
The genius in disguise

No_Longer_Human_3994 · 奇幻
6 Chs

Ability to shape shift

The man's eyes widened in horror as the girl grabbed him from behind, her hands gripping his neck tightly. He reached out, desperately trying to pry her fingers loose, but the more he struggled, the tighter they squeezed.

It seemed like the end for him, he heard a voice behind him, a voice that didn't seem to belong in this alleyway.

"Let him go, now!" It was a deep, commanding voice with an unmistakable tone of authority. The girl froze, her grip tightening around the man's neck as her eyes darted back and forth, trying to find the source of the voice.

Behind her, a shadow appeared. It was tall and broad, and even in the darkness, the man could feel the presence of power that emanated from it.

"You've gotten yourself into a spot of trouble, haven't you?" The shadow stated, its voice dripping with disdain. The girl whirled around, but she was too late. The shadow had already crossed the distance and gripped her tightly around the neck, holding her a few inches off the ground.

"Drop the knife," the shadow commanded, his voice cold and menacing. You are not in the command! She said.... And after a moment a sudden sound can be heard, shinn! suddenly the boy felt a deep cut in his throat cutting down his neck bone the blood showers like a fountain out of his neck, he felt the strength leaking from his body.

Shadow pulled his full force, but it was too late!

Her blade fell to the ground with a metallic clink, and she looked up at the Shadow, he snarled, son of a bitch, you killed him!

If it wasn't for you I would have killed you? What I will say to the master now how can I convince him?

The shadow lowered the girl back down to the ground, releasing his grip on her neck, and reached out to pick up her knife.

"But I still have questions for you," he said, his voice still dripping with malice. His eyes were dark and piercing, and he stared at the girl for a long moment before speaking again. "You knew about the order to kill you? And yet you pretended to die instead?"

The girl's face was as cold as ice now, despite the fear she felt staring up at the shadow. "I knew the man was supposed to kill me," she replied, her voice steady and fearless. "But I wanted to see if he would actually go through with it, I heard he was though one. I was curious to find out what would happen.

"And you know what?" she continued, an undertone of malice in her voice now. " Even though I'm disappointed but I found out. And it was more than worth the risk."

The shadow's eyes narrowed as he glared at her.

"You're certainly a resourceful one," he grudgingly admitted. "But still, if I hadn't intervened, you'd be dead now. How do you explain that?"

The girl smirked, a hint of mockery in her tone. "Oh, you think I didn't have a plan for that? I never would've let him kill me in the first place. Even if he had stabbed my heart," she said confidently, "I would have recovered. Trust me, you didn't save my life."

Besides you won't let him kill me, even if they're your master's orders.

The shadow's gaze remained stoic, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. "You have quite the spirit," he remarked, "but you can't trick me. You're just a girl, how could you possibly survive a stab to the heart?"

The girl chuckled, her eyes still full of defiance. "You think I'm so fragile and helpless because I'm a girl? Don't make me laugh. I've lived twice as long as you've been alive, and I've survived many things that would kill you in an instant."

The shadow looked stunned for a moment, but then his expression hardened again. "Enough. You're talking nonsense, there's no such thing as an immortal human. If the blade had struck you even a little deeper, you'd have died.

It's as simple as that."

The girl rolled her eyes, her mockery back in full force. "You don't understand, do you? I'm not like regular humans, I have a special lineage. My ancestor was a celestial servant, and I inherited her abilities."

The shadow raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by this revelation. "A celestial servant, huh? That would explain your strange appearance..."

Another hint of anger crossed his face, and his tone went cold once more. "And this Celestia servant... Just how powerful was she?"

The girl laughed out loud, a defiant note in her voice. "She created metal and provides us all with this divine material..." She lifted her head defiantly, her eyes glittering with pride.

"As her heir, I inherited her power. Do you think I'm someone to be trifled with?"

I can shape the metal however I want with just a touch, in other words weapons are useless against me!