
The Fox's Lament

what happens when you fall in love with a mystical being?

Ryanna_Jasmine · 奇幻
36 Chs


Mother told me stories about marriage being a hell, a hell no one could escape from. I saw it to believe it, of how my father would treat us like dirt. He made me believe that all men would be like him. Cold creatures that had no heart or sympathy, and when I watched my mother die in my arms as he simply watched and walked off to bed like nothing had happened, I swore I would kill him myself. I would have done it, if my mother hadn't caught my hand and shook her head and said, 'It's not time yet.'

I watched the maids I had known for years, leave me in peace in my gown, that I dreaded. I didn't blame them and was glad that they at least gave me some space. Light came in through the windows, not from the normal colors of the skies, it was earth's light. Sunlight. She heard cheering, probably from the guests arriving, but it was continuous. The sun deity, he was here. She could feel it.

"Your grace." She heard a voice from the door call out to her, and she looked back at them, when they signaled her out. Show time, she thought. As she walked out of the room, she tried to be positive, that she would grow to adapt to her new husband, that she would do her best not to disappoint her ancestors. She would fulfill her duty and be committed to it fully. To make her people and mostly her mother proud. She walked down the steps leading to the alter. Only a little further, she thought and had to bear millions of eyes on her.

When she walked up, she saw the man she was to marry, by the altar, covered in a black veil. At first, she wanted to stop, but she couldn't not with the weight she was carrying on her shoulders. She walked up completely, and the man took her hand in his and she gasped. It was cold and so very familiar to her.

"Happy birthday, Nikita." Kingsley's voice rang in her ears, and she looked at him with confused eyes. When he took off his veil, the crowd cheered despite the fact that there a human in their realm, what was this?

"How...When did...Why are you here? I mean here?!!!!!" She exclaimed, and he pulled her closer to him and his smile reached his eyes as he looked at her.

"It really wasn't my intention to be here at first. But I'm glad I could see you again, you were just going to marry some bastard just like that?" He asked and she laughed at the amusement in his voice.

"It was my fate; I don't have the power to change it. But Kingsley, I know that it's a little late, but I need to tell you something." He shook his head and lifted her chin for her lips to meet his, and she kissed him back as warm tears trailed down her cheeks.

"What do you need to tell me?" He asked and she sniffed lightly before looking into his eyes. These thoughts of him that had made her heart ache, the dreams she would have of him and the chill she got when she thought that he wasn't safe. This couldn't be anything else, it would never be anything else.

"Kingsley, I.... I love you. I'm sorry it took so long to understand, but I do, I love you so much without even realizing it." She said and he hugged her tight against him.

"I am so happy to finally hear you say it." He said and the people watching cheered even louder as they faced, the sky and the couple did the same, seeing the missing bodies of the heavens, one sun and one moon. But that happiness was short lived when they heard the voice of the King booming.

"I told you to make sure my daughter's wedding was stopped, and yet you pose yourself as the groom instead?! You disobeyed me!" Kingsley looked around at the silent crowd and wrapped an arm around Nikita's arm.

"Yes, so what? There was no way you were expecting me to crash my own wedding did you now?" Kingsley asked and the man's face grew hot.

"Ezra, arrest him and put him in exile or better yet off with his head." The guards didn't move and neither did they look to the King's direction. "Are you deaf? I have given you an order."

"Sorry to disappoint your majesty but you have no right to that anymore, you are no longer our ruler, we have our deities back. My Lady and Lord what shall we do with him?" Ezra asked and Nikita's heart jumped.

"Love, this seems like a personal matter. As much as I want my shoe up his ass, I will let you handle this one." Kingsley said and Nikita nodded.

"As much as I used to consider you a father, I cannot let you run from this. I watched you kill my mother with all your pleasure and banish me like I had committed such a huge crime. Let it be known today that it is no more. You will pay for your crimes according to the customs of our people. Ezra, get it done for me, will you?" Nikita said and the King shouted.

"You dare treat your own father like this?! I raised you; I gave you everything-"

"Ezra, please take him away before my head pounds from his obnoxious screaming. Thank you." Kingsley said and they did just that leaving it a happy occasion as it should have been.

"So, what do you want to do now my queen?" Kingsley asked as they exited the altar.

"Take me home, back on earth. I just want to go home. I have missed you so much." Nikita said and Kingsley kissed her brow.

"As you wish. That's more than I could ask for." Kingsley said as they continued to walk away.