
The gangster's Wife

Look no further than me

Liza_Shillar · 现代言情
5 Chs

The Air gang

"Let's begin." The chief said and turned around to face the big white sheet behind him. A man came running into the room and gave the chief something that looked like a sort of remote. The chief lifted the remote and clicked the big button at the top of it. The remote activated the projector and a big picture appeared on the white sheet. Everyone was paying close attention as the chief pressed many other buttons in the remote. He turned around to face everyone and spoke again. "Guards, officers and interns. You have all been called here today for a very important meeting." He announced and everyone in the room looked at each other, all wondering what the meeting was about. Lutherene saw how everyone reacted so she kept her cool and listened carefully to the chief. "For 50 years, the Air gang has troubled the city." He said. Rene (Lutherene's shortened name) froze on her chair. Air gang? Where has she heard that name from? She shook her head to drive the thoughts away and paid attention to the chief. " Many officers before us have tried to capture the elusive gang for many years but all have failed. For 50 years, the gang has been causing a lot of chaos from bank robbering, murder and the most common crime," he paused and then continued, "human trafficking." He said and everyone in the room gasped. They all started to whisper to each other and and talking. Rene froze the moment he said that last word. 'human trafficking?' she thought to herself. Now she finally remembered where she heard that name from. The Air gang was the same group of thugs that her parents sold her to. She heard them say that the Air gang would give them a good amount of money if they sold her to them. That gang was the same gang that ruined her life. The same gang that sold her off to that horrible family.

That gang haas been the worst part of her childhood. The way they treated her back then...she didn't even want remember or even think about what happened to her in the hands of that horrible gang. If she manages to capture the gang's leader, she will finally get closure and even be known in cop history! This was it, the moment she has been waiting for her whole life right within her reach. As she thought of that, a slight glimmer of excitement shone in her eyes. She paid attention to the chief. Everyone also stopped talking and paid attention. "The gang has now become bigger and is not spreading towards the rest of the county's cities. No one has ever seen the leader of the gang's face so we predict that it might be something like this." He turned around and clicked a button on the remote and a picture appeared on the white sheet. Everyone gasped as they saw the picture. The face that appeared on the screen was very ugly. The man had a very wide and bulky chest, he had scars all over his face and he wore a very taunting smile on his face. "This is what we think the leader looks like." The chief said as he turned around. Lutherene nodded as she wore a serious expression. She leaned towards the intern next to her. "That's how I also picture a bloody gangster." She whispered into her ear and the intern nodded. When Rene looked at the gangster's face, a sickening feeling enveloped her body. Just thinking that that face belonged to the gangster that that sold her childhood made her feel very wierd. The chief continued talking. "Since most of the crime calls we are receiving in Dilpora are mostly about small matters like traffic and fire, we should take this opportunity to focus our attention to capturing the elusive gang. For this job we need only the best officers, interns, dogs and deputies. Who is chosen for this? We still have to decide that." He said and Rene's eyes shone like the stars in the dark sky. This was her chance to finally avenge her younger self. If she gets chosen, her dream will finally come true. "The person to make the decision on who will take part in the operation is non other than my son and most favoured officer, Bruce." He said and a young man entered the room. He had flourishing brown hair and a very attractive athlete's body. Rene noticed how all the other young female officers went gugu-gaga when they saw him. Was he the one who was supposed to chose who gets to participate in the mission?