
Chapter 281

Rose didn't feel any better the next day as it was nearing noon yet there wasn't any sign of Zayne. The weather started to get better but she refused to let Catherine go to the palace alone to speak to Gage. Instead, Rose sent two guards who were willing to send a message to the king.

Rose was back by the front to wait for when the message would return or if Zayne would return before it. Before she had been trying to stay calm and not think of anyone but now she was angry with herself and angry with the king. Zayne shouldn't have left when he didn't want to.

"Would you like a cup of water, Lady Hamilton? Miss Catherine is writing a letter to her daughter to see if she is safe," Krystle informed Rose.

"You have offered me plenty of water already. I know you are worried about me but I am not the one who needs your concern. I am fine," Rose promised. She lost count of how many times she told everyone she was well.