
The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

Follow Ezekiel's story as he finds himself being amongst the 100 as they are dropped Into a world ridden with danger and death looming at every corner. But luckily for Ezekiel he isn't sent with only the clothes on his back in this world but gifted a variant of one of the most powerful abilities or system as others might call it, The Gamer. [—Note: This will be an AU, with new threats, grounders being stronger then their canon counterparts and new elements in the mix without jeopardizing the whole 100 Series to make the world more difficult for the MC and everyone in general and to keep in interesting so the MC doesn't steamroll this entire world and so that I can tell a story.] [—Tags: Kingdom Building, Chaotic Neutral MC, Small amount of darkness, Smut here and there and the occasional bullshittery.] [Side-Note: The MC will not be a perfect individual, he will not be all-knowing and a know it all and will make mistakes and decisions that lack any good judgement at first, he is selfish and does most of what he does for the benefit of himself first and is untrustful at first of everyone due to his past, hopefully throughout the story I will be able to showcase a little complex personality where he grows as a person by understanding his feelings and logical thoughts in a way that his entire persona doesn't break from them mashing and disrupting each other.]

God_Of_DepravityX · 电视同人
52 Chs


By noon everything was getting together, I jumped from one project to another in rapid succession telling people what to do and how I wanted the buildings built like.

By the end I had upgraded the tents into working wooden huts which would be trap more heat then the tents.

The camp was cleaned of any broken twigs that blew over, luckily we had cut every tree within vicinity to our camp so none fell into it.

I had been currently putting some junk metal scraps into my crafthouse when Raven walked in.

" Ezekiel, the chancellor of the ark wants to have a word...." She said uneasily, ignoring that I walked alongside her as we dodged the busy bodies of the camp and into one of the first to be completed wooden huts.

Entering through the door less hut Clarke was currently seated in a chair, monitor connected to the radio for visual feed showing Jaha as Clarke talked to him.

" Chancellor, he's here." Clarke said seeing me arrive, she got off the chair and gave me the earphones attached with a mic and I sat down.

" This is Ezekiel, what do you want Jaha?" I immediately said, making my voice as emotionless as possible which wasn't as hard as I remembered.

" That's is chancellor Jaha to you!" Squealed out a woman's voice.

" Let's not start arguing over tittles, you are Ezekiel right?" He asked amicably with a smile.

" That's what my momma named me, so yeah what do you want?" I asked once more.

" I have an inkling that you don't like me very much..." He said looking at me through the monitor.

" Jaha most of the 100 you exiled and sent to earth to die don't like you, but that's not here or there right now so speak; I am a busy man you see, with trying to keep us alive that is." I said putting an edge to my voice which worked incredibly to unnerve the man but the squeals of that woman who is probably one of the council members just increased in volume.

" Yes, Clarke had told me of your exploits and achievements in not only keeping them alive but teaching them how to survive there...." He said probably trying play at my ego." But I called you here to tell us of your situation on the ground."

Scoffing I opened my mouth and said." The ground is a beautiful death trap, it always was but nature having reclaimed it's land it's even worse, grounders are at every corner spying on us and trying to keep the others alive and capable enough to fight if push comes to shove isn't so easy, but other then that everything is peachy Mr Jaha man." I made sure to put as much sarcasm as I could, this seemed to have worked seeing as how Raven snorted before collecting herself.

" Ah yes, the grounders, have you had any contact with them yet?" He asked ignoring the screeches of his council woman.

" Twice, one when they speared Jasper through the chest, the second time yesterday when they tried to kill 5 of my hunters but they manages to kill two before retreating back to camp with some injuries." I told him, with luck they'd actually gain some understanding of the ground before they fell.

" And the grounders, what are their weopons like, their fighting styles or tactics?" Came the voice of Kane.

" They have only initiated guerrilla like tactics, hitting and hiding while bombarding their enemies with arrows, they also have spears they like throwing at us and by one of my hunters reports they also use swords and axes to fight." I informed them.

" I see, have you tried going to Mt Weather again after last time?" Kane asked.

" No, too dangerous as the road leading to there is grounder territory so we've been taking care of ourselves." I told him.

" Mmmm and what of winter, how are you gonna prepare for it?" Asked Kane.

" I've already thought of that, I've had some of the 100 tan hide for blankets and possibly clothes, smoked meat for preservation and have had hunters hunt as much game as possible and I'm going to take a team towards an military aid depot not far from here to see where anything survived the nuclear attacks, but mostly to find Weapon's that would help give us an edge against the grounders." I told them in rapid succession.

" Impressive, we had just found a file on that depot to give it to you but it seems that wasn't needed." Said Jaha.

" Sir, I don't think giving weapons to children is such a wise idea, who knows what harm they'll cause themselves?" Came the voice of one Diana, the lady who led to the exodus dropship coup or something and ended up dead for it.

" I would think that Ezekiel here will be able to safely use them, plus if we don't give them every chance they can get to fight back the grounders before we drop down they'll be killed" Jaha said.

At this point I just tuned them out as I simply thought of what to do next on my part.

" I'd like a moment with Clarke alone please." He said pulling me out of my thoughts as I focused back at the man before standing and giving back the equipment to clarke." And I know that there's a line of parents waiting to talk to their kids so I won't be long."

" Call me back if anything needs me." I told her and walked out, back to work, those buildings weren't gonna fix themselves after all.


It was just afternoon when everything needed to be built was up and ready for use, with more then 50+ people working on building something it didn't take long to complete it.

And currently I was in my crafthouse, I was checking out the furnace and low and behold it worked, I fuelled it with dry logs and set it up by throwing in some scrap iron for smelting.

It took a bit from me using a bellow I made to make the flames hot enough to melt the iron but I did it.

' Now, time to make some fucking weopons!' I thought grinning before I threw myself at the forge and its promises of the craft with reckless abandon.