
The girl that is my world

I am a wealthy man but something I released claiming to the top is money can't get you love so as I am sitting here on my death bed I see my son (red) dather (rose) crying calling my name don't go that keep saying and as I close my eyes I say if only I could see her again

Channel1_comet · 现实
1 Chs

the day of my death and my first year

money is one of the biggest things In this world it is what creates and destroys things in the world when I was a teen I would strive to be at the top in classes and grades but something I also had the love of my life I had a crush on this girl and never got over it but as I'm lying on my death bed I remember all the things I had been through in this life it was like a dream and as a say my final words I love you and then I see blackness all over.

and then I wake up the day of the first day of elementary at the front interests of my school and fall straight over on my face and as I rub my noes picking myself back up I bump into a teacher and fall straight on my butt (I'm going to be using prntses the show his thoughts) and as think to my self (how many fuking times) and then I look at my fist and see how small and short I am I almost freak out but then I realize that there's huge women in front of me and.

[teathers perspective I'm looking for a blaze but I can't find him to show him around the school but then some little kid runs into me will I was in my thoughts he has brown hair chubby checks kinde has a coconut skin color and is 4 foot 11 and is wearing are uniform which is a red-colored teeshirt and kakie short pants with Nike shows and I look at him and see his id and it says blaze!]

(as I look up she is staring at me with a kind of menacing look and is wearing glasses and is 5 foot 11 and a rice skin color and has a business dress on) and she says your blaze right and a say yes good I cam here to show to your classes and homeroom and where some of the areas of the main building she grabs my hand in lifts me up and holds my hand walking me to the lunchroom witch is to the lift of me.

in a long open hall with a roof and metal pillars holding it up and teacher: this is the lunchroom and here is where you get your lunch and mc: as I look outside there's a giant open area with bench tables and benches right outside the lunchroom and as we live that area we pass that cort area and head straight and head to my left and get to my first class of this year.

and when I walk in everybody looks at me and I go to the front of the class the teacher gestured me to come and introduce myself to the class as I walk up and tell them my name is blaze and my favorite cooler is blue my favorite food is pizza etc tell them what I like and the teacher tells me to go to that middle seat right by this boy and I ask him what his name is and he says Jex

and I ask if he wants to be friends and he says yes (in my first life I didn't ask anybody to be my friend and I'm about to cry because there are so many childhood memories) and the teacher ask me what 5+2 is and I answer her in 1 second flat and nothing happens in this hole first class as I'm going to my next class with Jex becheas.

we have our first 2 classes together and I ask him what he does after school and tells me that he plays outside and watches movies and I tell him that's is really cool that he goes outside and plays and we talk about movies and stuff and when we get to our second class after getting lost like 3 times and both of us panting about how tired we are and when we walk in we just get inside in time before the bell rings and told to set in the same spot right by this 2 girls one.

named Ashley and another named Alexey and right and when I get their names I ask them if they want to be friends and they say yes and once I start a conversation we keep talking and she funnily looks at me and is staring at me will I'm not looking and as the teacher is telling to us his name is Mr,joncin and will im listening on a history channel and is telling us what this is and that when we are at the halfway mark we finish around 5 minutes after it.

will there are 10 minutes lift I ask them what class they have next and that have and mth that must suck I say but you know math is math will we are talking we the bell rings and we go to our next class and we walk with each other to the same direction and when I finally find it we go in and it looks like I'm not late and will I site in my sweet and the teacher is waiting for the other first graders?

