
The Girl from the Moon

Shyam_Syangdan · 奇幻
3 Chs

I will find you

It was cold, terribly cold, of course it was winter, but not that, it's my whole body going cold and numb, breathing heavily with blurred vision.

'I let my guard down and it caused me everything. This was definitely not how I saw myself dying. I never even got to hear what her name was'

'I don't wanna die…I don't wanna die…I don't wanna die' I kept saying repeatedly. 'I can't die like this. If I do, what was the point of being born in the first place.'

'You'll be okay' gently, I heard someone assuring me as my remaining consciousness was about to fade away. 'It takes way more than this to kill somebody'

'It's her' I said with an unclear voice. 'What! blood! why is she bleeding? I couldn't see her properly but indeed she was bleeding in her head.

'A-a-are you okay?!' Truck driver screamed, getting off the vehicle, heading towards us as he was terrified for what he had done.

'Yeah, I am fine,' she responded calmly,' but you need to hurry and get him to a hospital right away.'

'Woah! It's clear that the kid is in bad shape' Man said nervously. 'But you took the blunt of the hit when you dove right in front of him like a lunatic'

My eyes were wide open immediately, overwhelmed with surprise, confirming that I was really alive and the fact that I was saved by that heaven-sent girl.

'You really shouldn't try to talk' she said to me, gently putting a finger on my lips to shut me up as I was to about to speak. 'You might not be dying but you're hurt pretty badly. No need to thank me. Just get better and forget you ever saw me.'

I watched her heading towards the moon as she walked away. She almost looked like an actual moon-princess.

My consciousness left me and so did she.

'Yes please, send an ambulance as fast as –' said the man over the phone as he was interrupted.

'No, hang up, I am okay' suddenly a voice came from behind him.

'You sure about that kid?' Man asked in horror. 'I'd really think you ought to lie down.'

'Hey, did you happen to see where that cute girl went?' I asked rather so casually, ignoring what he just asked.

'Do you hear me, boy' he asked something again. 'You better not move, the ambulance might arrive soon, you just stay right here'

'Now is not the time' I thundered. 'Don't you get it'

'Well, I'm pretty sure this is exactly the time' he responded, rather terrifying.

'I get it why you've been trying to make me to go to the hospital. I'd feel the same way if I'd ran someone over because they could die' I explained indignantly

'If you get all that then why the heck are you trying to move with your condition?' Man asked.

'I told you that she's really cute' I explained again excitedly with my eyes twinkling.

'I don't know what he is saying but he means it whatever it is' Man said with no hope of getting his point across.

'So, we're on the same page, goodbye mister' I said as I walked away.

'Hey! wait kid' he screamed at me.

'It's no good' I said, ignoring the man. Not thinking rationally that I was severely injured I shouldn't be moving, I ran straight ahead towards the moon, not knowing where I was heading.

'Just my luck!' I exclaimed, breathing heavily as it started raining.

'I don't know if I'm gonna find her' I whispered to myself, running still. 'But if meeting her was fate then I gotta try"

I was absolutely tired, still not realizing I was injured and all covered in blood.

Running, trembling, crumbling, feeling short of breath, trying to reach up to her, giving my all, I hadn't given up yet, nevertheless my consciousness was about to lose before even make up to her.

'No, it can't be, I have come this far, I can't give up just like that, I want to see her, I want to know her'

'It's her, I see her, I know it's her' I said instantly. 'Sitting on the bench under the bus stop shed, escaping the rain, though it's stopped now.' There was lights in the shed that I could see her from the distance.

'Excuse —?' I cried out, running still but not as fast as I was and second later I tripped and fell recklessly right there in front of her.

And an awkward silence swarmed us in the middle of a night under the sky which hopefully cleared again. And I couldn't believe I actually made it all the way up here.

I emerged with a hopeless face as she was staring at me with a rather narrowed eyes, probably thinking what the heck I was trying to accomplish.

For some weird reason, I was elated, of course, because I was alive, but also because I'd finally get to meet her.