
The Gamer's Arsenal

Synopsis: Getting the [Boosted Gear] is expected for Issei. What if he gained it a month early and another one as well? Let the Games Begin. ◤K◢◤o◢◤-◢◤f◢◤i◢ ⸻ Did you like what you read? Support me on Ko-fi, where you can find advanced content! ⸻ The novel is available in PDF, visit the Ko-fi store. ⸻ https://ko-fi.com/sunflowers_fic

Sunnn_ · 漫画同人
91 Chs

Chapter 79

Fortunately, the first two skills it possessed, [Self-Forging] and [Weak Durability Regeneration], helped to mitigate that weakness a bit. The first allowed it to level up like he could, which meant that eventually it would get stronger, while the second regenerated Durability…very slowly, at a rate of 1 DP per five minutes. That one would level up as the [Sapphire Blade] itself did…or so Issei hoped.

The third ability that the blade had allowed it to 100% generate a new skill at Level 5 and every five levels after that, with a 5% chance of getting a new skill with every level the blade gained as well. That meant that if the roulette landed on that 5% every time, Issei could have a sword with a hundred more skills.

Of course, the likelihood of that actually happening was slim to none, as Issei was pragmatic about the fact that his LUK stat was seriously screwed up to the point that not even the [Gamer's Gear] was able to quantify it as a number.

The first thing Issei looked for once he had finished absorbing all of that was a way to possibly upgrade the sword's Durability from its pathetic and paltry twenty points. He found good and bad news. On the good side, he could do it, but on the bad side, he was limited in what he could purchase based on the level of his [Sapphire Blade]. At its current level of zero, he could purchase, for five-hundred Yen, a +30 Durability upgrade… and that was it.

He wasn't about to say no to even so meagre an upgrade as this, so purchase it he did. Now that it had fifty Durability Points, it would, hopefully, be less likely to shatter when he needed it. That reminded him, if a Sacred Gear was destroyed, would it regenerate? Something to ask the Devils the next time he saw them.

Dismissing both the [Sapphire Blade] and the [Gamer's Gear] along with it, Issei headed off to have a nice relaxing bath before he turned in. After the day he'd just had, he deserved it.


Issei's Dreamscape "Whoa!" Issei yelped as he was once more surrounded by fire.

[Yo, partner.] Ddraig rumbled as he loomed over Issei. [Been a while.]

"D-Ddraig? How … oh, dreamscape visit, right?" the boy calmed down as he assessed the situation.

[Yup. I would have talked with you on the actual day that you became level 15, but you taking the Rare Candies messed the system up a bit, somehow.] The Welsh Dragon said as he tapped one enormous talon on the flame-covered ground. [It took this long for the stupid error to resolve itself. Anyway, I was watching as you fought that insane little crow, Armârôs. You got very lucky.] "Yeah, I did … embarrassingly admitted with a sigh.



[Part of that is because you have been underusing the [Boosted Gear], you know.] The dragon looked down at him reprovingly. [At higher levels, it shouldn't make you physically weak after the [Reset] command is issued.]

"Wait, how-?"

[You may be the main wielder of the [Gamer's Gear], but I have discovered that I can summon it by myself as well.] Ddraig explained, demonstrating as his right foreleg became blue. [I can also see what the future forms of all the skills I have and can grant you look like. In the case of the [Boost!] skill, you should be able to use it without worrying about the [Weakness] condition setting in when it is at Level 10.]

"Huh…that's useful to know." Issei nodded. "I've kinda been keeping my usage of the [Boosted Gear] down because the local devils seem to be able to track me down whenever I go and raid a dungeon. The last thing I want is to expose ALL of my secrets to them."

The massive dragon blinked. [That is actually a far better and more forward-thinking reason than I would have given you credit for, Partner, and a fair point. Still, you do realise that you could just buy a magic concealing trinket using the [Gamer's Store]?] The Welsh Dragon pointed out with one scaly eyebrow raised pointedly.

Issei opened his mouth, shut it and stared into space for a moment before hitting his forehead with the heel of one hand. "Dammit! Now I know how Gremory-sempai felt at the shrine a while back! Talk about feeling stupid!"

Ddraig chortled. [You really are entertaining to watch, partner. You can also buy something called a [Base Core] there, which would let you build a base wherever you want. I agree with your thoughts regarding those warrens that the ratmen used; too infested with Warpstone to risk trying to turn into a proper lair. No self-respecting dragon would call a place so tainted home.]

This time, Issei felt his overreaching stupidity warranted an all-out facepalm, much to Ddraig's amusement. He really needed to take a long, hard look at the [Gamer's Store] and see exactly what it offered beyond spellbooks, if only to avoid feeling like such a dim-witted heel again.

Once he got over that, he opened the [Gamer's Store] and searched for the two items that Ddraig had pointed out. When searching for something to conceal him from the devils, Issei made sure to include specifying that it had to block not only magical and spiritual tracking, but also chi and something called T ō ki that he'd found referenced in a few items he'd skimmed.

"Hmmm … no … no … ah-ha!" Issei smirked triumphantly. "Here we go! The [Aegis of Isis], a cloak, although it calls it a mantle, designed to ensure that any and all methods of magical, spiritual and martial tracking are rebuffed from the wearer and that conceals the signs of the former emitting from the wearer….huh… it says 'ineffective to equip for anyone over Level 50…so I'll have to find something better once my level gets that high then. Sold."

The [Base Core] was very expensive…as in it would take every single Yen that Issei had left after purchasing the [Aegis] to buy it, but it would be so, so worth it to complete the quest from Ddraig. Plus, money wasn't exactly much of a worry for him now that he could just find and raid a dungeon whenever he needed some cash.

As he bought it, Ddraig nodded approvingly. [Make sure you choose where to site it well, Partner. I don't suppose there are any mountains or anything nearby, are there?]

"I…yes, there is, although they're more like hills with pretentions." The Sekiry ū tei answered with a blink. "It's just about half an hour away if I walk, so I could go tomorrow if you want? It's a weekend, after all."

[I'll take what I can get.] Ddraig rumbled. [It would be most appreciated if you could do so, partner. Also…]

"Yes?" Issei blinked.

[I have another quest for you, one that you must accept.] The Welsh Dragon stated firmly.

[Quest Alert!]

Challenge of the Welsh Dragon: Ddraig wishes for you to both further master the [Boosted Gear] and to learn better hand-to-hand combat skills. Complete his objectives and receive rewards!

Quest Objective 1: Raise the [Boost!] Skill to Level 10.

Quest Objective 2: Raise [Hand-to Hand Combat Mastery] to Level 10.

Bonus Objective: Clear an entire dungeon while only using the [Boosted Gear] and your fists!

Quest Failure: If you die before completing them.

Quest Objective 1 Reward: ¥10,000, +4000 EXP, +5 AP Quest Objective 2 Reward: ¥10,000, +4000 EXP, +5 AP, [Hand-to-Hand Talent] Skill Book.

Bonus Quest Objective Reward: [Fist of Fury] skill, [Ten-Kick Combo] Skill, [Iron Fist] skill, Title: [Fist and Man as One]

This Quest cannot be declined, and is thus auto-accepted.


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