
Chapter 29: Mia

"I'll see everyone on Wednesday," Dr. Hayes announces, dismissing class for the day. Before the last word leaves her mouth, people scatter like rats trying to abandon a sinking ship.

I look around, careful to avoid eye contact with Beck. He's one of the few students who hasn't shoved their shit into their bag and taken off. I'd hoped that by ignoring him, he would get the hint and not wait around. It's not like we have anything to discuss.

We made out a week ago.

End of story.

Other than glancing at him when Dr. Hayes introduced me as the TA, I've kept my back firmly turned to him. Although that doesn't mean I haven't felt his gaze burning holes through me. It was all I could do not to squirm on my chair and peek over my shoulder.

Somehow, I resisted the urge.


It's shitty luck that I've ended up TA'ing for Beck's class. What are the odds?