at Jayna who was joking with his two nephews.

"Are you sure that man is the same person?" Jake frowned.

"Yes. I am very sure." Jade said.

"And that person also said something weird. About memories from the past." Jade added while covering his mouth with his fist like someone who is coughing.

"Gosh!" Jake shrieked.

"Why?" Jade leaned his head closer to Jake.

"I just remember. That person also said something like memories from the past when I said goodbye." said Rakka.

"What's the point?" He's curious.

"Hmm… 'Don't get entangled with the memories of the past. The memory only fools you and destroys you again, don't repeat the same mistakes.' something like that." Jake explained.

Jade was silent and took a step back and then looked again at Jayna. This time, they met eyes and smiled at each other.

* * * *

"Honey, I'll be there first, okay?" Jade asks his wife.

"Where to?" his wife asked.

"My mouth is already sour." Answered Jade with a smile. His wife simply smiled and nodded.

Jade stood up and walked towards an outdoor chair that was designated as a place for smoking so as not to disturb other visitors in the restaurant. Jade took the lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette butt already in his mouth.

A middle-aged man came and sat next to him. The man also took a cigarette from his pocket and put it to the corner of his lips. The middle-aged man rummaged through his pockets, but didn't find what he was looking for. Jade thrust his lighter to the person sitting next to him.

"Thank you." That person returned Jade's lighter.

"You are welcome, sir. Come here alone, sir?" Asked Jade familiarly.

"Yes. But just the two of me with my wife. That's the one sitting at the table by the window." The person pointed at a middle-aged woman who was flipping through the menu pages in her hand.

"Oh. Just arrived, sir?" Jade asked again.

"Yes. Just now. You alone?" The person asked Jade.

"I'm with my family. That's my family sitting right behind your wife." Pointing Jade at the person who was also smoking a cigarette beside him.

"Wow, what a coincidence, isn't it." The man replied while exhaling the smoke.

"Yes sir." Answer Jade.

"Then I'll excuse myself first, sir." Jade excused himself after finishing one cigarette butt. He stood up and threw the remaining cigarette butts into a trash can which was not far from the chair where he and the middle-aged man were sitting.

When Jade passed the middle-aged man, his steps were choked up, Jade's hand was held back because someone was pulling him.

"Don't repeat your mistakes as in the past. You yourself know very well that the key holder is currently sleeping. The dream will lead you to the right place to start." After saying that, he walked away leaving Jade who was silent.

"What do you mean?" Jade held the hand of the middle aged man.

"Right. As you meant." Said the middle-aged man while gently slapping Jade's hand holding him.

"It's not time for us to talk too much." he adds.

"Wait a minute. Who are you?" Jade was standing in front of him, blocking the man's steps.

"You should let me go. Before the key holder sees me." The man spoke with a friendly smile at Jade while looking at something behind him.

Jade turned around, looking for the direction the middle-aged man in front of him saw. Edward and Jayna were seen walking together into the restaurant following Jake who walked first. Jade turned back to the man he was talking to. However, the figure he was looking for was no longer there. He rushed to find and looked at the other figure who had been sitting at the table near his family. No, the figure of the woman called the wife by the middle-aged man was also no longer there..

Jade walked to his family table with a mind that still felt dazed by the events that had just happened. He was still trying to digest everything that just happened.

Jade waved at Jake when he arrived at the table that had been prepared with food on it..

to be continued. . .