
ok this... is pretty bad

This wasn't good, I was in a bed, other kids in other beds surrounded me. All labeled with a number And it smelt like dissefectent. 'Fuck' the crazy bitch got me and I know nothing of what happened to my parents or how she got into the house in general.

"WAKE UP TRAINEES"!! a booming voice shoated an order waking up the rest of the would be spartans.

Fuck these guys. They were shocking the kids who wouldn't wake up and they were about to reach me. like I would go down without a fight, that bitcy doctor Halsey dosent know what she brought in this hell hole.

The man went to hit me with the shocker but I kicked it out of his hand. My other foot went right into his throat stunning him for enough time that I could grab the batom and knock him out.

I looked around and counted 2 doors and 24 gaurds all around us.

I was stuck but I wasn't going down without a fight. I snuck underneath the bed and waited

"WHY ARE WE MISSING 1 TRAINEE?" yelled the cheif. All the men went running around looking under all the beds to try and find the rouge trainee.

While cheif Mendez made the kids do push ups intill i was found. I kinda felt bad but at the same time I'm not going through this shit. I'm already strong enough I don't even know what the augmentations will do to me.

But what I do know is that I'm not going down without a fight. I quickly punched the gaurds face who looked under my bed. I grabbed his head before he could yell out and slammed into the hard concrete. Everyone heard the splunch noise his head made and sprinted over but I had already had switched beds and climed in between its bedframes.

Cheif Mendez sighed because he finally realized who he was missing. The Spartan kid, he was basically one already so this wasn't Gonna be fun but he would help out if they needed it.

[Holder has deafeted 2 adults beat 8 more to get 3 level ups]

I looked at the notification with a smile, these dumb dumbs are gonna make me stronger.

The men were now in groups of 4 and kicking the beds over, the rest of the kids were almost passing out from exhaustion, I dropped down infront of a 2 groups of soldiers and attacked.

I knocked 2 out with the batons before they realized I was there. They than swiped their own at me, I used my batons to parry and kicked one in the stomach sending him into a bed.

another guy swung his baton at me, I quickly backflipped out of the way but one of the guys got a good punch on my ribs sending me to the side. I stood up to see all 3 of there batons almost touching me.

I put both of mine in an x formation blocking the 3. My arms were about to give out from the force they were applying so I put them down with as much speed as I could muster, than dodged the sparky demons coming towards me with a roll. Than I ran away, I knew more soldiers were going to come so I had to get out of the area as quickly as possible.

But than I saw 4 men blocking my exit to the other side of the beds. I turned to the left and right to see all of the men surrounding me.

'Shit' they were all closing in and I had knowhere to go accept right into the wall of men that were blocking me off.

I climbed up on the bed and yelled out "THIS IS FOR....SPARTAAAA!!!" It just sounded right at the moment and I jumped off clinging onto a man's head and swinging my knee into his head automatically knocking him out.

While his body fell I grabbed his baton and threw it at the guy to his right. The man went to hit the baton away but a second one sped right past him and hit him square in the stomach shocking him into unconsciousness

I than ran away from the rest of the men towards Cheif Mendez.

He obviously saw me because he looked straight at me but what he didn't see was another kid gearing up to also hit him.

I saw the kids tag and smiled, I had the master cheif on my side. I threw my baton at the spartan 1 but he hit it to the side with ease.

John went to trip the man but he saw him and kicked him in the ribs. Everyone heard a crack and a scream but that didn't stop John as he kicked Mendezes shin as hard as he could.

This did hurt the man but he didn't show it as he kicked John away.

I jumped over John and punched Mendez in the stomach. His face remained stoic as I looked him in the eyes with a burning fire of hatred. I know it wasn't his fault but they stole me from my parents and I wouldn't allow them to get away with it.

he sent a hand towards my face that I barley was able to react to as I ducked underneath it.

I sent a kick speeding towards his already bruised shin but he jumped over it and counterd with his own kick right into my face.

I got sent backwards and than ran. Mendez looked confused intill he checked his waist 'The bastard got the keyes' as he sprinted off towards my position.

I was using the beds to try and confuse him to which door I wanted to go but he kept on blocking me off.

I looked over to the rest of the men and saw they were tasked to watch over the kids as I weaved a punch that was about to hit my head.

I looked at the quest I had

[8 out of 10 gaurds knocked out] (dumbass learn how to count don't cheat like that)

I ignored the gods voice and sprawled underneath another bed dodging another one of Mendezes kicks.

I than crawled our underneath the bed and yelled out

"GRAB THERE LEGS" The kids immediately got what I was saying and went for all of the gaurds legs.

They all went to shock the kids but it gave me enough time to run over there and jump onto one of them.

I quickly knocked him out and grabbed his baton and threw it at 1 who was distracted.

This one hit than I picked up both kncoked out gaurds and threw them at there fellow comrads. Knocking down 4 gaurds I ran over and kicked them all into unconsciousness, I could have used the baton but this just made me feel a little bit better about this whole thing.

But than I felt a punch connect to my head.

"I was gonna easy on you to test you but you have proven you don't need me to do that" I heard a hardend voice speak to me through a muddled fog of what my mind was


"Hes simply insane, his strength,speed, stamina just everything is already almost spartan 1 categories"

We see her in a camera room monitoring young Jacob trying to gauge all of his attributes

"His cells grow from battle, its insane to even study and monitor without thinking your in a dream" she said with almost a scared tone.

But than all of his vitals started to increase steadily.

"Wait why is this happen- oh my God "MENDEZ KNOCK HIM OUT NOW"


Dr.Halseys voice echoed all through out the room but it was to late.

I smiled and mentally said '10 to strength and 10 to agility.'

I healed infront of everyone's eyes and my muscles bulged and went back to normal just a few moments later.

Dr. Halsey watched this with her normal faked emotion gone and with an ecstatic gleam in her eyes, she than quickly deleted all the footage from this particular day.

I sprung up and blasted off the ground towards Mendez. He blocked my punch but I sent a kick right at his head. He ducked but I had landed on the ground and sent and uppercut this time landing right on his chin with so much force it sent him flying up almost off the ground.

I sent a roundhouse right at his ribs and it landed but not on something soft. He had put his hands in the spot where the kick would have landed and grasped my ankle hard.

He pulled me up and slammed me into the ground. I let out a loud gasp and tried to twist out of the grasp with a roll but that only let him grab 1 of my arms. He pulled both appendages up and put his leg into my side.

He pulled hard

"AHHHH" I screamed as I felt my arm and leg almost get pulled out of there sockets and my 3 of my ribs crack.

I than with all of my will power pulled my arm in putting his arm right infornt of my face. I bit down with all the force I could.

Blood filled my mouth as I heard a grunt and my leg and arm be realesed.

I looked up at Mendez to see him holding his arm and looking at me with a cold gaze.

I sent one right back and if I saw correctly his lip almost twitched before he sent a kick right into my temple knocking me out.

His stats

Age : 6

level- 14

Race- Human

Str - 47

Agl- 43



Char - 18

Stat points - 12

Hope you guys like it