ones everyone gets here she tells us her name is ms, Rilley, and everyone intruders their self I said the same thing like in my first period over and this class is social studies (so my classes are math for my first period and my second is history and my third is social studies) and when we start work I start talking to the people in front of me and we make good friends the person that is on my right is tye and the girl on my left is money is one of the biggest things In this world it is what creates and destroys things in the world when I was a teen I would strive to be at the top in classes and grades but something i alwase had thew loveof my life I had a crush on this girl and never got over it but as I'm lying on my death bed and remember all the things i had been through in this life it was like a dream and as a say my final words I say I love y o o and then I see blackness all over and then I wake up the day of my first-day of elementary at the front intreans and fall straight over on my face and as I rub my noes picking my self back up I bump into a teacher and fall straight on my but (I'm going to be using prntses the show his thoughts) and as think to my self (how many fuking times) and then I look at my fist and see how small and short I am I almost freak out but then I realies that thers a huge wumenin front of me and [teathers prospective I'm looking for a blaze but i cant find him to show him around but than some little kid runs in to me he has brown hair chubby checks kinde has a has a coconut skin coler and is 4 foot 11 and is whering are uniforem whitch is a red colerd teeshirt and kakie short pants with nike shows and i look at him and see his id and it says blaze] (as i look up she is staring at me with a kind ofmensin look and is whering glasses and is 5 foot 11 and a rice skin color and has a business dress on) and she says your blaze right and a say yes good i cam here to show to to your classes and home room and where some of the main buildings are as she grabs my hand in lifs me up and holds myb hand walking me to the untre room witch is to the lift of me in a long open hall with a roof and metal pillers holding it up and thecher: this is the lunch room and here is where you get your lunch and mc: as i look out side there's a gient open area with bentch tambls and and beanches right out side the lunch room and as we levav that area we pase that cort area and head straight and head anther left and get to my first class of this year. and when I walk in everybody looks at me and I go to the front beaches the teacher gestured me to come and introduce myself to the class as I walk up and tell them my name is blaze and my favorite cooler is blue my favorite food is pizza etc tell them what I like and don't life go to that middle right by this boy and I ask him what his name is and he says Jex and I ask if he wants to be friends and he says yes (in my first life I didn't ask anybody to be my friend and I'm about to cry because there are so many childhood mammaries) and the teacher ask me what 5+2 is and I answer her in 1 second flat and nothing happens this hole first class as I'm going to my next class with Jex becheas we have our first 2 classes together and I ask him what he does after school and tells me that he ushily plays outside of watches a movieand i tell him tithat is relly cool that he goes outside and plays and we talk aboyu movies and stuff and when we get to are second class after getting lost like 3times and both of us panting about how tired we are and when we walk in we just get inside in time before the bell rings and told to set in the same spot right by this 2 girls one named ashley and anther named lexey and right and when i get there names i ask tham if thay want to be freands and that say yes and ones i start a conversation week talking and she looks at me in a funny way as and is staring at me will im not looking and as the teacher is talking his name is Mr,joncin and will im listening on a a histrio channel and is telling hous what this is and that when we are at the half why mark wei finech around 5 minets after ritand it turns out that we like the same food and candy witch is chocolate.

as we keep whispering to each other and talking we see that the teacher starts talking and we start our lessons nothing changes the class period and as we have five minutes lift we put our stuff in our buck bags and I start telling shayley about my other friend Jex and as we keep telling each other of our friends and secrets and once the bell rings we go to my pe class and I meet Jex there and shayley and Alexey is in the same gym class

when we get out there I start talking to this girl named mia beaches shes sitting alone with nobody so me and Jex and Alexey and shayley sit with her and make friends with her. and I say let's play theater ball (a/n, if you don't know what it is you basically have to hit a ball around a metal pool and ho ever, can get all of the rope around first is the winner) and as I play my first game I win (I mean I'm playing against first graders and when) as I think to my self will scratching my nose and shaley and Alexy Jex mia tells me I'm so good because I won with one hit against a first grader and as I win all the rounds against the kids ho where playing against me and my friends were playing on the other one with some other kids. as pe ends we go to my 5 period and I see Ashley.

and when the class starts our teacher is named Mr, Felix and I take the sweet by Ashley and some other girl that i soon make friends with her name is ave and ave and I make good friends and when we are talking time goes by fast and as the last period ends we go home. as my dad picks me up with his ford 2500 pickup truck I head home and go to my room a see blew walls and a twin-sized bed and when and I see my step mom Marley how and she dies in 2 years and is pregnant with my brother brody and someone I haven't seen in years is my step sister Tyler. and as it just hits me I'm in the past and can finely see here again.