
Chapter LIv

They caught him

After a night of sleep, they got up and welcome the morning, Jessie pull out the map, " okay he running scared he is near, session 2# and 1#_ to hunt we have to do what? " sniff him out! They said. " we are creating sniff team on two boy and gal, so Bason and Julia, follow your nose not your eyes, you are going smell sweat+ Funk= fear, he up here hungry, tired, said. Jordan, " without an kill he on edge,need to kill, so be careful. So here how we going to operate we send you to find an trail,once you do and report then we send out or trackers to keep the trail hot, we need a base operator to take over the radio who want the job we need two, said. Jessie, " can we do it grandms? Asked. John, " yes, so if dad calls tell him we on and he will have details soon John and Drano, said. Jessie, " alright Bason and Julia head out, be careful we be right behind you, said.Jordan. they got on their horse eat breakfast on the job, they got on their horses and left to, it going to be a busy morning as they set up looking for Mr. X in the valley, back at the story. Marco, Josie, Weston Braston, Martha, Devon Jonathan, Data walked up to the office, Dilbert walked up." After last night Marco I am not to happy, if he not caught today you can call them off and I get my marshal to round up a Posey and go after him," how about this I call them off we go home you be like Nebraska cut off you can deal and handle your own problems, or you can shut up, let them do the job which they doing free, let the sessions work, his ∆$$ will be caught and handed to you on a platters, get me! He look at him, they look at him, " fine do your way but I can not lose your friendship. Said, Dilbert, " good don't tell me how to run my team or what to do, West cut my screen on son. He cut it on to see where they are, that is the side of Marco we never see before. Back to the story, as they watch them on screen going up the vally, Bason and Julia pick up his scent, " he stinks, ( grandma we got him heading east, you can really smell him up this way. ) said, Julia, " we got him, go ,said. Jordan, " John and Drano report to the Congress, Renshaw and Christopher go stay on him, said. Jessie, they ride pass them and down the valley, "( pappy we got his scent up east,) said. John," ( good stay on them gals,) see they are on the job got his trail, said. Marco, " we will had him before lunch time, said. Weston, they rode pass Bason and Julia heading east, withoutva kill, a token, with the bounty of law after him, things are looking grim for Mr. X, he hadn't eaten last night and he is long way from home. They rode up to tbem,Jordan wave them on, they are right behind their track team. He slides down the cliff leaving a track of his butt sliding down, where he thinks he going to!? Back to the story. They stop at the edge looking down at him, "( he in sight we sliding down we need you mom,) said. Renskin, " ( go get in front push him to us,) they slide down the cliff and rode after him, they are behind them, Dilbert got up to watch, Jonathan and Braston looked at each other. With sessions1# and 2# is in play the odds looking real good, back to the story. They are gain as they got ahead and pushing him to them, as he tried to head back up they corner him. " bounty of law season hearts, said. Jordan, " we have you corner , made it easy for yourself and surrender, said. Jessie, the voice of reason doesn't work on judgrs, or murders, but on the weak and simple-minded, he fall to his knees tired and out of breatne, they rode down the cliffs and up to him, Jordan and Jessie got off their horsrs, and walked up," the notorious Mr. X, form the city doctor that turn to life of crimes under an bad fall, tell Mr. X about that day, what really happened to you,said. Jessie, " by talking telling your side you remove arresting points off you, what is the score so far,"

For murder 900

For fleeing from the law 900

And shooting law official 190 plus anothe 190, the grant total is Sasha? Asked, Jessie. " add up to 2,180 Auntie Jessie. Answered," if I talk how much you take off? He asked. " that be entirely up to you, the more you talk, the greater the points will come off, but that doesn't make you will not go to jsil, you will have to do some time, said. Jordan, " okay my real name is Simon ,my whole family is into hraling, he was very old dying of a high fever, I did everything I could to try to bring it down, nothing works the more I tried he got worse, I was losing sleep , very sleep deprived, I went to rest and think I thought I had maybe minutes , I walked in he was gone, the man family blame me said that I clean him, I tried to explain , they wouldn't listen next I know I behind bars call a killer, my living hood is gone, my practice is rude, my life was over, so I decide why tried to regain when they call me an killer, when I can live up to the name and called my self Mr. X, he told them. They crossed their arms, " people never understand when their in emotional, they could understood see it wasn't your fault ,understanding that he was going to die anyway, said. Jordan, " so that 900 and 190 has been knock off you , what is the number? Said. Jessie, * 1,090 grandma, answered. Marx, they shackled him and put him on the spree horse and ride up the ckiff, heading back to the city, Dallas is safe, job will done, guys you finally catch him, Marco look at him," session over and you and your people is safe, said. Marco, " thank you and sorry about this mornings, said. Dilbert, " you are welcome, its okay. Said, Marco, they arrived in the city, the take him off and in shackled him, they walked him to the law off, " will mr. X welcome back, they locked him up. Jessie hand him the arrest file on him, he taken it. And they walked out, " for now we are going to do on the job training. Said, Jordan.they walked out of the office, " good job gals let's go home, " you can stay got the rooms for few days, " already check out, I have my state to get back to, said. Marco. " we need to rest from this and get our camp down and rest before training or going out, said. Jessie, they got on the train and left, heading back to Houston, back to me story.

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