
Chapter 25

"Then keep this room tidy. It is my price so you don't get to judge it. You'll be saving a maid or a soldier from having to come in here to clean."

Rose thought it was too little but it was better than nothing. She had already wiped up the water that split when she bathed and hung up what she used to wipe it up with. Though she might lack proper training, she knew how to make a good guest.

"I shall do that," Rose answered, satisfied that this wasn't free. "My money-"

"-Is not needed," Zayne finished. "I have plenty of it so I don't need what you have."

"I'm sure that my money cannot compare to what you have, but it is plenty in my eyes. More than what I had at one point to now consider myself somewhat rich. I won't ask you to take my money anymore since we've agreed on cleaning. I do not mean to be rude but is that all?" Rose asked as she didn't see any reason for them to still be here speaking.

Before Zayne could answer, Rose was startled by the sound of music and laughter. Night was coming upon the town and just like at the brothel, there was loud music here. She had grown accustomed to the music meaning that customers were coming inside so the women had to entertain.

"Rose, it is just a feast outside. It is why there is so much meat. After spending so many days out on a boat, I thought my soldiers were deserving of it. I cannot ask them to stop the music just for you," Zayne said as it was unreasonable.

Rose relaxed as she remembered that she was not in the brothel. "You do not need to. I'm sorry. It's just hard not to react to something that triggers the memories of the brothel filling up. Then, as their general, you should be there enjoying the feast as well."

"I don't enjoy being around a lot of drunkards. I am going to get my dinner and then retire to bed. Remember, lock the door and do not leave this room. Why are you pouting?" Zayne asked.

"Because you have told me this many times. I know to be careful. I wouldn't sneak around here to find myself in trouble," Rose answered.

Only an idiot would take it upon themselves to wander around somewhere they were unfamiliar with. Especially when they were surrounded by soldiers from another land.

Trying to sneak around now would only cause trouble for Zayne. 

"I don't know if I could trust you since I found you sneaking around twice. Once with a knife and the second time setting fire to a storage room. I have my doubts about leaving you alone. Maybe I should take back the knife and move anything that could start a fire," Zayne said, pretending to move forward like he would inspect the room.

"You have nothing to worry about. I only snuck out because I needed water and the second time, someone tried to… I had my reasons then. I don't have a reason to sneak around now. I am not curious about what you are doing around here," Rose replied.

"Very well. Go inside and lock the door. I will have someone come wake you and give you another dress in the morning," Zayne said, taking a step back for the door to be closed.

Rose was puzzled by the need for another dress when this one was just given to her and the one she wore here was already dried. "I have this one and the one I wore before is already dry. I don't need another."

"You want to walk around wearing a dress Graham must have seen you in before? Should he cross paths with you, don't you think he would recognise it?"

Rose hadn't thought about that. "Oh, but I planned to get far away so he doesn't see me. It is not the best dress but it shouldn't be thrown away now. I will keep it for now. Good night," she said, ready to retire to bed.

"Zayne. My name is Zayne. I have been referring to you as Rose, it is only fair that you say my name. No harm would fall on you for saying it. Go on," Zayne urged her.

Rose found Zayne to be strange, but it was fair as he said. "Good night Zayne."

Rose closed the door after saying goodbye. She had much to eat and then needed to get some rest since she had a long couple of days before her.

The next day, Rose woke up early to be ready for when Zayne had to depart. She ignored the attention she received as she was led to the front doors where a carriage awaited her. The sun was not yet all the way high in the sky and it was a little dark for someone to not make her out as she stood by the door.

Lucy stood behind Rose with her arms crossed. She was alerted by one of the maids about Rose still being present and had to come see it for herself. The deal was for Rose to rest up yesterday and then leave so why was she still seeing Rose here and why was Zayne's carriage out front?

It looked like only Zayne and Rose were going together. While Zayne could protect himself, he should travel with a guard.

"Whatever you have to say, don't," Zayne spoke as he passed Lucy. It was too early in the day for him to put up with her nonsense. 

When Zayne stepped outside, it didn't come as a surprise to see Rose looking around his carriage like it was some strange object. The carriage was the only reason she stayed behind last night. "It is much better when you get inside."

Rose moved her hand away from the carriage door she was about to touch. "I thought it was best to wait for you. It is your carriage," Rose said, moving to make space for him.

"I see. It is time that we move," Zayne said, opening the door and holding it for Rose to go first. Zayne realised just how patient he had to be due to Rose not moving. "Wasn't it the agreement for you to join me in the carriage?"

"It was," Rose answered.

"Then why aren't you moving when the door is open?"

"You are to enter first. Are you not?" Rose asked, once more confused. That was always how she saw it. It was wrong for her to enter first. She had seen women scolded when they did it. "Am I to hold it for you?"

Rose placed her hand above Zayne's to hold it open for him. She didn't know how this was to go since she had only watched the other women send off customers or leave with them to return later. The men always went first.

Rose smiled as the women did then mistaking this for the reason Zayne wasn't pleased to enter the carriage. She didn't have anyone to ask how to do this right.

"Rose, I am holding the door open for you to enter first. Honestly, how am I to let you leave when you know nothing of the world?" Zayne wondered. 

She must have been in the brothel as a child to not know simple things.